CSU+ Overdue and Lost Loan Profile

Use profile to send an overdue email when an item is 3 days overdue and a bill when the item is 14 days overdue.


In the Fulfillment configuration under General – Other Settings set switch_to_overdue_and_lost_loan_new_job to true.

Note: All previous lost loan profiles will need to be recreated.


The Ful Overdue And Lost Loan Notification Letter is used to configure the overdue notice. This letter template includes space to customize 5 different messages to be sent. The message to send is selected in the overdue and lost loan profile.

Overdue and Lost Loan Profile

In the Fulfillment configuration under Physical Fulfillment – Overdue and Lost Loan Profile.

Create a profile for each event – send the overdue notice at 3 days, charge replacement cost at 14 days.

Overdue Notice

Select parameters

  • Name & Description
  • Active: check
  • Profile type: select the overdue notification number that corresponds to the message set in the notice template.
  • Send notification: check
  • Days After Due Date: 3 (the number of days after the due date you want to send the letter)
  • The following settings determine who the letter is sent to, and for which items. In some cases it may be best to be broader rather than specific in case policies change in the future.
    • Loan Status: select appropriate statuses
    • User Group: select  affected user groups (or select all user groups)
    • Library: select the library where the resource sharing location exists
    • Locations: select the resource sharing locations
    • Item policy: select the resource sharing item policies
    • Material type: select appropriate material types (or all material types)
  • Letter send format: Mail (to email the notice)

Charge Replacement

Select parameters

  • Name & Description
  • Profile type: Change to lost
  • Active: check
  • Days after Due Date: 14 (the number of days after the due date you want to charge the fee)
  • The following settings determine who the letter is sent to, and for which items. In some cases it may be best to be broader rather than specific in case policies change in the future.
    • Loan Status: select appropriate statuses
    • User Group: select  affected user groups (or select all user groups)
    • Library: select the library where the resource sharing location exists
    • Locations: select the resource sharing locations
    • Item policy: select the resource sharing item policies
    • Material type: select appropriate material types (or all material types)
  • Letter send format: Mail (to email the notice)

Fulfillment Terms of Use

In the Fulfillment configuration under Physical Fulfillment – Terms of Use and Policies.

For the Resource Sharing Loan terms of use, verify the Lost Item Replacement Fee policy corresponds to the correct replacement fee amount. If the correct amount is not listed, set-up a new policy under Physical Fulfillment – Advanced Policy Configuration.

The Replacement Cost field in the item record will override the Lost item Replacement Fee policy.