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Impact of Problem

Expected Outcome

EXL Points



Resource Management

Suppressing individual item records from Primo display

We would like the ability to suppress records from Primo at the item level. Current workarounds, including creating suppressed holdings and moving items to those holdings to suppress, require extra work and maintenance. In addition, for serials, having some items on a suppressed holding and some on a displayed holding makes it harder to locate a specific volume when searching in Alma.  We need to be able to: 1) suppress individual item records without having to change the location; 2) suppress a Set of item records via a Job; and 3) suppress a group of item records via an API command.  (see

  1. Some of our titles have many items attached that we want to retain for record-keeping purposes, but that are confusing to patrons. This is particularly true for government documents. We must maintain an item level history of everything we receive from the FDLP program, but suppressing specific items from Primo and relying on summary holdings would make things simpler for patrons. 2. Sometimes dummy items are used during the binding process, and it would be good to suppress those from Primo. 3. For some series, the volume numbering begins with whatever volume was first checked in after we migrated to Voyager. This data was later moved to Alma, but volumes predating those are not reflected in Primo item lists, even though we own them. 4. Being able to suppress individual items would give us more flexibility when dealing with analyzed titles. 5. Some libraries would rather not have patrons see items until they are fully processed and on the shelves. 6. This option would be useful for libraries that want to use a single “dummy” item which patrons can use for requesting journals.


Add a new indication to Physical Item form
Add it to item list
Take it into consideration in the availability calculation
Show it in the physical item search result
Ability to search by this indication in the physical item search
Show it in the inventory screen in MDE
Add it to the Physical Item change job
Add it to the API of items update



Enable customer-defined order of locations in the Get It menu

Currently, the locations in the Alma resolver (Get It menu) are not sorted in a consistent, meaningful manner. There is a "use IP best locations ordering" option, but this option is insufficient for many institutions. For instance, in many cases, users are off site or not in a library building, and many institutions do not reserve IP addresses for specific buildings. There is also an alphabetical option but often the size or significance of locations doesn’t fit well into an alphabetical listing (for example a small branch starting with A or B might sort ahead of a large Central Library). Ideally, we would like the ability to explicitly define the preferred order in which locations are sorted. For multi-campus institutions, customers should be able to define the location order for each campus including accommodation for different sort orders between Alma available for groups/Primo views.

In many cases, the first location presented is on a different campus or a non-circulating collection. Sometimes items in a location in Storage sort above items in a location that is in an accessible collection (e.g. the Central Library).

Ideally, we would like the ability to explicitly define the preferred order in which locations are sorted. For multi-campus institutions, customers should be able to define the location order for each campus including accommodation for different sort orders between Alma available for groups/Primo views.




Change due dates when patrons expire

We would like the due dates of a patron's books to be changed to their account Expiration Date if this is reduced. For example, if a book is issued to a student for 10 weeks and they withdraw or go on a leave of absence, the original due date remains which can be some weeks after they have left. This can cause confusion for library staff and the patron.

Users no longer part of the institution that still have books in good standing per Alma.

The due date is rolled back to the expiration date when the expiration date is changed to before the due date.  


When a loan due date is shortened due to patron expiry, the loan should have an indication for that, so that when the patron expiry is updated (shortened OR extended) the loan due date is recalculated using the loan's original date.

This way, the due date may be extended or shortened according to the new expiry date.


Resource Management

Subdivided LCSH headings should be flipped by PTC

Preferred Term Correction is not flipping all LCSH headings when the authority record changes. If there is an authority record that has a subdivision, it is only flipped by PTC if the heading in the bib has no additional subdivisions. This means there is a significant gap in the PTC process that requires manual attention and handling, which is unsustainable. The PTC process needs to be more thorough.  For example, this LCSH: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century ; was updated by LC to be:
$a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1789-1900  When the authority record changed, bib headings that had the original $a $x $y (only) were flipped by PTC to have the new $y. But any headings that had additional subdivisions were not flipped.  For example,  this bib heading was flipped to the new form:  BEFORE: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century AFTER: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1789-1900  But this bib heading was NOT flipped:  $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Congresses.  More example of headings that were not flipped but should have been flipped:  651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Caricatures and cartoons.  651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Congresses.  651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Exhibitions.  651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $x In literature.  651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Periodicals.  651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Poetry.

