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Area coveredERM
Lead AuthorJessica Hartwigsen


The CSU uses a shared instance in Ex Libris' SFX application, the Chancellor's instance, which contains the Electronic Core Collection (ECC) and Optional (Opt-in) e-resources.  These e-resources are negiotiated and in some cases, paid for, by the Chancellor's Office Systemwide Digital Library Content (SDLC) department.  These e-resources are shared, set up and maintained by the Chancellor's Office (CO) SFX administrator.  The administrator maintains, updates and applies fixes to the shared e-resources.  Libraries report linking (OpenURL) issues and report updates needed for shared portfolios, such as the coverage date or links to the journals.  The administrator repairs errors with the portfolios or e-resources.  If the issue cannot be resolved by the administrator, the issue is reported to the appropriate vendor or SFX Support or KB teams. Some of these SFX troubleshooting techniques should be applied to the shared e-resources in Alma.

Policy Statement

This policy document is for the shared e-resources in the Alma Network Zone (NZ).  The shared e-resources have slightly different practices for troubleshooting than from the e-resources in the Institution Zone.  For more information about IZ troubleshooting, see the Policies, Best Practices and Procedure for Troubleshooting.  Troubleshooting practices are adapted from the CSU SFX shared Chancellor's instance and for practice by the NZ administrator.

Best practice recommendations

  • Adapt the Obris Network Zone questions form for CSU shared e-resources.  New form will include the e-resources as well and bib record questions.  (NEED TO KNOW WHO ORIGINALLY RECEIVES THE FORM. IF AND WHEN IT NEEDS TO GO TO NZ ADMIN)
  • Create and maintain list of Content and Technical issues contacts for the various vendors. (CREATE LIST AND KEEP ON CONFLUENCE)

Procedures in Alma

Included are procedures for various issues that may occur with shared e-resources or portfolios.

Coverage Date Issues:

    • What is the coverage date of the item in the subscribed title list?
      • If there is no date range listed in the title list, what is listed in the coded memo or vendor contract?
      • Does the date coverage in SFX match what is listed in the central contract and what is available from the vendor’s site?
        • Yes: do nothing
        • No:
          • Portfolio date coverage does not match full text coverage from subscribed list or vendor’s site
            • If portfolio is incorrect in CKB, central office changes coverage and reports to Ex Libris
            • If portfolio is correct but vendor coverage does not match subscribed title list or contract, central office contacts vendor to open up access to full text
            • Use subscribed title list or contract to show central full text access when contacting vendor
          • Portfolio date coverage is correct for central full text access but library has purchased more full text
            • Library updates locally active portfolio for local subscription using only their local full text coverage dates
          • Library contacts vendor to open full text access for the locally subscribed full text to report access issue
          • OR Central Office contacts vendor about local full text access, reports access issue

 No access to subscribed shared portfolio:                                                  

  • Portfolio access: no full text access to a subscribed portfolio in CKB:
    • Central Office contacts vendor to open up access to centrally subscribed portfolio
    • If library subscribes to a title not included in the centrally subscribed title list, activate the title in the local instance and contact vendor to open up full text access
      • Central Office can contact vendor to open up access to the title, if the Central Office has a relationship with that vendor (vendors are picky about who contacts them)

  Missing shared portfolio:            

  • Portfolio access: subscribed portfolio missing or not active in shared CKB
    • Central Office checks subscribed title list-if title is present in list
      • If the portfolio is in CKB e-resource but not active, activate the title
      • If the portfolio is missing from CKB e-resource, add missing portfolio and report to Ex Libris
    • Central Office checks subscribed title list – if title is not present:
      • Confirm with vendor CSU’s full text access - Sometimes not all of the available full text titles are listed in a title list
        • If CSU has access, activate the portfolio
        • If CSU does not have access, ask library if they have a local subscription to the title, if so, activate portfolio in local e-resource

e-Resource access: unable to access the centrally licensed resource

  • Check to see if issue is system-wide or if only reporting library has issue
  • System-wide: contact vendor and copy SDLC, ask to open up access for CSU libraries
  • Access inactive due to contract negotiation completion delay, vendor makes a mistake and shuts down access, site is down or having issues
  • Notify all libraries of known access issues
  • Local library issue: contact vendor, confirm IP range, correct username and password, does database need to be added to account, and see if a mistake was made during renewal-library left off renewal list


  • OpenURL linking issues:
    • Determine where the issue lies, originating record, CKB or resolved vendor record
      • Originating record issue (contact vendor-report issue)
        • Wrong metadata sent in OpenURL
        • Duplicate records-one has correct metadata, one has incorrect metadata-indexing issue
        • Missing metadata
        • CKB issue (fix issue in CKB and/or report to Ex Libris)
          • Incorrect coverage date
          • Parse param (url or other linking metadata)
          • Linking parameters missing or need updating
          • Missing/inactive portfolio
          • Portfolio needs to be deactivated
          • OpenURL is not being generated correctly-parser or parse param issue)
          • Proxy box is not checked
        • Resolved full text record (contact vendor to report access issues)
          • Article missing
          • Article is not indexed
          • Missing/incorrect metadata
          • DOI needs to be registered or is registered with a different vendor or CrossRef is down
          • Copyright restriction on that particular article
          • Vendor site having issues or is down
          • Vendor needs to open up access to full text
          • Originating vendor and resulting vendor do not index the same article the same way due to indexing policies

Action log

SectionPoint Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action takenNext action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)


8/23/2016- ERM Task Force discussed the ERM policy and procedures outline and assign a policy to a task force member. Jessica assigned the policy and procedures for shared resources in Alma.

Draft for Shared Resources due September 30th. Send draft to Tech Service Working Group Leads

Rough Draft for Shared Resource policies and procedures

Jessica Hartwigsen


ERM Task Force meet to discuss rough draft of policies and see if there is any feedback from the Working Group Leads

Jessica Hartwigsen


Send rough drafts of policies to Tech Services-discuss policies in Open Forum. Ask for feedback from working group.

Jessica Hartwigsen


Final "live" Draft for Shared Resources is dueJessica Hartwigsen


ERM Task Force meet to discuss final drafts of polices and see if any feedback from the Working Group LeadsJessica Hartwigsen


Tasks to be completed

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
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