Blog from June, 2019

Now that the initial implementation tasks for the new ScholarWorks are mostly complete, we’re transitioning to the next phases of the project, which will include training, ongoing configuration, and data migration. June focused on preparations for those tasks. Here’s the latest:


On June 27 we had the first training session for all campuses. The training provided a basic introduction to the end-user interface and an overview of the dashboard, collections, and embargos. A recording is available for those who couldn’t make it. We’ll also be holding a repeat session on July 11.

Campus staff now have logins for the demo system, which will serve as a sandbox and training site that they can use to become more familiar with the new ScholarWorks and test different configuration options ahead of using the production system.

Metadata & data migration

The Metadata Task Force was busy this month undertaking a second review of the metadata schemas and ensuring that all of the recommendations have been implemented correctly in ScholarWorks, including required fields, form controls, and controlled vocabularies.

While we are eager to finalize this initial metadata work as quickly as possible so that we can begin the migration of historical data from DSpace and other systems to the new production ScholarWorks, we also understand that some campuses will be looking at metadata issues with fresh eyes now that they have started using the new system, and thus may have some late requests for changes.

To that end, we have pushed back the start of the production data migration by two weeks – to mid-July – to give campuses and the Metadata Task Force extra time to provide feedback and approve changes. The calendar has been updated accordingly. Given the extended timelines for the data migration phase of the project – we are projecting that it will take 12 months – this small delay won’t have a significant impact on the overall timelines for the project, and should allow us better accommodate campuses who plan to use the production system ahead of the data migrations.

Kevin has been busy prepping both DSpace and the production Hyrax system for the final migrations.

Workflow configuration

Now that the last few campuses have completed their set-up for authentication, we’re turning our attention to configuring ScholarWorks to ensure that user groups have the correct authorizations, and that each campus is configured with the necessary workflows.

Hyrax comes out-of-the-box with two submission workflows: (a) a single-step, unmediated workflow, and (b) a two-step, mediated workflow. Kevin has been working on developing a three-step, mediated workflow, principally to support use cases where an outside department, such as graduate studies, needs to approve a submission before it comes back to the library.

New design & accessibility

The new interface design is now in production. We’re still working on some of the last pieces of the new design, including incorporating campus branding. Thanks to the campus project managers for getting us their preferred campus logos. You can see the latest UI work on the demo site.

The UI task force is now completing the last component of its charge: accessibility documentation. The bulk of that work will involve filling out a VPAT and roadmap for ScholarWorks. The task force has conducted some background research by examining VPATs for similar applications, and will begin writing up the necessary documentation in July.