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Area coveredERM
Lead Author
Co-authorsGreg Yorba

Table of Contents


The California State University (CSU) Libraries acquire electronic resources in a variety of ways.  Some are centrally paid for by the Chancellor’s Office (CO), while others are purchased directly by individual libraries.  Currently, the CO maintains Electronic Core Collection (ECC) and the Systemwide Digital Library Content (SDLC) Opt-in resources in the CO instance in SFX, while each campus maintains local resources in their SFX instance.  Resources in the local instance are activated in the appropriate SFX targets.  Local acquisitions, licensing and e-resource management are managed by the Institution (local library).  This document reflects Model One: Local Only and addresses the best practices in the Institution Zone (IZ) and .  It is not intended to be used for shared acquisitions.

Policy Statement

This document provides best practices and procedures for selecting and activating new e-Resource that are a centrally ordered resource provided by SDLC (Opt-in) or negotiated by the individual Institution.  This document also includes best practices and procedures for activating an e-Resource in the Institution Resources in the Institution Zone (IZ) as it relates to Model 1: Local Only These resources will continue to be locally acquired, licensed, and managed by the individual libraries.  This policy does not include detailed steps for acquisitions or ordering.  Please Note:  E-Books and Media will have a different policy.  

Best practice recommendations


Model 1:  Local Institution: These are e-journal collections or databases that the Institution subscribes to directly.  More than one Institution in the CSU may subscribe to a specific collection.

  •  New e-Resource Acquisition:  
    • Recommended Ordering Procedure:   
      • Use Electronic Collection search option in Alma to locate the best matching e-resource title.  Search query help can be found in Helpful Alma Repository Search Queries
      • Search the IZ to make sure you don’t already have the e-resource ordered/activated
      • Search and Order on bibliographic record in NZ.  PLEASE NOTE: Before ordering a new e-resource from the NZ, it is important to check if it is an ECC or an Opt-in resource.
      • If no record exists in NZ, order on record in Community Zone (CZ)
      • If no record exists in CZ, then search and import record from an external source (OCLC/Worldcat)
      • License and payment are at the individual Institution level
  • If a library has a subscription outside of the ECC or an Opt-in subscription from the same vendor for the same e-resource but with different portfolios, share the e-resource in the NZ and activate the same e-resource in the IZ.  
    • The IZ e-resource would only include those portfolios subscribed to outside of the SDLC negotiated subscription.  The same e-resource would be active in both the NZ and IZ but with different portfolios.
      • An example would be if a library subscribes to the central Opt-in e-resource, Sage Premier 2014, but has a locally negotiated package with the vendor for portfolios (e.g. Sage Complete package) not included in the centrally negotiated title list.  The portfolios negotiated outside of the central subscription would be activated in the IZ.
  • Use list of titles supplied by the vendor, manually activate, or upload an excel spreadsheet to create file for import into Alma to activate and update portfolios included in the subscription. 
    • Only need title list if subscription is a partial list of what is available from the vendor for the specific selective package in Alma (e.g. Ovid Journals, Highwire Press, Allen Press, etc.).  

Procedures in Alma

1)  Acquiring New e-Resources - Please refer to ULMS Acquisitions Policies & Procedures :


Action log

SectionPoint Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action takenNext action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)


8/23/2016- ERM Task Force discussed the ERM policy and procedures outline and assign a policy to a task force member. Jessica assigned the policy and procedures for shared resources in Alma.

Draft for Shared Resources due September 30th. Send draft to Tech Service Working Group Leads

Rough Draft for Shared Resource policies and procedures

Michelle Swadish (Unlicensed)


9/30/16-rough draft completed

ERM Task Force meet to discuss rough draft of policies and see if there is any feedback from the Working Group Leads


 ERM Task Force met to discuss policies and procedures

Send rough drafts of policies to Tech Services-discuss policies in Open Forum. Ask for feedback from working group.


 Link to the drafts were sent out to the Tech Services Working Group

ERM Task Force will go over the feedback received from the ULMS Team and the Tech Services Working Group. Meet with other TS Working Groups to discuss overlap of policies and procedures. ERM Task Force will meet  

Final "live" Draft for Shared Resources is due


ERM Task Force meet to discuss final drafts of polices and see if any feedback from the Working Group Leads


Tasks to be completed

  •  Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date