CSU+ NZ Configurations and IZ overrides


Network Zone information

Institution Zone information


Network Zone information

Institution Zone information

Resource Sharing Partners

CSU+ partners configured in the NZ and distributed to all IZs

Can set NZ partners to “inactive” at IZ.

Illiad and any other partners outside of the CSU are configured at Institution level.

Rota Templates



Workflow Profiles



Rota Assignment Rules


NZ settings overridable at institution level in the Fulfillment Other Settings table: network_rota_assignment_rules_precedence

Locate Profiles


configurable in the IZ but would need to be attached to a locally created RS partner to override any NZ parameters. So if the partners are being used from the NZ the locate profiles should be preserved regardless of IZ configs and behavior.

Sending Borrowing Request Rules


NZ settings overridable at institution level in the Fulfillment Other Settings table: network_sending_rules_precedence

Display Logic

Can configure at NZ and push to IZs. Would be useful to have one rule that hides the resource sharing links if CSU+ is shut off.

NZ settings overridable at institution level in the Fulfillment Other Settings table: network_display_logic_rules_precedence