Rapido/RapidILL Enhancement List













Allow RapidILL requests for theses and dissertations

Currently RapidILL supports only requests for book chapter and journal articles, requiring an ISBN or ISSN standard number. We have identified a need and opportunity for RapidILL to also allow for requests for digital copies of entire theses and dissertations to be fulfilled by its borrowing/lending queues. For example, when a user is on the Proquest Theses and Dissertations Global database and finds a resource that is not available via an institution's subscription, the user is able to request the item via the ‘Get it’ link resolver. This brings up the Resource Sharing form in Primo VE, which is used by RapidILL for document delivery requests. However, since RapidILL does not support dissertation requests, the system does not accept the dissertation standard number and the request is declined by RapidILL due to incorrect/unsupported citation information. Adding functionality to support dissertation document delivery requests would reduce the number of unfulfilled requests for users who discover theses content that is not included in an institution’s licensed agreements.



More Information needed in Source Field

We feel the Source metadata could be improved in a couple of different scenarios. In the case that a Rapido request was initiated through a record in discovery and not through the OpenURL results page, we would like an identifier for the originating record to be specified in the Source metadata. This would help with troubleshooting occasional issues with bad metadata, request display logic, or CDI records not functioning correctly with regard to local ownership. We would also like the Source field to specify if a request originated from the blank form. Currently, that information (blank form) is not available when editing a request. Impact of Problem: Sometimes the ILL requests have bad or missing metadata, which makes them hard to assess and fill. Knowing where the metadata was coming from would help us figure out if there's a vendor issue that can be addressed.  Expected Outcome: Ideally we could reduce the number of ILL requests with bad metadata, which would save staff time.

Impact of Problem:
Sometimes the ILL requests have bad or missing metadata, which makes them hard to assess and fill. Knowing where the metadata was coming from would help us figure out if there's a vendor issue that can be addressed.

Expected Outcome: Ideally we could reduce to number of ILL requests with bad metadata, which would save staff time.



The Alma/Rapido APIs should have the same behavior as Alma in terms of blocking duplicates

Alma/RAPIDO  APIs are not consistently blocking duplicate requests. Ideally, we would want the API to prevent duplicate Rapido requests at the point of patron request creation. We would want the ability in Alma for staff to override a  duplicate because when we do it, it is to make the request a physical one from multiple digital requests that we will go back and cancel later.



Offer the option to reactivate a Rapido request when it has been accidentally double scanned. 

RAPIDO does not offer the option to reactivate a request when it has been accidentally double scanned on the lending side. This is available in classic resource sharing and the feature is helpful and saves time. We would like to see the base functionality available in ALMA Resource Sharing carry over to Rapido concerning the reactivate function.  The reactivate function should stop the request from moving on to the next partner to avoid receiving multiple copies. 



Lending Rules should be applied consistently across all libraries, Rapido seems to ignore withdrawn libraries marked as unavailable and temporary locations

For physical items, Rapido libraries should be able to specify which items can be loaned/participate based on permanent location of multiple libraries, temporary locations of items, and current availability.
User Case: We are a Hathi trust partner and have historically kept all our withdrawn items in a suppressed withdrawn library. This is its permanent location. We mark these locations with a Fulfillment Unit of unavailable. Unfortunately, we still get requests going to this location. We also get requests for items that are temporarily on reserves or are already out on resource sharing. These locations have requests blocks on them already and should not be accepting lending requests, yet we have to check and clear our lending requests to make sure they are not sitting on unavailable items.  This issue is more likely  to be noticeable in institutions with multiple libraries that may have multiple holdings. "




Electronic holdings should take priority over physical holdings

Currently, the format is not a parameter of the algorithm used to select the most appropriate partner. Electronic holdings should take priority over physical holdings: this would avoid institutions to digitize print materials (operations that take time and human resources) while others may have an electronic version that can more easily and quickly be provided.
If Partner A has an electronic access and Partner B has a physical holding (and things like time zones being equal), Partner A should receive the lending request in priority.

From RapidILL product manager: RapidILL does not consider electronic or print when identifying a lender in terms of routing preference. It DOES perform ISSN crossmatching to identify, and include as possible lenders, libraries that own the material in both formats. It will then choose the best lender based on the time zone awareness and load leveling algorithms (again, no consideration of electronic/print). If the chosen lender owns the item in both electronic and print format, they will see the electronic location/url by default, instead of print. There is a setting that the RapidILL team can change if the lender prefers to see print instead of electronic if they own both, this is a rarely used setting, for obvious reasons, but it is possible



Rapidill discrepancy between the date in Alma and on Rapidill web input.

We are getting requests come through Alma that are lacking information compared to their web version counterparts. In both of these cases in the Alma version we have only got the year of the article which is why we have marked them as a ‘bad citation’ and referred them back to the requester. However, when looking at the Web instance a few minutes later which is not enough time for the request to have been updated, we can see the date information in full. Granted it is in the ‘year’ section however, the concatenation could be causing problems with other requests that we have had which are similar.
Current Rapidill behaviour - While patrons may include a more specific date, RapidILL currently only uses the year of the requested article. Therefore, only the year is sent to Alma when creating the lending request. This is by design, and is expected behavior.
Issue – Staff are marking these citations as ‘bad citations’ because they don’t have enough information. Now that staff have been told about the discrepancy between Alma information Rapidill web. Staff now need to check two different places.
Idea – It would be better if the full date that the user adds to Rapidill is sent to Alma as a separate field. And the year is kept in a different field.


Salesforce ticket was created; the response regarding this issue was as follows:
"While patrons may include a more specific date, RapidILL currently only uses the year of the requested article. Therefore, only the year is sent to Alma when creating the lending request. This is by design, and is expected behavior."



Ability to change default search field on Requests

Rapido: The Borrowing Requests & Lending Requests search box defaults to Author, which is something we almost never search by. I would like to be able to change to another default, like title or item barcode or External Identifer. Either remember which one I chose last time or let me set a default in the configuration



Display more metadata exists in the Rapid Global Index   

Rapido: Display more metadata fields found in the existing in the Rapid Global Index - e.g. including <addata> marc 300 fields and others.
Currently Rapid records we see from the Expand Beyond scope are not displaying all the bibliographic details one sees via pnx.

In example below, users chose the Expand Beyond scope to see the Rapido Scope. The book records contains no pagination (although visible in pnx). User placed the "Book" request, only to find there are only 2 pages at the point of delivery. Richer metadata helps user to place most relevant requests.

