Shibboleth Identity Provider Configuration

The Digital Archives Shibboleth SP is already registered with InCommon.

Here’s the configuration information campuses can add to their Shibboleth IdP:

<AttributeFilterPolicy id="DigitalArchives"> <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="Requester" value="" /> <AttributeRule permitAny="true" attributeID="calstateEduPersonOrg" /> <AttributeRule permitAny="true" attributeID="eduPersonPrincipalName" /> <AttributeRule permitAny="true" attributeID="eduPersonAffiliation" /> <AttributeRule permitAny="true" attributeID="email" /> <AttributeRule permitAny="true" attributeID="givenName" /> <AttributeRule permitAny="true" attributeID="surname" /> </AttributeFilterPolicy>


If the campus is using the published common release policy in Bitbucket, a policy has already been created and can be downloaded.

Once configured, you can test the login here: Digital Archives


See also CSUConnect Service Provider Registration Document.