The fact that PTC does not flip these headings means that staff have to manually correct hundreds or thousands of headings. The PTC process is lacking and is not performing its function of managing authority control automatically. 




Improve Repository Search functionality with free text options for MARC tags and subfields in Advanced Search

Alma search function focuses on out-of-the-box mapping of grouped fields. It is a powerful search environment, but it does not allow for autonomy of any library staff to quickly and easily run a customised search by specific MARC tags and subfields on demand as need arises. For example, the Title grouping contains more than 3 dozen MARC tags and over a hundred subfields.  The current in-system solution is restricted to staff with a cataloger role, and is not quick or easy with several steps including a steep learning curve for writing complex indication rules. It also results in only static itemized sets.
This submission requests the addition of free text fields in Alma's Advanced Search, where any MARC tags and subfields for both bibliographic and holdings can be typed in, such as an All Titles set just on data in 245 a, 130 a and 730 a, or just in 260 b and 264 b, or just data in 776 z, or specific entries like LDR 06 equal to a and LDR 07 equal to m and 008 equal to 21 of d, or any combination together.  This functionality should be incorporated into existing Alma Repository Advanced Search options for all search types, including, but not limited to, All Titles, Physical Titles and Electronic Titles. It should have comprehensive conditions including “contains”, "not contains", “equals”, “not equals”, "is empty", "is not empty", and "starts with", as well as Boolean operator selection (AND & OR) between multiples lines of query, and the ability to select specific grouping of multiple lines with visual indication of this. The resulting records should be able to be saved as any Alma search set can currently, in a logical set, and also itemized immediately or later.
See mockup image provided and also Alma Idea Exchange entry with 264 votes as at 27.1.2020 and Planned status from 1.9.2017: Ability to search via free text MARC tag and subfields

Library staff cannot quickly or easily search our own data in our own Library Management System, which is an ongoing source of frustration that the UI is not built in this area with the user in mind.


See attached presentation of the full solution


Resource Management

Add Previous and Next buttons to Repository Record View 

After conducting a search and selecting a record to view, it would be very useful to have Previous/Next buttons for navigation through the results, rather than needing to always go "Back" and then select the next record in the list for viewing

It takes a lot of time to always have to back to list of results and then select the next record.




Additional functions to the Normalization Rules (NR)

Here are the requested functions to the Normalization Rules (the attached file includes the examples and explanations)

  1. Position sensitive functions

  2. Popup function

  3. Identify & remove duplicate fields

  4. Position sensitive removeSubField function

  5. Functionality for Booleans in if conditions

  6. Let the changeField also control indicators

  7. Add the possibility to delete specific repeatable subfields based on contents

  8. Possibility to check "when" conditionals after manipulation of the fields

  9. Possibility to add several subfields with one function

10. Add functionality to copyField based on position
11. Add functionality to copyControlField based on position
12. Add the possibility to check if contents are the same
13. Check string length
14. Let functions run on several fields
15. Add mathematical functions / variables
16. Function for merging all subfields to a single subfield
17. Use metadata from within the NR  (See also:
18. Possibility to exchange data between holdings and bibliographical records
19. Add the possibility to add/remove characters based on hex/Unicode to bypass problems with problematic characters
20. Add "View versions" to NR

Improving the Normalization Rules functionality will impact on a better cataloging workflow and better metadata management.


Points are for Top 6 normalizations - need to choose which ones



Improve Encumbrance, Disencumbrance and Expenditure functionality

The timing and use of encumbrances, disencumbrances and expenditures needs to be improved to both match the actual time of events and ensure appropriate accounting expectations are met.  