See https://app.screencast.com/SE2Ph9gJ2CVzi

    <tpages>1 online resource (2 pages)</tpages>




New Books not for ILL loans - Greater granularity available in determining physical participating items

We Would like greater granularity available in determining physical participating items.
e.g. add say - since x number of days since Receiving Date or x Days since Publication Date - as options, (i.e. in addition to the current 3 options (Material Type/Item Policy/ Location)).

Use case:
New books received within the past one or two month can be excluded from the participating items, but after such time, they can automatically be included as participating items for lending.

We are hoping to avoid lending out the very new books just received, at the same time, avoid needing to changing physical item locations/material type/ or policy to enable them to be available to be requested by Rapid.




Rapido: Exceptions for (Auto Reject when "locate failed") 

Currently many libraries would have turned on the auto reject lending request base on - say - if "locate failed", then auto reject.
However, when it comes to physical Thesis Requests which has no ISBN or other resource requests that containing no identifier such as ISBN - we experience Alma locate have troubles matching just by title, either human error or machine issues. Nevertheless we see "fail to locate" then then auto rejects followed.

We like the current Reject if "locate failed" function, however we would hope to improve it by having an Except condition.
Such as
"Locate Failed" - Reject - Except when Material Type = Thesis,
"Locate Failed" - Reject - Except when - "Request Note" contains string "Last Resort" or something like that.

If the Lending Library allows that exception, then the Lending Request will receive the Request regardless of availability can work with the borrowing library of supplying.



RapidILL/Rapido/ALMA RS

RapidILL: Option to include title/verso pages in chapter requests

Some RapidILL member libraries prefer to receive book chapter requests including the Title page and Verso (Copyright) page to provide additional context for referencing. To facilitate this, please could an additional checkbox be added to the Alma Resource Sharing form, appearing once the chapter or specific pages checkbox has been checked. This could be positioned directly below the chapter or pages checkbox, or below the form field for pages. A corresponding checkbox could be added to the Request Attributes section of the Lending Request General Information tab.

Alternatively, could a configuration setting be added, which enables libraries to default the choice to have Title and Verso pages included in their chapter borrowing requests?

Or, if it is deemed important for all members to provide Title and Verso as standard, could the RapidILL terms of service be amended to make this a mandatory step for member libraries when providing book chapters in answer to RapidILL lending requests?




Add hover-over information for rejections and bad citations

There is confusion between members about when to reject requests (to move them on to the next lender), and when to mark them up as ‚ÄòBad Citation‚Äô (to return them to the requesting library). This is particularly relevant to multiple book chapter requests from the same work/ volume coming from the same library at the same time. This could be managed with hover-over (or information icon) prompts listed on the request menu options, e.g. ‚ÄòBad Citation‚Äô: text /pop-up appears with ‚ÄúUse this feature to return the request to the requesting partner library so they can mediate on behalf of their patron‚Äù / ‚ÄòReject‚Äô: text /pop-up appears with ‚ÄúUse this feature to forward the request to the next library in the rota". 



Grey out or mark when someone is processing a request - Assign To Function not working with heavy workloads

to avoid more than one person processing the same request - can the request be greyed out or marked in someway that is visible to other staff.
We have staff working in different locations and at different times so we have an all in approach to processing requests which we are finding that often staff may be working on the same request unknowingly and we end up with two items arriving for the one request.
The Assign To functionality does not work in real time and therefore 2 people can assign themselves the same request. A screen refresh is necessary each time and therefore this solution is unworkable for large institutions with heavy workloads”




Configuration option for mandatory fields in the Rapido request form

Currently, there is no option for customers to set fields in the Rapido request form as mandatory (mark them with a red asterix, form can only be sent when field is not empty). However, it is not possible for libraries to fulfill requests where certain information is missing (e.g., no page numbers in digitization requests). We would appreciate if customers would become able to set any field in the form as mandatory such as it is already the case in the GetIt request forms in Primo VE.



View requests that activated the Borrowing Copyright Rule

In Rapido, we have configured a copyright borrowing rule to prevent unmediated digital requests for more than one request from the same resource by a patron. When the rule is triggered on a new request, the request status is set to Pending Approval. For staff to decide whether to approve or cancel the request, they need to be able to see the previous request/s from the patron that activated the Borrowing Copyright Rule. Currently, they must search across all borrowing requests and determine which request activated the rule. This can be a time-consuming process. We would like an easy way to see the request/s that activated the rule. For example, the Pending Approval status could be hyperlinked, and when clicked on, the triggering requests display alongside the new request.
On the patron side, we would like Primo to alert them that their request requires mediation. The alert could also take them to their request history in Primo and filter to the previously submitted requests that triggered the mediation. This would be beneficial in scenarios where they have placed a duplicate request, and they could potentially download the previously supplied request immediately.




Harmonise Purchase Request and Hold Request options with Rapido request tiles

Currently, the purchase request and hold request options appear in Primo very differently from the Rapido request tiles. This creates a complicated experience for users when placing requests. Rapido tiles stand out more compared to other request options, however, they might not be the quickest way for someone to get the item. Patrons expect to see the same/similar design and experience regardless of what type of request they are placing. This way they can easily evaluate the available options and make an informed choice. Please provide a Rapido-like design for placing Purchase Requests and Hold Requests with the ability to customise labels. Ideally, we could configure the expected delivery times for hold requests for items on the shelf and hold requests based on the number of users in the queue and recall TOU.



Ability to query RapidILL lending library from Alma

Sometimes we need to contact the library that supplied a RapidILL request to query the copy they provided. For example, supplementary material that was requested was not included, or the incorrect article/chapter was uploaded and sent to our user. At the moment, we need to find out the institution and send them an email. It would be much more efficient if we could query the 'completed' request via Alma to the Library. This functionality should update the request status and record the communication with the request.

There is a Resupply request feature included in Rapido but is not currently possible within Alma Resource Sharing, so a similar solution would be useful.




Adding multiple partners to rota

In Rapido, we can only add single partners to a borrowing request rota or select them across multiple pages. Using Select from a List, we would like to be able to search by name or code - click Select - perform another search - click Select again until all relevant partners are added.

An extra Select and Close button would therefore need to be added so that it can be clicked once the final partner has been added to the rota and arrive at the Add Partners box. The existing Select button would return the user to the partner list while retaining the previous partners selected.




Hide Rapido offers when CDI Quicklink/LibKey link is present

In Display Logic Rules (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Display Logic Rules) configuration it is possible to hide Rapido offers when a full text service is available.

Unfortunately you can't hide the offers if a CDI Quicklink (either PDF or HTML) or LibKey link is present in Primo VE because this full text is not offered via a service. This is mainly a problem for open access resources, and means that users will submit ILL requests instead of using the links to access the content.

