2021-08-09 Meeting notes


Aug 9, 2021


  • @Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed)

  • Ariel Hahn

  • Elizabeth Blackwood

  • Jamie Zeffery

  • Steve Kutay

  • Carmen Mitchell (Guest)

  • Azalea Camacho (Absent)

Discussion topics





Wiki update

  • Added a page for our meetings with Zoom information

  • Moved past member roster to it’s own page

Review Charge/Discuss Role

Current Project Review

  • Development Plan

    • We’ll complete work here as needed (this is highly dependent on timeline for DAMS implementation)

  • Samvera Testing

    • Will focus on this starting in the Fall

  • Campus Self Assessment Report

    • Will complete a summary of responses and wrap-up project

Projects for Upcoming Year

  • Revise group’s Charge (submit to Steering Committee for review/approval)

  • DAMS Performance Evaluation Tool applied to CSUSM Samvera instance

  • Work with CONTENTdm users to look at migration to a DAMS (down the line)

  • Submit a one-pager of work being completed to stakeholders (via listserv)

  • Possibly host open meetings to discuss a particular issue/need (e.g. CONTENTdm migration issues)

Action items

Eric to draft a Charge and share with the group for feedback via email
Beth to summarize findings from the Campus Self-Assessments
Carmen to let Ian at CSUSM know that DAWG will be testing Samvera in the Fall