Improve Encumbrance, Disencumbrance and Expenditure functionality


See attached presentation for 4610 for solution


Electronic Resources

Improve Display Logic Rules

we would like to be able to give preference to collections that have a linked PO Line (to favor subscription access)

Multiple rules have to be made in order to accomplish what we need.


Will be able to give preference to collections that have a linked PO Line (to favor subscription access)


Resource Management

Allow overlap analysis tool to include print as well as e

We would find it useful if the overlap analysis tool could also compare against print holdings, as well as electronic. Currently it only allows you to compare overlap within electronic titles, however the functionality of the tool is useful in that you can upload a file containing a list of identifiers, set up the overlap and leave it to run. The only way to conduct print and e overlap analysis in Alma at the moment is to use the Title level overlap analysis dashboard in Analytics, which includes various overlap reports and includes both print and electronic. However, we have found problems in using these reports and Analytics in general to conduct overlap analysis, namely that the reports are slow to load, frequently time out, and if matching on ISBN/identifiers, there is a limit to the number of these which can be included at any one time. For example, we often need to check large numbers of titles (e.g. around 150,000) to see what we currently hold in either print or e. Using analytics, with a limit of 9999 ISBNs, the report would need to be run a large number of time to cover all ISBNs. Being able to conduct overlap analysis between print and e is important for us in terms of making purchasing decisions and we feel that including print in the overlap analysis tool would make this a more efficient process within Alma

The only way to conduct print and e overlap analysis in Alma at the moment is to use the Title level overlap analysis dashboard in Analytics, which includes various overlap reports and includes both print and electronic. However, we have found problems in using these reports and Analytics in general to conduct overlap analysis, namely that the reports are slow to load, frequently time out, and if matching on ISBN/identifiers, there is a limit to the number of these which can be included at any one time. For example, we often need to check large numbers of titles (e.g. around 150,000) to see what we currently hold in either print or e. Using analytics, with a limit of 9999 ISBNs, the report would need to be run a large number of time to cover all ISBNs. Being able to conduct overlap analysis between print and e is important for us in terms of making purchasing decisions and we feel that including print in the overlap analysis tool would make this a more efficient process within Alma

The overlap analysis tool would include options to conduct overlap against electronic only, print only or print and e holdings. The report from the overlap tool should display corresponding information for print as it currently does for e e.g. library, location, number of items or item barcodes.


Overlap Analysis Tool - Report Type: Selected Title will include another entry in the 'Detect overlap based on the following population ' which will be 'electronic title and print titles'
The process will try to match the input on the electronic resources as today and in addition also match on print resources
process report will reflect the resource type electronic/print/both that it matched on.



Resource sharing: updates to due dates of borrowing request loans to be reflected in resource sharing and fulfillment

If updating the due date of a borrowing request on loan, it should be reflected in both the patron account and the borrowing request, irrespective of where it was updated. Using the renew option in the borrowing request will update the due date in both borrowing and the patron side, but it should also be possible to update the due date in the patron side and for this to be reflected in the borrowing request, rather than having to do this twice.

If a borrowing request loan is renewed in the patron account, this is not reflected automatically in the borrowing request, meaning staff are currently updating this twice.

Changes to due date will be reflected in the borrowing request and patron account, regardless of where staff change the due date


Triggering 'Renew':

  • ) Sends a message (email or ISO) to the lender

  • ) DOES update the loan as per the loan terms of use

  • ) DOES NOT update the resource sharing request

  • ) When an approval is received from the lender, the resource sharing staff can use a 'Renew' action on the resource sharing task list. This will update BOTH the loan and the resource sharing request with a new date 



Provide the ability to identify broken links to electronic and digital resources

Incorporate automatic link checking functionality into Alma that provides customers with regular reports of broken links for electronic and digital resources. 

A built-in link checker would allow libraries to be more proactive about identifying and fixing broken links rather than waiting for them to be reported by dissatisfied users. 


Identify & report broken links to electronic and digital resources that the patron was directed to
For every link to electronic and digital resources  that is directed via Alma link resolver, Alma will attempt to capture HTTP standard failures.
Link failures will be reported to staff via a dedicated Link Failures task list. Staff will be able to work towards correcting the failures.