Example for Quicklink: https://librarysearch.adelaide.edu.au/permalink/61ADELAIDE_INST/udgsih/cdi_crossref_primary_10_1163_15685373_12340098

In the Add Rule window, when hide service Rapido offer selections are made, could there be "if Quicklinks exist" and "if LibKey links exist" options added?




RapidILL should add a system note to ILLiad, listing libraries who didn’t fill the request when it is returned as Unfilled.

RapidILL should add a system note to ILLiad, listing libraries who didn’t fill the request when it is returned as Unfilled.

This would make it easier to avoid submitting the request to a library through OCLC or another system who already failed to fill it in RapidILL.



RapidILL/Rapido/ALMA RS

Alma/Rapido notes: Reason for rejection should be passed on through RapidILL

Currently, the only notes passed on in a RapidILL-Alma integration are notes given as part of the Bad Citation workflow.  When a lender rejects a Rapid request via ALMA, they can choose various reasons, such as in use on loan, lacks copyright compliance, etc.  These rejection reasons do not currently show up on the Borrowing Request.  Borrowing libraries need to be able to notify patrons with the reason their request was rejected.  We propose that reasons for rejection are carried over into the notes of the Borrowing requests in ALMA.




Reducing turnaround times in RapidILL

For article requests– since each Lending library can hold a request for 4 working days, sometimes files are received after a long time (for example: if there are many libraries and each one takes 4 days to Unfill, before one library eventually fills it).

A solution to this could be to treat requests with only one match differently than requests with many matches.  The best option would be to reduce the expiry time to 2 days for requests with more than one potential supplier, the next best option would be reducing the expiry time to 3 days for all requests.



Rapido/RapidILL/ALM RS

Updating Lending requests to Filled without sending the file

This is a RapidILL/Alma issue:  Sometimes libraries update a lending request to Shipped/filled, but don‚Äôt actually send a file. The Borrower cannot see in Alma that an error has occurred‚Äîthe status of the request in ALMA remains as Sent to Partner. This only occurs when a lender uses an external system, such as Illiad/Tipasa, not when the Lender uses the Rapid interface.  User Impact:  The pain point is the delay in supply and the impaired service.  Currently, it is necessary to manually compare the number of open Rapid requests in Alma with those in the Rapid interface to make sure there are no such errors.
Possible solution: 

  1. The Lender should receive notification from Rapid by email or via an external system, such as ILLiad, that the request was Shipped without a file. 

  2. The Borrower should receive notification from Rapid by email, or via Alma, that the request was updated to Shipped, but no file was sent.

  3. When a request is not filled by Rapid within a certain time frame (e.g. 3 days after being updated to shipped on the lender side) a message should be sent to the Rapid Lender via Rapid/Email.  The status should then change to claimed.  A claimed status allows the borrower to decide whether to wait for a response from the lender, or to resend the request to Rapid, hopefully to a different supplier.




Show dates in a format suitable for global users in RapidILL

In the RapidILL interface dates are displayed in US format. With RapidILL now a global phenomenon this can be confusing for users in other regions which do not use M D Y.
A date like 10/06/2022 - could be interpreted either as 10 Jun 2022, or 6 Oct 2022.
Please use a format like 05 Sep YYYY or DDMMYYYY - that should prevent confusion and make work more efficient outside of North America
We also think it would be helpful to be able to configure preferred date formats in RapidILL




Add an alternative ISBN lookup in RapidILL

Currently for Journal requests RapidILL searches for alternative ISSNs of print and Ejournals.  This is not the case for ISBNs for print & Ebooks.  If a patron submits a request with the ISBN of a physical book, Rapid should be able to identify the ISBN of the e-book (which is different), and process it automatically. 



Submitting requests via Alma using DOI

Enhancement: Currently, Rapid accepts requests from Alma with ISSN / ISBN and OCLC number. It should also be possible to submit requests that only have a DOI.  If a patron submits a request via the Primo RS form with a DOI (and not an ISSN or OCLC number), it will arrive in Alma, but it will not be sent automatically to Rapid, and will be Rejected because the ISSN/OCLC numbers are missing. If it was considered an acceptable identifier, it would save staff the added work of searching for the number and adding it manually, and therefore, speeds up processing


Rapido/RapidILL/ALMA RS

Customizing Reasons for Rejection

As it stands, we cannot customize the choice of reasons for rejection when we reject a lending request. It should be possible for each library to customize Reasons for No (adding reasons and removing as necessary) in Alma Lending. Alternatively, it should be possible to add a Note / Text with an explanation when rejecting a request.
It would be useful to be able to configure this to make them clearer and have reasons that we find the most applicable to the type of requests we get. For example, having one that is more applicable to specific copyright restrictions, or when we have an access issue. As well as this, it would be useful to remove reasons we don't use.




Support issue and article-level linking

Rapid should support issue-level requesting. We would love our lending requests to come in with accurate issue level data.
When RAPID provides a link to owned/licensed material for a document delivery request, we get journal-level data. But, it would be ideal if the link generated were for article-level links through the link resolver.
When ILLiad performs the Rapid Holdings Lookup, Rapid returns a URL. Example of how the URL is formatted: http://rapid.exlibrisgroup.com/redirect?hash=NkM1MjZCMkExQzcxMTQxNDcwRUVCNTU5M0Y4RTJCNDk=

The URL directs to the journal's landing page, not the article being requested. So, I am asking that RapidILL return article-level links for resources when a holdings lookup is performed.

User story:
As an institution using RapidILL's ILLiad integration, I want to receive article-level links to resources that Rapid has identified in our electronic holdings, so that staff spend less time searching electronic holdings and so that students are able to deliver requests without intervention from full-time staff.

Related, we use 360 Link, also owned by Ex Libris, so perhaps there is an opportunity for cross-walking these products?




Incorporating non-English phrases into holdings upload to Rapid

RapidILL holdings data should support the holdings and descriptions fields in Hebrew, and eventually other non-romanized scripts. 
Our Description field is in Hebrew, which means that the data is ignored, when Rapid tries to upload our holdings. As a result, requests are automatically sent to Rapid instead of being rejected as Locally-Owned, or if not owned, relevant Partners are not found. This causes unnecessary work and in many cases, a delay in supply to the patron.




RapidILL lending requests: Locate item on loan

We often get scan lending requests from Rapidill for items that are on loan. It seems that the Rapid locate mechanism should be improved.

From Product Manager: RapidILL doesn’t currently support real-time availability for book chapter requests, so it will route requests to lenders that might have the item on loan



Search Holdings in Rapid Interface

RapidILL‚Äôs search holdings feature for books is very limited. Holdings for Rapid ILL should index and include additional fields such as: Author/Editor, Publication Date, Publisher, Publisher Location and Language. It should be possible to search by one or all of these fields.  Conducting the same search under Borrowing‚ÜíNew Request is inconvenient as there are four required fields. 



