Institutional Repository Working Group Charge


The Institutional Repository Working Group (IRWG) acts as a consulting body, providing guidance to the Digital Repositories Steering Committee (DRC) on the development, implementation, and ongoing management of a systemwide institutional repository system (ScholarWorks) that will support the creation, discovery, and preservation of CSU scholarship, and research data. 


  • Work with campus stakeholders to normalize and “clean up” metadata for ScholarWorks. 

  • Assess existing functionality and recommend new features for the IR.

  • Collaborate with the ULMS Discovery Functional Committee on harvesting IR content into Primo. 

  • Assess existing metadata fields and recommend changes.  Compile, implement, and manage controlled vocabularies. 

  • Promote awareness of the IR, articulating and communicating its availability/scope to the broader CSU community. 

  • Facilitate system-wide communications regarding IR news/updates. 


Four to six members, selected from across the CSU Libraries by the DRC based on expertise in areas including local repository requirements, user experience with the IR, repository workflow, workforms, and metadata requirements. Members will serve staggered two-year terms with the potential for re-appointment. 

Meetings and Reporting 

Meetings are held virtually on a monthly basis and are open to CSU community stakeholders. IRWG reports directly to the DRC Steering Committee and is responsible for submitting regular updates and an annual report to the DRC. IRWG may also be asked to assist with reports, complete special reports, and participate in the annual Digital Repositories Meeting. 


The IRWG evolved out of the Metadata Working Group (2019-2022). After the bulk of the IR migrations to Samvera were completed, the MWG was rescoped to focus more on the repository work. With the companion Digital Archives Working Group the two groups cover implementation and enhancement requests for the CSU Digital Repositories.