Waive Fines in Bulk by Set

Add the ability to wave fines in bulk by a set of users, or using specific date ranges.

Currently, you can only wave fines in bulk by user group. The ability to wave fines by a set of users would allow for more granular control of fines and fees.


A user will create a set of users and have the ability to 'run a job' on this set in order to waive the set's population fines and fees 



Anonymize loans for a single patron and allow him to do it himself from his account

We need to have an option in the patron services page to allow our staff to anonymize a patron’s inactive loans, if he ask to. We would like also that the patron could do it himself from his Primo account. This option should exist at the institution zone level and every institution could choose if activate it or not.

The Alma anonymization job allow us to set a retention period for a specific set of libraries or user groups to anonymize inactive loans.
The needs of our single patrons are very different from one another, and the retention period that we have chosen follows the requirements established by our national Data Privacy policy (6 months). This period may be too long for some of our patrons that are concerned with their data privacy. If a patron ask to delete his loans history today, the only option that we have is to delete his account and to create a new one.

The patron can anonymize his inactive loans before the retention period set in the loan anonymization rules.

40  for Alma Primo and PrimoVE

40 for Alma, Primo and PrimoVE



Add request history to Request tab in Patron Services

Currently, it is possible to view to 'All' and 'Current session' in the Loans and Returns tabs of Patron Services, giving the option of seeing a history of these functions.  No equivalent exists for Requests, so it possible to view active requests in the Requests tab but not those that have been cancelled, have expired or have completed.  We would like this functionality to be added to the Requests tab, e.g. a filter by status (e.g. Active, Completed).

Staff who are supporting students are unable to look back at their request history when dealing with queries, for example about patron physical item requests or resource sharing requests.  There is often confusion around collection dates, pick-up locations, and items requested, which require staff intervention.

Alma users would be able to use the Requests tab in Patron Services to review library patrons' request histories and use this information in the event of any queries.


Triggering 'Renew':

  • ) Sends a message (email or ISO) to the lender

  • ) DOES update the loan as per the loan terms of use

  • ) DOES NOT update the resource sharing request

  • ) When an approval is received from the lender, the resource sharing staff can use a 'Renew' action on the resource sharing task list. This will update BOTH the loan and the resource sharing request with a new date 


Resource Management

Add bib records for electronic collections to the "electronic titles" search

Currently, bib records for electronic collections can only be found in an "all titles" search. We would like electronic collections to be considered inventory so that their bib records will be findable in an "electronic titles" search along with bib records for portfolios.

Currently, bib records for electronic collections can only be found in an "all titles" search, even though they are electronic records.

Electronic collections will be findable in an "electronic titles" search along with bib records for portfolios.


Bibliographic records that are assoctiated to electronic collections will be available in ' electronic title' search results.
Inventory will include information of collection (just like in 'all title' search).



Add functionality to loan status Claimed Return

Currently it is not possible for an item to have a claimed return status and simultaneously be in a work order status. Like many institutions and per recommendation from the Ex Libris workflow analyst, we use work orders to track item searches (traces). These searches have multiple steps and can be tracked using their statuses. However, if you put something into a work order that you had marked as claimed return, it loses its claimed return status. This prevents the behaviors of claimed returns from applying to the item automatically.

We would like a special work order type “Claimed Return – Work Order” that allows the claimed return status to be retained while the item goes through the steps of the work order. This means retaining the behaviors associated with claimed return: that it stays on the patron’s account; that it has a process status and loan status of claimed return, in addition to the work order status; and that fines or lost fees don’t accrue while it is in claimed return status. Ideally, there’d be a step at the end of the special work order that could be either “found” or not, which would either check the item back in and release any fines, or remove the claimed return status from the loan on the patron’s record such that it would continue to accrue fines.