RapidILL: Ability to throttle the number of lending requests

Currently we are able to ask the RapidILL product manager to put a cap on the number of requests received by a library per day, but libraries would like to have the option to self-set a cap given any daily changes in staffing availability. If this interferes with balance, the second best option would be able to set up a calendar with suggested cap changes. Although, the current ‚Äúlending off‚Äù features are useful, they aren‚Äôt flexible enough for our daily needs‚Äìwe want to be more flexible than all or nothing.  UserCase: We would like the ability to throttle the number of lending requests our institution gets. As a larger institution, we receive about 150 lending requests a day during the school year. We know RAPIDILL staff can do this for us, but we can occasionally have a student out sick and that dramatically decreases the amount we are able to scan. If we could cap our print holdings requests ourselves quickly, this would help us especially during the summer or holidays.



Require members to send OCR'd files

RapidILL and Rapido members should be required to send OCR'd PDFs.  We would like Rapido and RapidILL to check and apply OCR to any non-OCR files before sending them to a borrower. 



RapidILL: Ability to Export monthly borrowing/lending summary reports

In the RapidILL web interface, Under Tools-->Statistics-->Lending Summary/Borrowing Summary, the statistics shown on the screen can drill down to monthly level.  Unfortunately when the data is exported to Excel, the file does not breakdown to monthly level.  We had to resort to copy and paste from the screen into an Excel file and format it. It would save staff time if this export includes the monthly breakdown. 


Rapido/RapidILL/ALMA RS

Alma Borrowing Request Note

The Alma Borrowing Request Note should appear on all Rapid Lending requests: Rapid interface, Alma ISO and all other platforms. User Case: Israeli libraries submit Borrowing requests to RapidILL via Alma. However, the Request Notes (as submitted by our patrons) are not carried over to RapidILL, or to other systems, such as ILLiad or Tipasa. These Notes frequently include important information such as the necessity of Figures / Plates / EndNotes that could help a Lender accurately and successfully fill the request. As a work around, we add them to the Pages field or the Article Title field (which have a limited number of characters). Proposed Solution: We would like to see the ‚ÄúBorrowing Request Note‚Äù field in the ‚ÄúRequest Attributes‚Äù section carry over to the RapidILL request. We suggest that these Notes appear in the Lender‚Äôs Tasks‚Äô List on the lending side.  Request notes should also be imported from other ILL systems into RapidILL and exported in kind. 



Rapido to parse all volume formats for multivolume works

Currently, when requesting volumes of multivolume works, the Rapido tile can only parse the following volume formats from the item description:
"3" (digits only)
"v.3" (no space)
"v. 3" (with space)
This affects the Refine Offer function: if the patron inputs a string that Rapido cannot parse (for example, "XII", "Jan", "Bd. 3" as written in the item description), it disregards that volume information. This usually gives a positive result (terms are displayed disregarding the volume's availability), places the request on title level (whole multivolume work) without linking the wanted volume (item) to the Rapido request. In such cases, the availability displayed by the Rapido offer is not entirely reliable, as the system does not identify the correct volume (item) but placed the request on the whole title (whole multivolume).
For example, if the volumes' sequence is "Bd. 1", "Bd. 2", etc. - entering only "1" works. But entering the string "Bd. 1" does not, and ends up in placing a request on the whole title (Rapido cannot parse the "Bd." string).

Another example is for Multivolume works that do not have a digital sequence, but only with letters (A, B, C...), or even text ("Textbook"...). Rapido cannot parse these information so the request will always be placed on the whole title, disregarding the availability of the volumes.
In such case, the patron can even send the request entering a volume that does not exist if the string contains an unrecognised format.
We would like Rapido to consider other formats. For example with an "intuitive" parsing (e.g. as much "Bd. 3" as "Textbook", or "Vol. 3", "Volume 3", "A", Roman Numerals “I” etc.), or by displaying a dropdown menu with options based on what is filled in the items’ description.

Ideas Exchange: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/935112-rapido/suggestions/46786285-rapido-to-parse-all-volume-formats-for-multivolume  



Add option to filter out Global title index results without any offer

When creating a scope that includes CDI records non filtered per availability (Rapido-CDI expanded index), Global title index without item availability (no Get it section, no view online section and no item available in the Rapido tile) are retrieved (example: https://ubbern.swisscovery.slsp.ch/discovery/fulldisplay?vid=41SLSP_UBE:UBE&search_scope=DN_and_CI_unfiltered&tab=DN_and_CI_unfiltered&docid=cdi_globaltitleindex_catalog_115115370&lang=en&context=PC).

These records are owned by libraries participating in any POD (outside of ours) of Rapido. We would like to have an option to exclude the Global title index results without item availability.




Add Pods to Shipping Cost - Lender Rules, as an Input Parameter to allow libraries to share Resource Sharing/ILL Physical service terms easily.

Currently, customers can set prices for Resource Sharing/ILL Physical service in Alma/Rapido via “Shipping Cost – Lender Rules” configuration. Shipping Costs are set via Input Parameters. Current Input Parameters are – Level of service, Partner and Shipped format. We are asking to add “Pod” as an Input Parameter, to allow us to set the same pricing for all Pod members.
Australian Pod members would like to share physical items with each other for free or set a pricing the community agrees on. This was discussed several times in the Rapido Australian community, and we came to an agreement of Physical Resource Sharing/ILL terms , but we don’t have a way to implement this agreement in Rapido.
Using a Pod as Input Parameter in ‚ÄúShipping Cost - Lender Rules‚Äù configuration would mean that Australian libraries don‚Äôt need to manually add a partner, each time a new library is added to the Australian Pod.. As a result, Australian Rapido Libraries cannot implement our Resource Sharing/ILL terms, and once LADD are leaving the Resource Sharing/ILL market, this issue will be even more acute.  Even now, some requests are going via LADD instead of Rapido despite them being part of the library's lending terms. Pricing per pod will allow us to charge our partners correctly.




Elimination of the temporary Rapido items

Rapido was designed as a classic interlibrary loan tool. The developers have therefore also adopted the tradition of temporary copies for each interlibrary loan item. In SLSP (Swiss library service platform), however, we mainly use Rapido for direct lending (via courier or postal delivery) to our users. Thanks to a shared catalogue (network zone), shared terms of use, lending and item policies, as well as a shared user pool for the entire SLSP, this was already possible with Alma RS. Users ordered a copy directly to a desired pick-up library or by mail to their private address without a diversion via a "lending library", as was the case with classic interlibrary loan. With the introduction of Rapido, this direct route to the customer was abolished.

