The Resource Sharing Functional Committee (RSFC) provides oversight and leadership for the CSU consortium's resource sharing activities in the following ways:
Staying up-to-date on relevant Alma resource sharing related enhancements and new features, providing recommendations for implementation by the wider consortium when appropriate.
Recommending new policies and procedures and revisions to existing policies and procedures.
Documenting procedures and best practices for use by the larger CSU resource sharing community.
Providing training to the CSU resource sharing community as appropriate.
Ensuring courier service expectations are being met through following up on issues reported via the courier problem reporting form and communicating with the courier via monthly meetings.
Representing the interests and needs of the CSU resource sharing community to the ULMS Steering Committee and Council of Library Deans.
Forming task forces to advise and carry out specific tasks. Task forces should include at least one member of the RSFC.