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Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee 

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This relates to the management of electronic resources for each CSU IZ using Model 1 (the local acquisition, licensing and e-resource management by the individual libraries). The openURL, proxy, and Discovery Interface Display Logic are driving forces behind display and access of electronic resources.  It is essential to have recommendations and best practices that allow us to customize and maximize the system for the benefit of staff and library users.


  • Alma's UResolver complies with 0.1 and 1.0 OpenURL (Sept 2016).  The goal of the Alma Link Resolver is to provide patrons access to electronic resources that they have identified using OpenURL-compliant discovery tools such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Primo, etc.
  • As a link resolver, Alma provides services for searches performed in sources other than Alma. Alma’s link resolver uses the Services Page view (which is defined in Primo) in order to display these services.
  • The Link Resolver Base URL consists of the following parameters:  http://<primo_fe_server_url:port>/openurl/<primo_institution_code>/<primo_services_page_view_code.  Note:  We do not use a "port" in our URL syntax. To get your base URL,  go to the Primo Back Office and navigate to Primo Home>Ongoing Configuration Wizards>Institution WizardCopy and paste the Services Page URL.   This same URL is also available in Alma by navigating to General Config menu > General Config > Other settings > Primo service page url
  • The Alma resolver augmentation function is a component of the Alma Link Resolver process that enhances OpenURL metadata with DOI, OAI, and PubMed informationWe recommend that you implement this, a one time only task.  Look under General Configuration > Integration Profiles > Add Integration ProfileNoteAsk Jessica at CO for CrossRef details
  • Alma supports the ability to check the validity of the full-text URL before presenting it to the end user through the View It services menu. This functionality is only available for EBSCOhost – The EBSCO Link Resolver Plugin.  In an NZ environment, the Link Resolver Plugin integration profile must be created for the network institution and for all the member institutions.  We recommend that you agree to let Jessica implement this plugin for you.
  • If you need to provide an openURL when submitting support cases, this Ex Libris document (How to Extract OpenURL) explains how to extract an openURL from Primo, Alma and Google Scholar.


An institution cannot define display logic rules based on shared collections in the NZ. [An enhancement was submitted by Jessica at the Chancellor Office; Sept 2016; see ERM known issues.  In April 2017, Stacy at CSU SB submitted an IZ/NZ Display Logic idea to the Idea Exchange. Please consider voting.] FYI, rules that are enabled at the campus level (based on IP ranges) override all electronic display logic rules enabled at the institution level.  Probably not applicable to CSU.  Patron purchase requests is a service exposed from Alma to Primo. This service is initially hidden from users by default with the rule Hide Service Purchase Request.


Integration profiles list page can be found:  Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles, click Add Integration Profile.