With the creation of temporary records for each Rapido order, which reach the customer via a Rota, numerous problems arise. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list:

  • The temporary Rapido items inherit only some of the attributes of the original copy. For example, holdings that cannot be borrowed are offered for loan via Rapido because the copy guidelines of temporary copies (e.g. course reserves) are not passed on correctly.

  • Closing dates are not taken into account by the Rapido items.

  • The temporary item receives an artificial barcode that only exists in the system, but not as a real barcode/RFID tag. This makes many "scan in" or RFID functions impossible or leads to incorrect manipulations.

  • When creating the temporary Rapido records, there is asynchrony between the Rapido item and the original item. This leads, for example, to different loan periods and renewal options.

  • Rapido records are suppressed, but they still cause confusion in internal processes, e.g. in acquisitions.

  • When generating statistics and analytics reports, Rapido copies often do not appear or appear twice, so that many reports and statistics have to be regenerated and closely checked.

  • Due to the additional detours of the temporary item via the lending library, the borrowing library cannot see the name of the user to whom the copy was lent. This complicates many existing processes (user service, reminders, fines, replacements).

We therefore ask for the elimination of these temporary items and dummy records, in favour of direct lending to users within the network zone, even beyond the various institution zones, while maintaining the improved transparency of fees and the easy ordering option in the Rapido Tile of PrimoVE. As eliminating temporary Rapido items would not suit all customers, this would need to be an opt-in feature which could be implemented if suitable.

See also the voting in Idea Exchange: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/935112-rapido/suggestions/46892236-elimination-of-the-temporary-rapido-items




Possibility to re-loan an item after the max. renewals possible at the pick-up library

We would like to have a parameterization option that allows the following: Items requested with Rapido that have reached the maximum renewal possibilities can be re-loaned at the pick-up library without having to be returned to the owning library – if there is no other reservation on that specific item. That means: Rapido should check if there is a reservation on that specific item. If yes, Rapido sends a warning message. This creates unnecessary inconvenience for users and the restriction doesn’t exist in Alma RS. Increasing number of pod renewals is not a suitable solution in this scenario, we need to be able to manually override the limit when required. It would be particularly useful for an institution using Rapido to fulfil postal delivery/courier requests.

See also the voting in Idea Exchange: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/935112-rapido/suggestions/46854874-possibility-to-re-loan-an-item-after-the-max-rene




Change the prioritization of reservations

In a system, where users can create a reservation either via the get-it section or via the Rapido-Tile, the reservation from the get-it section currently have priority over reservations made via the Rapido-Tile. Our wish is, that the reservations are fulfilled in the order of their creation date, regardless of how they were created. Rapido requests may have been placed first but result in a much longer waiting time for the user than if a reservation is made.

See also voting in Idea Exchange:




Place reservations on title level instead of item level

When a user creates in Rapido a reservation on a copy that is not available, the reservation should be created at the title level. Because, There could be multiple items available, but the reservation is placed on a specific item and a move request is triggered. If another item becomes available sooner, the reservation is not moved to that item. The patron has to wait for the reserved item, even if another item becomes available sooner. For this reason, a reservation should be created at the title level instead of the item level – this is possible in Alma RS. It would be particularly useful for an institution using Rapido to fulfil postal delivery/courier requests.

See also voting in Idea Exchange:




Expand renewal options to number of days instead only number of renewals

With Rapido, loan period and number of renewals are restricted based on pod terms. With Fulfillment, renewals are based on a maximum number of days (and are not limited on x-times). We would like to have a parametrization option that allows the following: Renewals in Rapido should also work according to the logic with the maximum number of days (and not limited on x-times). This setting would be beneficial in cases where you wish to manually extend an item’s due date beyond the renewal limit. It would be particularly useful for an institution using Rapido to fulfil postal delivery/courier requests.

See also voting in Idea Exchange:




Barcodes Read By Rapido Partner Libraries

Eight of the 39 libraries in the Orbis Cascade Alliance have joined Rapido. Currently we are using External ID numbers to receive and return Rapido items. The External IDs are printed on the paging slips and processors have to change the workflow to receive Rapido items. Using paging slips for Rapido and using barcodes to receive materials from the local consortia causes confusion and leads to errors in processing. We would like to use the barcode on the book to receive Rapido library materials.




Adding Campus into Display Logic Rules

Currently we can only filter Display Logic Rules by Usergroup, if this was expanded to also include Campus it would greatly improve the options for granularity when creating rules.

Ideally the required field would be dynamic, so if either Usergroup or Campus is used the other is no longer required. Doing this would present no downsides to libraries that don't want to use Campus, however those who do would now have much greater flexibility.

An example of this would be having multiple campuses but all the students fall under one Usergroup. Undergraduate at A campus, or Undergraduate at B campus. In this situation we are unable to use Display Logic Rules to separate access between the two users as their Usergroup is the same.




Refine Offer: show when the process is complete

We think that it would improve the usability of “Refine offer” if an icon (e.g., a checkmark) and/or a message would be displayed once the process is complete. The message could indicate that the job is completed and whether the conditions have changed.



RapidILL(Lending): Country name indicator

It would be convenient and user-friendly if the country name is displayed after the borrower's name. In some contracts, electronic materials are permitted to be provided for ILL, limitedly to the institution located in the same country as the providing library. The function helps us to distinquish instantly whether the item is subject to the service or not.

Though there are other ways to reach the goal of the request as below, they do not meet our needs from the point of view of system independence and work volume.




RapidILL(Borrowing): Cancel button

We would be happy if there is a cancel button on the top right of the Borrowing Request screen within the RapidILL web interface (accessed from the Dashboard). The button would be very useful in case we need to cancel the request while it is ongoing. This would be more convenient than using the current cancel request option from the borrowing menu.



Prevent multiple requests from a same borrowing library within a short period of time

Within a same day, we sometimes receive (in Alma) several RapidILL requests coming from a same institution for a same book or journal issue (native electronic materials or scans from physical materials): usually one request per book chapter, one request per article, etc., but sometimes, some of these requests are for multiple chapters or significant portions of a work. We assume that in most cases, these multiple requests come from a same requester, associated to the borrowing library.

In addition to copyright issues that multiple request raise, it is unreasonable to expect a lending library to expend spending a lot of time to scan significant portions of a work.

We don’t expect any systematic mediation from borrowing libraries. This would increase the turnaround time, make the process heavier and slower for end-users and be in contradiction with encouraged integrations like Alma/RapidILL and Alma/Rapido. Instead, we would like lending libraries to have the possibility to limit the number of requests they receive from a same borrowing library for a same book or journal issue within a given (short) period of time.

