2018-11-05 Meeting notes


Nov 5, 2018


  • @David Walker

  • Alyssa Loera

  • Andrew Weiss

  • Carmen Mitchell

  • Curt Asher

  • Dana Ospina

  • Karen Schneider

  • Kevin Cloud

  • Renaldo Gjoshe

  • Tracy Elliott

  • Zach Vowell


  • Check in

Discussion items










Internal group


  • Terminology

    • Institutional Repository

    • Digital library? (Digital archives?)

      • Is “archives” perhaps too narrow a term, since it includes special collections? Digital “library” is perhaps too broad?

      • “Digital collections and archives” chosen

  • Draft message

    • Practitioners of IR and digital collections are different

    • Need to make sure those filling out the survey understand the distinctions between collection types (IR vs. digital collections) and single vs. separate repositories.

  • Institution repository survey draft

    • Input from this will inform our discussion

    • Spending on staff and (non-centrally hosted) systems

    • User stories

      • Based on past surveys and user-gathering requirements from STIM and ScholarWorks IG

    • Suggestions:

      • Highlight difference -- e.g., want vs. need – in overlapping questions

      • Some of the questions use ranking instead of selection

      • Spell out acronyms

  • Digital library survey draft

  • Next steps

    • Feedback on questions before this Thursday, Nov. 8.

    • Send out survey Nov. 15

    • Complete report on survey before Winter Break


External group


  • Environmental scan of single system-wide repositories

    • Identified institutions from directory of open access repositories

      • None currently are using Samvera

      • Many using bepress, Islandora, DSpace

      • May want to talk to Oregon Digital

  • Questions for external IR/DC

    • Titles of staff members that directly support the IR/DC

    • Level of required involvement from each participating institution

    • Name of platform, if proprietary are they considering moving to an open platform and, if so, which one

    • Total cost of operation

      • centrally funded positions

      • vendor support

      • other outsourced support

    • Cost to the institutions if cost is shared (average is fine)

    • Anything else they would like to share regarding value of central system

  • Using Zoom for meetings rather than survey

  • Looking to complete process and report before Winter Break

Action items

Feedback to Renaldo on survey questions by Nov 8, 2018
Feedback to Dana on external scan questions by Nov 19, 2018


  1. Will use the term “digital collections and archives” in place of “digital library.”