Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Create negotiated License
    • Go to Licenses under Acquisitions Infrastructure
    • Click on Licenses
    • Choose Manually
    • Include name of the license
    • Include License Code
    • License Type Negotiation
    • Status is Active
    • Include start date
    • License location is Financial Office
    • License Review Status is Accepted
    • Licensor –Choose Vendor record - (vendor records need to include Licensor when set up-add to vendor record procedures)
    • Save the license

Locate license


, open license and edit under Actions

  • Change License Status to Active
  • Licensing Agent is SDLC -they negotiate on behalf of the CSU (add a vendor record for SDLC/CO as licensor)
  • Add Terms of Use under License Term tab
  • Add Members to Negotiation Details tab
    • Go to Negotiation Details tab
    • Click on Add Member button
    • Choose library from drop-down in Member option box –click on magnifying glass
    • Click on radio button next to library name and Select –if wrong library picked after saving, click on little brush icon and this will remove the library
    • Add Member contact email
    • Enter in price library pays the CO for the resource (numbers only)
    • Enter Renewal Cycle of 1 year
    • Enter in Start Date
    • Do this for each library that has opted in to use this resource
    • After each library and cost has been entered, Save Negotiated License


  • After the negotiated license has been set up, search for the e-collection in the Repository in the NZ admin
    • Go To Repository Search and change search to Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection Name > NAME OF COLLECTION from the Community tab
  • Order the e-collection –click on the Order Button next to correct e-collection package (match the name as close as possible to name of resource from the vendor or coded memo or contract)
  • Pick Purchase Type: SDLC/CO will use Electronic Collection –Subscription
  • Pick PO Line Owner –Central Office
  • Click on Create PO Line
  • Add a license in Licensor –locate the negotiated license
  • Click on Material Supplier (Choose from list of vendors –should all be set up before go-live)
  • Click on the Select button after choosing vendor
  • List Price: Next enter in the amount of the total cost of the resource that the CO pays the vendor for that resource –not the total the libraries pay to CO
  • Choose the appropriate fund used to pay that vendor
  • Click the Add Fund button once appropriate fund has been chosen (create a fund or funds for Opt-in)
  • Choose Purchase at Vendor System for Acquisition Method (should be default setting)
  • Renewal should be set to Manual renewal
  • Enter in renewal dates and when a reminder should be sent ahead of the renewal date for that resource
  • Click on Order Now –do not choose Save and Continue -Order Now will let you finish the next steps
  • A window will pop up with some errors, these can be ignored unless you see the message that there are no funds left in the fund account


  • Go to the list of Tasks –click on the Task link or the Home Page link to see a list of tasks
  • Locate the list of for Electronic Resource Activation Task -Unassigned
  • Locate the resource that was just ordered in the this list of Unassigned tasks
  • Click on the Edit button for the resource under Actions button
  • Change Status to Make Available and Save
  • Go to Assigned to Me tasks
  • Click on the Actions button and choose Edit
  • Add a License –add the negotiated license that was created for that resource that lists the libraries and the amount they are paying for the resource
  • Click on the license name and click the Select buttonThen Save these changes
  • Now click on the Assigned to Me tab to locate the Purchase Order to continue editing it
  • Go to the Actions button and choose Activate
  • Click on Activate this electronic collection service
  • Click on Make Service Available
  • Automatically activate new portfolios (aggregator databases only)
  • Click Next –do nothing on this screen
  • Click Next and Activate All if CSU subscribes to complete package, if not, choose Manual Activation and activate titles later with upload file
    • If you choose Activate All, click on Next and then Activate All
    • Check Monitor Jobs to see when the Resource has been activated Alma > Under Manage Jobs and Sets

Add Libraries to Service Group Settings

  • Go to Actions button and Choose Edit Resource
  • Go to the Additional Information tab
  • Locate the Services at the bottom and click on Full Text label under Service Type
  • Click on Service Activation Status = Available if not already set to Available
    • If this is an aggregator, click on Activate new portfolios = YES
  • Go to the Group Settings tab from the Electronic Services Editor
  • Add libraries that are sharing this resource to Group Settings
    • Click on Add Settings for Group
    • Locate the Library, Activate the Proxy and if necessary, enter in linking parameters and Save
    • Keep adding libraries until finished and click on Save
  • Click on Save again if finished making changes or adding data to Resource Services
  • Save again if finished making changes or adding data to Resource
  • Test Access under Actions button - see if journal links to resource


Library Orders Resource  