Example of configuration: “Maximum XX requests in YY hours for a same book or journal issue from a same borrowing library”, where ‘XX’ and ‘YY’ would be numeric values to select from a drop-down list.

Possible values for XX and YY should be defined in collaboration with the RapidILL and Rapido WGs.

In case the values for XX or YY would be reached:

  1. Any new request matching the limits should be assigned to another lending institution that owns the requested material.

  2. The borrowing library should be informed that there is a risk of multiple requests from a same requester. The library could reach the requester, explain the resulting copyright issues and/or decide if possible to acquire the highly demanded material.

  3. If no other library can provide the material, request should be cancelled and associated with a new ‘Request Cancellation Reason’ code in Alma. It is important that Resource Sharing requests that would be cancelled for such reasons explain the requester that requesting a too large part of a journal issue or book is not without consequences or risks.

Exists also as an idea on IE:



Alternative ISBN/ISSN fields in borrowing requests

We would like alternative ISBN or ISSN fields to be populated and available in borrowing requests. If a specific edition has been requested, then only the ISBN entered into the Alma Resource Sharing form should be populated. Items often have multiple ISBNs or ISSNs but there is currently only one field available, and the system won‚Äôt allow them to be entered into the same field. It would be useful if when the matching occurs, that the first identifier is checked and then if no match is found then it moves onto the next identifier (and maybe a third if possible). Sometimes our staff will locate alternative ISBNs or ISSNs and they can only fill in one at a time, meaning that they have to send off the request as many times as needed before they get a match. Having multiple matching points would hopefully mean less mediated requests and manual work for staff. 



Held items – placing hold requests

Our library has chosen not to allow resource sharing requests for held items which are unavailable but can be requested. We have customized the Primo Discovery labels (delivery.code.ngrs.not_available and delivery.code.ngrs.unavailable) to point users to request options, however when they click on the availability statement the full record automatically scrolls past the Get it section where the request button is. It instead points you to the No Rapido Offer message, which is not what we want. Could there please be a new option created which allows you to change this behaviour?

Current example (can supply another if necessary): https://librarysearch.adelaide.edu.au/discovery/search?query=any,contains,A%20handbook%20of%20the%20Cornish%20language%20:%20chiefly%20in%20its%20latest%20stages,%20with%20some%20account%20of%20its%20history%20and%20literature&tab=Everything&search_scope=all&vid=61ADELAIDE_INST:UOFA&offset=0




Rapido Closing Periods: Due Dates & Renewals

We noticed that Rapido does not consider closing periods entered in the calendar of the library. The due dates of Rapido requests are therefore not based on that calendar, while the due date of the loaned temporary item is. Consequently, a mismatch occurs, which in addition interferes with the renewals.

We would like that:

  • Rapido considers the closing periods entered in the library calendar in Alma.

  • Rapido synchronises the borrowing and lending requests due dates. 




User identifier should be visible in requests for the lending library (for both Rapido and RapidILL)

Rapido/Consortia request: Some libraries would like to have the ability to share patron information with the lending libraries. Although, this is atypical in a traditional interlibrary loan approach due to privacy regulations, it would make sense for those using Rapido for consortial loans. We propose that libraries are able to OPT IN to sharing patron information (identifier/name/email)  through a Rapido Resource Sharing Configuration setting. This enhancement would be integral for consortia with Network Zones, where lending libraries are forced to enquire for information from borrowing libraries on reciprocal end-users.  User Case: We have 490 libraries in our consortia and we use restricted PODs that are limited to libraries within the consortia. It is important for both, physical and digital because with both formats libraries reported often needing to request for more information from patrons and patron information is shared across the entire country but Rapido hides it for the lending library.



Cost depending on user group for personal delivery and document delivery (Rapido and RapidILL)

There should be the possibility to define reduced costs for specific user groups for personal delivery (Rapido) or document delivery (RapidILL) in selected lending libraries (when patrons pay nothing or a reduced price instead of the standard price). The cheapest offer should be displayed first to patrons. Rapido sends the request to any lending library in the pod that has an available item, but get billed by other institutions in the consortia even if their own library or institution holds the item and they would have gotten it for free. This could be addressed for Rapido requests using pod priorities, but not for home delivery or RapidILL requests which have associated costs.



A check box for patrons to get only free offers : Possibility to restrict the search to free of charge offers (personal delivery/courier - Rapido) 

Some patrons are only interested in Rapido offers, that are free of charge. It would be good to offer patrons a check box in Primo VE where they can restrict the search to offers which are free of charge (0.00). If there is no item available that is free of charge, patrons get no offer. If there is an item that is free of charge but currently not available (on loan, in acquisition, at the book binder…), patrons get the possibility to make a reservation for this item. If the request goes to another POD, still only free of cost offers are displayed to patrons. Free offers are defined by pod terms.



Items allowed for courier, personal delivery and document delivery for specific user groups (Rapido and RapidILL) 

There are items which are only available for Rapido requests or document delivery (RapidILL) for specific user groups. There should be the possibility to provide selected items only for selected user groups. For courier/personal delivery (Rapido): The possibility to integrate a filter rule for specific user groups in “edit participating item section” could be a solution. Rapido lacks flexibility in that the items can be either requested by everyone or no one. In a consortia environment it is necessary to be able to restrict lending requests to specific user groups.



Booking requests can be placed with Rapido

Booking allows teaching staff and faculty to request an item for a specific time period in the future. This functionality is very important to support the organization of teaching activities, and currently, Rapido does not offer this functionality. These requests need to be placed separately via the GetIt section which results in a confusing user experience. This is especially needed for libraries that share a campus but are geographically located very far apart. Enabling patrons to request bookings within campuses through Rapido would allow for a significantly enhanced utilization of Rapido in consortia.



Reservations can be placed for digitization requests (RapidILL)

When a physical item is already on loan with a first patron, and a second patron wants to request the digitization of that same item, there should be an option to reserve the item for the second patron, so that when the physical item is returned by the first patron, it can immediately be scanned and sent to the second patron. 



