ScholarWorks Update - May 2016

Good Afternoon - the following ScholarWorks Project Update will outline the progress made since our last update.

  • Demo Islandora Site
  • Symposium Planning
  • Recent DSpace Downtime and Performance Tuning

Islandora Demo

We are beginning the feature review of Islandora on a test installation: - You are welcome to browse the instance, and soon we will be creating/assigning user test accounts to test additional features. Please note, this is a very TEST based system, so things may come and go frequently as we review. Once we get much closer to a front end system selection, a staging based system that is more stable will be established.

Symposium Planning - Save the Date(s)!

We have finalized the date and location of our next in person ScholarWorks meeting. We are very pleased to announce that we will be hosted by CSU San Marcos on August 18th. Details to follow, but this will be a full day of use case examples from IR Managers, feature review and project updates, and a demo/pretension from a Fedora based Repository/DAMS manager.

We have established a conference site ( that will soon be updated with all of the appropriate information and agenda.

We look forward to seeing everyone there and having another successful day of IR discussions. 

Recent DSpace downtime and Performance Tuning

We are well aware of the stability issues that we faces over the last couple of weeks. This was almost entirely the result of excessive crawling of the entirety of scholarworks (i.e. unfriendly/ignoring robots rules, etc) from foreign, malicious cralwers. We have identified the range of IP addresses that were causing this issue in order to block access and have also implemented a few memory tunings in the system to try to address this in the future.

Confluence Site Updates

If you haven't visited the confluence site in a while, you will no doubt notice a lot more content now. We will be continuing to add project updates and planning documentation as well as Legacy ScholarWorks documentation as we continue to provide updates and support for DSpace.