2019-04-26 Meeting Notes


Discussion items


Recap from ULMS Steering Committee Meeting 


Split of Acq/ERM committee for next year. 

Review of old Acq/ERM policy and procedure Wiki pages


Next steps are to actually edit the pages, starting with the policy pages and then procedures if we have time. 

Inheriting LicensesJessica

Jessica was able to successfully share licenses from the NZ to the IZ, which then allows campuses to save IZ templates. She gave a quick demo at yesterday's Open Forum.

Topics for future trainings/ULMS Summer MeetingJessica/Kirstie

Discussed potential training ideas for future open forum sessions or the ULMS Summer Meeting.  There are some new hires, so might be good to highlight the Getting Started document again.  Also, a presentation on Alma, Primo, PCI and troubleshooting might be good an idea as well, possibly for the in person meeting. 

Action items