Add borrowing library to "Change Rapido Request Terms Letter" (Rapido)

Use case: When a rapido request can’t be fulfilled by library A and is rejected the rota starts.
If there is a change in costs, delivery time and so on, patrons receives the "Change Rapido Request Terms Letter" e-mail.
Theoretically, patrons are then allowed to cancel the request in Primo. If they do not react fast enough, (which is often the case) they have to contact the library.
Problem: There is no contact detail of the borrowing library attached to the request in the letter XML, only the name of the IZ-level entity. Patrons do not have enough information in the letter to contact the borrowing library.
Idea: Please add the borrowing library details including address, e-mail, and phone to the letter XML. Ideally, by replacing the IZ entity in the node organization_unit.
Ideas Exhange:  





Populate the partner_code XML field in Resource Sharing Shipping and Return slips with Alma library code (Rapido) 

Situation: We are using a 3rd party logistical company to deliver Rapido requests. After the shipping or return slips are printed in Alma, libraries are filling in the logistical details in the 3rd party system by picking the destination library from a list of libraries. We have around 500 libraries in our network and sometimes the names are similar. This leads to mistakes.
Currently, the value in the XML field notificationdata/partnercode is always filled in with the name of the library and not its code.
Idea: We would like the XML field notificationdata/partnercode in the Resource Sharing Shipping Slip and Resource Sharing Return Slip for Rapido requests to be populated with the alma library code. That way librarians can easier, quicker, and with more precision find the destination library in the 3rd party system.



Rapid ILL

Ability to customise the look of the text on the lending coversheet

At the moment we can add in copyright statements and text onto the Rapid ILL lending coversheet.

This enhancement request is for there to be additional customisation available for this section of the cover sheet to allow us to alter the look of the text (colour, bold, italic, spacing) either through a GUI text editor OR enabling HTML tags to be used. Also the ability to add in a small image file, should we will to include any logo/branding to the coversheet from the lending library.




Change a request from digital to physical and vice versa once received

Sometimes a lender supplies an entire book as an ebook instead of a print book or sends the physical book when we requested a chapter and it’s not always caught before we receive it. We would like a way to change a received request from digital to physical and vice versa.



Change the partner library after a request is received or completed

Occasionally, the wrong partner library is active in a request and this is not caught before the request is updated as received or completed. We would like to be able to correct these requests.  

This can occur in multiple scenarios -- for instance, when the active Rapid partner is cancelled or rejected in Rapido with the intent of having the request be filled by a different partner, but the request erroneously remains active in Rapid.  In this scenario, the item may arrive first from the Rapid partner and the staff receiving the item may not notice the discrepancy before receiving the item.  Other institutions have reported instances where Lender A double-scanned the item upon shipping, so it moves on to Lender B. In the meantime, Lender A reactivates the request and ships the item. The result is that two copies are sent to the borrowing library. Lender B appears as the partner in the request, but again, the copy from Lender A may be received first.




Make requests in status “expired” act like any other request with the same list of actions

Requests that have ended up with the status and "expired" end up in the "closed" sets, but we still need to work with them. We don't want the request to be cancelled and the patron to be notified automatically because there still might be something we can do with them. We might find an additional email partner to send one of these requests to that the system doesn't know about, we might find a better ISBN or OCLC number to send it out on, or we might find that the request is the wrong type and we need to change the request so it can be filled. All of these actions are unavailable when a request has the status "expired" because we can't do anything with the actual request but view it; to work with it, we'd have to duplicate it, and then we would lose all the request's history.  Reactivating these requests is not currently an option, but if it were, it would still be an additional step we don't want to have to take.  "Expired" requests should work like any other requests and not be closed by the system.



Add search by book chapter title

Rapido allows us to search by article title, but not book chapter title. We would like to be able to search by book chapter title as well.



Add the ability to cancel rejected requests

Requests that are rejected by partner have most of the same options as other requests, but they are missing the option to cancel the request.  We would like to see the cancel action show up in the action dropdown of requests in the ‚Äúrejected by partner‚Äù status.  The status of rejected requests can be changed in bulk to cancelled, but there's no option to provide a cancellation reason or note in that case.



Add search by lender

Sometimes we want to view all requests that have been sent to a particular lender. Examples of times we’d like to do this are if we’re troubleshooting something, or if the request is in a language with non-Roman characters and it’s easier to search by lender than it is to search by title. While it’s possible to narrow down requests by lender using the facet, we have many lenders and the way their names are listed is not always standard (i.e. University of California - Berkeley vs. The University of Hong Kong). It would be much easier to just search by the lender’s name to be able to pull up requests sent to that lender.



Add geographical location of libraries to Analytics Reports

We are talking more and more about international lending, but it’s not possible to create an Alma Analytics report using partners’ geographic locations. (RapidILL, for example, includes the partner library’s state in their statistical reports). It would be useful to know how much material is supplied by international partners, and how much we lend internationally.



Bulk upload of resource sharing partners

Occasionally, we need to add a large number of libraries as resource sharing partners in Alma – for instance, when we partner with consortia. In order to make this work more efficient, we would like to be able to add resource sharing partners by uploading a spreadsheet that includes the needed partner metadata. This would keep us from needing to add partners one by one in the Alma interface.



Add additional fields to Rapido request form for physical requests

When patrons request odd editions of items, we’re left wondering whether that’s what they meant. Do they really want the British edition for some reason, or is that just what they found first? Do they really want the German language edition of this graphic novel? We would love the ability to add fields for “this edition only” and “this language only” added to the Rapido request forms for physical requests. Additionally, these could be customizable fields that each library could give text to and add to the form. Asking for additional information from the patron up front would lead to quicker turnaround times as we don’t have to waste time contacting the patron and waiting for a reply.



Record all request metadata changes in History tab

When we change a field in a request, that change should always be tracked in the History tab. For example, we occasionally have to change one of the standard identifiers (OCLC, ISBN, ISSN) in a request in order to match it to potential lenders. Saving that information in the History tab would allow us to check a) what the original requestor provided and b) what we’ve already tried using.



External ID number should change if the partner library changes

Rapido keeps the old ILL number (External ID) when a borrowing request is not filled and moves on to another partner. The Ext ID number should be unique between a pair of partners. Right now you can have a Rapido request with a RapidILL number, a British Library request with a RapidILL number etc. Because each partner type has a different set of conditions (ex. allowance of renewals), each time you have a different type of partner, there should be a new Ext ID number.



Add “Conditional” to RapidILL

Sometimes libraries need to communicate things to each other that aren’t citation issues. For instance, if a library has an HTML version of an article instead of a PDF with page numbers or a different edition of a book than the one listed in the request, that library might want to ask the borrower if that’s an okay version for the patron. Right now the only way to communicate between libraries is through Bad Citation, and that doesn’t allow libraries to respond to such queries. Adding a “Conditional” status that allows libraries to ask and answer questions that aren’t citation problems would help patrons get the items they need instead of requiring libraries to guess at whether what they have is sufficient.



Notifications for RapidILL communication failures

It should be immediately clear if a Rapid request is not updated - not just in an ‚Äúupdate failed‚Äù note on the request itself, which the Rapido user is no longer looking at by the time the Rapid communication error occurs. One way this could be achieved is by allowing Rapido users to opt into popup notifications that display and have to be closed whenever there's a communication issue with Rapid.  An alert for Rapid communication issues should also be added so that we can create sets of these requests, but we would still like the proactive option of a pop-up to be provided as well.  How often the pop-up appears should be configurable by individual Rapido users.  We are open to other approaches for addressing this issue as well as long as they provide a proactive notification option when Rapid communication issues occur.  



