Using the Homosaurus in the CSU (Work in progress)

About the Homosaurus

“The Homosaurus is an international linked data vocabulary of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) terms. This vocabulary is intended to function as a companion to broad subject term vocabularies, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions are encouraged to use the Homosaurus to support LGBTQ research by enhancing the discoverability of their LGBTQ resources.” –


Some basic guidance and training videos on using the Homosaurus from various institutions.



In the CSU



 Traditional Cataloging

For MARC records, the Homosaurus can be used as both a subject and a genre. Coding should include the IRI in a $0 and should not include any subdivisions.

For subjects, this would be 650 _7 $a Gender roles. $2 homoit $0

For genres, 655 _7 $a Aromantic fantasy fiction. $2 homoit $0


Digital and Archival collections


Additional Resources