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Reviewed and Revised by ERM CommitteeYES
Revision DateOctober 29, 2019

Table of Contents

Network Zone


These are the steps for the CO



Locate electronic collection in the CZ:

Figure 1 Searched for electronic collection Electronic Collection Ageline in the CZ -picked the EBSCO EBSCOhost interface

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Figure 2 Database ordered from CZ now active in NZ -not shared yet. Appears greyed out -means it has a suppressed Descriptive (bib) record


Figure 3 Now shared by libraries in the NZ.  Still shows as suppressed but the database is considered active.


Figure 4 Ageline is ready to be ordered. Subscribed libraries can order the A&I. (This is for the CO/SDLC)


Library Section: Steps for libraries

Network Zone –Steps for the library:Start in the Network Zone 

Figure 5  Search for the A&I Electronic Collection in the Network tab

Figure 6  Search for the A&I database in the Electronic Collection search results.  It is shared by Fresno and San Jose. Can Database E-collection can be ordered by the libraries sharing the A&I database, similar to Opt-in full-text ordering procedures *Descriptive Record

Click on the Order link to order the database from the NZ.

(Descriptive Records in the NZ can be linked to the IZ if a library wants to display a link to the resource in Primo (see Figures 7-10).) *Descriptive record will remain suppressed Stop here with this step (figured 6) if the library wants to order the A&I but not display a link in Primo.

Descriptive records for ECC and Opt-in e-collections (full text or A&I) will remain suppressed (greyed-out) in the NZ.


7 Screen after clicking on Adding a URL to display the record in Primo (Optional):

Figure 7 After Ordering, search for the Descriptive Record linkin the NZ. Click on the “Link” button to link the bib record to the IZImage RemovedImage Removedthe name of the Collection, in the example, Click on AGELINE. A bib record should open up after clicking on the name of the collection.

Click on the Link button

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Figure 8.   Note  A note appears that the "Item was linked to the local institution" and the Link button disappears.  Now go to the IZ tab and search for the record.


Figure 9.  To locate the bib record for the A&I in the IZ, do All Titles search in the IZ for resource in the Institution tab

Now the a local portfolio with the URL to the resource can be added using the Add Local Portfolio procedures.  

Now a URL can be added to the record by adding a Local Portfolio to this IZ record. When adding the URL, remember the name of the record that was added to the IZ.

Close the record and now go to Add Local Portfolio under Resources.


*To add the URL to bib record to display in Primo: follow


procedures for adding Local Portfolio to ths bib record for the A&I.

Adding a Local Portfolio

  • Add a local portfolio and choose Use existing title. (Under Resources > Create Inventory > Add Local Portfolio)
  • Search for the collection-level record in the IZ that was created when the Link button was clicked.
  • Enter in URL of the database. 
  • Save the new record. 

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Figure 10 Now there is a Local Portfolio with the URL to the resource that will appear in Primo.  Linked to the Descriptive (bib) record in the IZ.

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Now there is a POL for the NZ Database-only e-collection and separate record in the IZ for the URL that will appear in Primo.  Both records are maintained in the IZ.

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