Send messages to any partner directly from request

In Rapido, we would like to be able to send messages concerning a specific request to any partner. Currently, this is not possible for RapidILL/RapidR or email partners.  For RapidILL/RapidR partners, this would be a General Message; for email partners, this would out of necessity be an email message.



Provide email preview when drafting patron communications

I’d like to be able to see the complete email message when sending a patron query email, cancellation email, et cetera. It would be easier to write a better “message” if you could see the message section in the complete context of the email.



Resource sharing form: Pickup location field should only show on physical resource sharing requests

Users should not have to choose a pickup location for articles/book chapters that will be emailed to them.
Current problem: In order to mandate users to fill out the field “pickup location” for physical resource sharing requests, we have to also require patrons to fill that field out for article and book chapter requests, which will be delivered digitally. We're running all digitization requests through the Rapido digital offer tile, not the Digitization function in Alma. The goal is to cut down on the amount of buttons/options our users have to choose from. The pickup location field is in the Resource Sharing Request form (Alma Config > Discovery > Resource Sharing Request). The problem is that this Resource Sharing Request form isn't smart enough to tell between a physical and a digital request. The "Pickup Location" field is in the "Delivery Fields" section, which applies to every request, regardless of format. In order to mandate our users to pick their preferred pickup location for physical requests, we have no other option than requiring them to fill out this form for article/book chapter requests too.

This is an issue for multi-branch libraries who do not assign primary campuses to their patrons. As a large community college whose patrons take classes at multiple campuses, we do not have a way to assign a default pickup location in our user records.  We are likely in the minority with this setup where our users can swirl between libraries and are not automatically tied to one campus, but this is a real pain point for us.

Impact: Users will not have to select a pickup location for requests that will be delivered digitally. This will reduce confusion.




Search by multiple fields at once on Rapido request list

We should be able to search by multiple fields at once on a given Rapido request list -- e.g., by title and by requester on the Borrowing Requests list.



Automatically repopulate bibliographic data when changing standard number

Sometimes when we’re changing an ISBN or OCLC number, we’re changing editions - from ebook to print book, from international edition to local edition, etc. We know Rapido is pulling metadata from somewhere when those numbers change because the cover image of books change. It would be helpful if the system also changed the other standard bibliographic data - edition, place of publication, publisher, and year - based on the new ISBN. This ensures that we’re sending consistent information to our lenders without having to waste time inputting all that data ourselves.



Enable back-and-forth of requests between Resource Sharing and Purchase Request

Request Description: Often we’ll send requests that are difficult to get via resource sharing to acquisitions by creating a purchase request from Rapido. However, in doing so create a separate request and never find out whether the patron actually got their item. This means that if a patron comes with us with questions, we can’t answer them. (Is acquisitions working on it? Did they cancel it? Who knows!) It also means that if acquisitions can’t purchase the item for some reason, they have no way to send the request back to us so we can try again with those more difficult-to-reach lenders. We would like a way to a) keep some track of the transaction as it’s gone off to acquisitions and b) have acquisitions send the request back to resource sharing if they are unable to fill it, keeping all the patron data intact.



Limits for RapidILL scan from print requests

Since all Rapido scan requests are converted to RapidILL requests and thus have a 24-hour service commitment, we've been noticing an unmanageable workload on Mondays with requests coming in over the weekends. Prior to dropping OCLC, we could balance our workload by doing the urgent requests first and the less urgent requests another day, but now all of our most time-consuming requests are also urgent. Suggested solution: Ability to specify a cap specifically for scan from print requests, which are the most time-consuming requests for us to fill.  Currently, only a general request limit applying to all RapidILL lending requests can be set.



Rapido: Ability to create new partner directly in ROTA tab

User Case: Every time we would like to send a request to a new Email or ALA borrowing partner, it is necessary to leave the request, add the new partner, and then navigate back to the original request.  This takes quite a bit of additional time and clicks. 
Solution: It would be ideal to be able to add a new partner directly from the ROTA tab of the borrowing request.  I would envision being able to perform this action right from the "Resource Sharing Partner List" (Click on Rota Tab--> Click on Add Partners-->Choose Select from List)--the button for doing so could be next to the export and configuration options that are already present.  Creating a partner from this step would hopefully add the partner to our fullfilment-->Resource Sharing--> Partners list for future use.  




Rapido/RapidILL: Be able to direct a manual request to a specific library using RapidR

We are a library that does not have a lender of last resort (no longer OCLC).  We have recently joined Rapid-R,--but...
We sometimes find that a Rapid Library may be the only one that can supply (or owns) an item and they are willing to loan it, but they may not have those items included in their Rapid Participating items.  Therefore, we aren't able to send the request through RapidILL, and have to reach out to them manually via an e-mail request, Illiad Lending Webpages, or some other means.   Often times they are willing to loan, but the items may not meet the delivery criteria required by RapidR. 
I propose that there be a means of requesting an item or point a request to a specific RapidR library.  we would have to be able to create the form with the item's information or have the form import with the item information and be able to select a participating library in one of the PODS we belong to.     




Maintain External ID after cancellation

When a patron or staff cancels a borrowing request, the External ID disappears and is no longer searchable. It can only be found by clicking into the item record and viewing the history. Searching by External ID is helpful to us when viewing requests in other ILL systems i.e. WorldShare and RapidILL, when patrons reply to an auto-generated cancellation email that contains the identifier to obtain further assistance. External ID is much quicker and easier than title search because the ID is unique to that single request. 



Maintain request record history in patron accounts

At this time, the only requests that show up in a patrons account are requests that have not been started or requests that are on active hold shelf. It would be convenient to be able to choose to keep ‚ÄúAll/Completed‚Äù requests, like one can see previously returned items under ‚ÄúReturns‚Äù in patron accounts. Being able to see previous requests in a patron account would be incredibly useful for staff and users ‚Äì especially for patrons who do a lot of research and make many requests. 



Keep received items in the "Receiving Items" tab until close/end session

When using the “Shipping Items” functionality, items that have been scanned/shipped will stay in the Shipped queue even if we leave the Shipping Items page to search for a barcode, for example. However, in the Receiving Items screen, if we leave the screen or reload the page, the previously received items disappear from the list and this makes it very laborious to print or reprint a slip for an item that was already received, to keep track of items that have been received already while processing borrowing receives, or add another item for a request that has already been received.Â