2021-01-11 Meeting notes


Jan 11, 2021


  • @Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

  • Steve Kutay

  • Azalea Camacho

  • Erik Beck

  • Elizabeth Blackwood

  • Eric Milenkiewicz

Discussion topics









10 min

Hello! Any items to add?


  • No additions

15 min

Sending out the DAMS Evaluation to the whole CSU

We should choose who to distribute to based on the registry and send directly.


  • January 13th - on the schedule for the archivists round table

  • We can send it out to all the campuses we missed on Wednesday (13th)

  • Beth will gather who we have missed and send after round table on Wednesday

  • Alyssa will check on DRC participants and remind them to work on it/return to Beth

  • Next steps: what should we do with the data? For next meeting: how do we want to use the info, what kind of report to create, when to have them return the toolkit

    • Aggregating data (anonymously?)

    • original matrix can inform some of the data normalization

10 min

Applying the DAMS rubric to Alma Digital


Possible Alma Digital test objectives:
• Assessment of new collections
• Assessment of migrating collections
• Can AD be used for metadata only as a catalog harvest solution for existing collections?
• Brief Report or executive statement
• How many tests? Should we secure sandbox? Or provide instruction set for testing w/o uploads. May not be able to analyze discovery and display performance without sandbox.
• How many test participants?
• What are the costs and how are they structured?
• Using the DAMS assessment rubric, do we provide a direct comparison between AD and Hyrax?


AD training

Erik B.: Sac State has been trying to install AD, free instance included in Esploro; created test collections in Alma; Piping collections to Primo has been tough when working with data to data transfers between sandboxes, has to be tested on production (requires different data profile); Everything set up for an IZ, not really set up for a NZ; Still ironing out pieces of the implementation; Would be great to set up in a CSU-wide sandbox; Do need a sandbox instance for an effective evaluation; Potential dealbreakers (still need to test): maybe no search engine indexing, no perma-urls;

Eric M.: Looked at AD in relation to CDL awhile back; looked nice in some respects but wasn’t going to work for what they needed; Got a few cost estimates but not too detailed (not sure about storage costs); Ex Libris does have install examples; What about preservation and mgmt capacity? Looks to be lacking in this area;

10 min

Building out the digital preservation guidelines for the CSU


  • Working on workflows; looking at other examples of step by step and also linking out to examples; Other approach would be to create an infographic like workflow (more visual);

  • Question for the group: do we need a CSU specific one or should we just point to existing workflows? and tools?

    • Because we don’t have a system-wide system, then maybe we don’t need a system-wide set of workflows yet

    • Better to point to community resource than to maintain our own mini-sets of info

    • Will it be too overwhelming to send people out to all the links?

    • Listing professional development/learning opportunities might help mitigate the that

5 min

Action Items