The solution is to to split the existing claimed return and add another work order type 'claimed return - search'



Acquisitions: Hyperlink invoice number in POL to invoice

There's frequently a need to access invoice information while working on PO Lines. Staff need to be able to view payment date, check number and other PO Lines associated with the invoice. Under the Invoice Lines tab the invoice number is listed to the left. On the right there is a View button which only accesses brief invoice information associated with that PO Line and no others.

In order to view needed invoice information one must copy the invoice number and do an Invoice search, losing the PO Line they were working on. Once the needed invoice information is found and recorded, one must search again for the PO Line to complete their work. 

Hyperlink the invoice number in the Invoice tab of the PO Line to provide access to the complete invoice record. Alternatively, provide a View button that would provide access to the complete invoice record.


When editing POL->Invoice line (tab) -> have the invoice number on each invoice line clickable and linkable to the invoice if the user's roles allow viewing/editing invoices.



E-resources in the Network Zone and Course Reserve Linking in the IZ

We are unable to add a repository citation to a reading list if that citation is in the Network Zone (NZ). Some of our consortium's shared electronic books are only cataloged in the Network Zone.  Our current workaround is to add a brief citation to the reading list, but this creates a duplicate record in our catalog that then has to be deleted when the reading list expires.
We would like to be able to add a repository citation to a reading list when the cited title is from the Network Zone.  The ability to use a title from the Network Zone in an Institution Zone citation would standardize the process of adding to reading lists and maximize the use of shared resources maintained in the Network Zone. Consortia purchase collectively for both physical and electronic resources - truly building a shared collection.  With the increasing market dominance of electronic books and other e-resources, it is important for Ex Libris to make this leap in functionality and understand that shared resources need to be accessible to all entitled users regardless of their format.  

Not being able to use items directly from the NZ in reading lists requires extra work both when setting up in the reading list and when the temporary record is cleaned up after the item is removed.

The ability to easily add and remove repository citations from our Network Zone to an Institutional Zone reading list.  This would include OER materials, media like streaming video and electronic books.


It should be possible to create course reading citations also based on search in the network tab. It is currently possible only when searching the local institution.
The returned metadata will include a list of the institution's for which the record has 'Held By' inventory
When a citation is added this way, it will be possible to place a move request or a digitization on any of the remote institution items, for pickup at the local institution.


Electronic Resources

Provide MARC record quality measures to CZ collections

CZ collections vary in regard to the quality of their metadata. Some CZ collections contain rich MARC records, while others contain very poor records. When facing the question whether to import vendor's MARC records or to rely on CZ records, librarians usually lack basic information about the quality of existing MARC records in a given CZ collection. I would like to suggest that each CZ collection will include basic statistical information about the MARC records quality. Such information could be generated in different ways.  One possibility is to provide an analysis based on predefined quality profiles of MARC records. Here, specific profiles of MARC record quality would be defined (such as: 'brief', 'basic' and 'rich'), this in accordance to the type and number of MARC tags included in each profile. Based on those predefined quality profiles, each collection would then include a summary of the percentage of records fitting each quality profile. The librarians could see that CZ collection 'X' contains 10% 'brief' MARC records, 60% 'basic' MARC records, etc. Second possibility (complementary to the previous), would be to provide a general MARC tags count for all the collection records. Here, librarians would easily see the frequency of each MARC tag in the records set. With this information provided, it would be easier for librarians to assess the MARC records quality of a collection, judging by the percentage of records that contain certain tags, as ISBN (020), ISSN (022), subject heading (6xx), etc. Preferably, within the CZ collection view, librarians would be provided with a summary of the information, focused on several important tags (ISBN/ISSN, authors, subject heading, etc.), and an option to download a full frequency analysis report.

When facing the question whether to import vendor's MARC records or to rely on CZ records, librarians usually lack basic information about the quality of existing MARC records in a given CZ collection.

CZ collections will include statistical information about the MARC records quality. The information will be based on predefined quality profiles of MARC records and/or MARC tags frequency analysis report. (see description for detailed explanation).


In Community Zone electronic collections there will be a dedicated action that will calculate the the quality measures of a specific colection on demand.

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