2021-03-18 Meeting notes


Mar 18, 2021


  • @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • @Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)

  • @Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed)

  • Danny Soares

  • David Rocha

  • Holly Richmond

  • @Chris Lee


  • Recap request API for CalState Walkin users meeting

  • Discuss strategies for adding additional UC stops to courier contract

  • Discuss and review feedback from I-SPIE TV breakout rooms

  • Begin drafting Alma issue descriptions

Discussion topics









5 min

Updates, Announcements, Additions to Agenda


  • John bringing UC/CSU recip proposal and SUNY pilot project proposal to 3/19 COLD meeting.

  • Steering committee supports both proposals.

5 min

Request API/CalState Walkin users

@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) @Chris Lee

  • Chris, Natalya, and Jamie met with David to talk feasibility of utilizing resource sharing request API to accommodate CSU+ requesting for Walkin users.

    • Chris submitted case to ExL explaining the issue. We will see what they say and then schedule a follow up meeting with David.

    • Seems like the request API could be a viable solution but still a lot of questions. Testing will need to be done.

15 min

Unity and the UCs

@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) @Chris Lee

  • Chris and Natalya met with UC courier team coordinator and chair.

    • The UC courier teams meets weekly w/ Unity reps.

    • We’ll start up monthly meetings with Unity reps that will include Chris, RSFC chair, RSFC vice-chair, and courier chief.

  • Strategies for adding UC stops to our contract.

    • Will see what Unity has to say. As a last resort, we can ask which campuses want to permanently reduce to one stop.

15 min

I-SPIE breakout rooms recap


  • How did things go in the breakout rooms?

    • Review Google docs

20 min

Alma issues next steps


  • Decision to draft up descriptions for the four issues and see how fulfillment’s meeting with ExL goes.

    • Convert to resource sharing - Joe G

    • ILL due dates - Danny

    • Cal State Walk-in - Natalya

    • Pickup Locations - Chris

Action items

@Chris Lee will create Google docs with template and send to everyone.
