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  • Q&A with the Rapido Gang - Natalya and Joe A are working with Brandon and Mallory on a white paper about a theoretical expanded CSU+ network. Brandon really wants to focus on a network that includes both Rapdio and non Rapido users. How would this work? Joe A and Natalya have some Qs. Hopefully the Rapido Gang has some As.

  • Unity service between all CSUs and UCs? - Jenny Lee (ILL lead at UCLA) called Joe A last week to talk shop about a lot of things. One thing the UCs (or at least Jenny but probably all UC ILL people) would like to accomplish in the near future is Unity service between all CSUs and UCs. Let’s brainstorm and discuss how this might possibly be accomplished.

  • Succession planning - It is almost March already. At the end of June some committee members will turn over. Some things need passed on to new people. One of these is the Unity Courier Issues Report system. Joe A has been handling this for a while and it needs passed off. Mallory suggested maybe even passing off to a non-RSFC person. Any thoughts on that? Any other things needing passed on by outgoing RSFC members? The call for ULMS volunteers should be coming soon. Last year the ULMS system suffered from not enough volunteers. Is there anyone we want to try to recruit and convince to volunteer for a tour of duty on the RSFC? Let’s generally discuss and see what comes out the other end.

  • Random Regional Rotas Pilot: Natalya has a report to show for the first month of testing. Lets look at the results and discuss the early data.

  • Any old or new business RSFC members want to discuss: If you have something, feel free to type it in here before the meeting. Or just bring the item to the meeting and we can make time for it.
