Blog from December, 2019

As we head into 2020, here is the latest from the ScholarWorks project.

Vendor RFP

We wrapped up the ScholarWorks RFP on November 15. The RFP invited vendors to develop several critical features for ScholarWorks, as well as provide second-tier support for the new system.  We intend to award the contract to a San Diego-based firm called Notch8, a well-respected vendor within the Samvera community.

The Chancellor’s Office has been working with Notch8 the past few weeks to finalize a contract, including fleshing out timelines for the various development tasks.  We expect the contract to be signed early in the new year, with support from Notch8 starting in February. We’ll be updating the above page with timelines and other project details as we have them.


We have now selected and seated 17 members for the new Digital Repositories Committee.  Here are the names of the inaugural members:

Steering Committee

  • Carmen Mitchell, San Marcos, Chair

  • Patrick Newell, Chico, ScholComm chair, serving as liaison to COLD

  • Two working group chairs:

    • Elyse Fox, Sacramento, Chair of the Metadata Working Group (2 years)

    • Stephen Kutay, Northridge, Chair of the Digital Archives Working Group (2 years)

  • Three at-large members from CSU libraries

    • Elizabeth Altman, Northridge (1 year)

    • Mark Bilby, Fullerton (2 years)

    • Lana Wood, East Bay (2 years)

  • David Walker, Chancellor’s Office – ex-officio

  • Kevin Cloud, Chancellor’s Office – ex-officio

Here are the members of the working groups:

Metadata Working Group

  • Elyse Fox, Sacramento, Chair

  • Brianne Hagen, Humboldt (2 years)

  • Nicole Shibata, Northridge (1 year)

  • Lia Ryland, San Francisco (1 year) 

Digital Archives Working Group

  • Stephen Kutay, Northridge, Chair (2 years)

  • Alyssa Loera, Cal Poly Pomona (2 years)

  • Beth Blackwood, Channel Islands (1 year)

  • Erik Beck, Sacramento (2 years)

  • Michael Howser, San Diego (1 year)

  • Tanya Hollis, San Francisco (1 year)

The steering committee had its inaugural meeting on December 17.  We expect the two working groups will begin their work in earnest in the new year.


We’ve now developed a new process for provisioning and managing stand-alone OJS instances for journals that require a bit more flexibility than our shared OJS instance can currently provide.  This approach will allow us to more easily scale to large numbers of hosted journals, provide separate data back-ups for each journal, and will afford us greater flexibility in moving journals from our sandbox environment to production.

Anyone interested in a centrally-hosted journal should feel free to reach out to David.