OCLC NZ updates

NZ updates occur daily M-F

5am - OCLC makes available a file of record updates and new records

9am - Alma NZ loads update file and processes records using an import profile


Update E-Resource holdings files in the PCI:

CKB updates - Community Zone updates occur weekly on Sundays and are synchronized with the updates task list on Sunday at midnight.

Ex Libris Article: Working with the Community Zone Updates Task List

Google Scholar

In Alma: Run the Publish to Google Scholar publishing profile. It can be scheduled weekly on Friday or Saturday.

Google picks up the changes in 7-10 days

Ex Libris article: Publishing Electronic Holdings to Google Scholar

Google Scholar Library Support page

Elsevier Science Direct Auto-load:

Science Direct Journals are uploaded from Elsevier to Alma every Saturday morning at 4:00am

SpringerLink Journal Auto-load:

The Springer journals are uploaded the 25th of every month at 4:00am

Analytics data

Data extracted from Alma: Every evening. The actual time of the extract varies and occurs 24 hours from the completion of the last extract.

After extract the data is transformed and made available in analytics - the actual time of availability varies depending on the size of the load.

Actual times of extract and availability can be seen in Alma as follows:

In this case the data will remain as it was when extracted at 5:14pm until the next extract occurs on 8/23.

Ex Libris Article: How often is data in analytics updated?


Data from Alma updated every 6 hours - 3pm, 9pm, 3am and 9am

Hotswapping process runs twice a day at 6am and 9pm