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Kellogg Reading Room – room 5400

Excellent lunch with the ADs and Deans


Welcome from Provost Graham Oberem

Welcome from Jen Fabbi

Quick Introductions

Kellogg Reading Room

Welcome from Jen Fabbi – talking about the value of the AD meeting. The group did introductions.

Provost Oberem welcome the library deans and ADs and noted that the libraries are on the front lines. Talked briefly about the ULMS and change, and noted the value of the graduation initiative, and that libraries can be the focal point for student success.

After the introductions, the Associate Deans adjourned to the Provost's Conference Room 5207. AD Meeting Agenda:


COLD EC Elections:


Nomination Slate for Review and Vote at February meeting:

Vice-Chair—Jennifer Fabbi

Secretary—Amy Wallace

Member-at-large—Amy Kautzman

Vice-Chair of STIM—Karen Schneider (Patrick is incoming Chair)

Vice Chair of EAR—Michele Van Hoeck (Mark is incoming Chair)

Vice-Chair of CAT—Tracy Elliot (Stephanie is incoming Chair)

After the introductions, the Associate Deans will meet in Provost's Conference Room 5207. AD Meeting Agenda:

COLD will stay in the Kellogg Reading RoomFormer user (Deleted) on the slate of candidates. COLD voted unanimously on the slate.

John Wenzler presented the Diamond of Participatory Decision-Making, then reviewed COLD's decisions regarding a) agreement for COLD to pay the full maintenance costs of the ULMS and b) have an appropriate voice in the PDs and job functions of the CO staff who will provide ULMS central support. 

John Wenzler addressed that Exec had learned that morning that the CO had not planned to fund the resource sharing position. Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed) addressed that he would add a short-term temporary position for resource sharing. He added that the graduation initiative was redirecting the priority for CO budgeting and there is always uncertainty around budgets. He opened up the idea of whether the libraries would want to take on support for other positions.

John then reviewed the modified agenda.


ULMS Cost Share

John Wenzler & ULMS Cost Share Team (Karen, Gale, Mark, Amy W)

After discussion and cost-modeling, and with expert advice from David Walker, COLD voted 19 (yes) and 1 (no) with no abstentions to modify the ULMS cost formula to use 90% enrollment and 10% flat rate with minor adjustments for the campuses affected by this formula. Curt Asher (Unlicensed), incoming COLD chair, agreed to initiate review of the formula in the next year.


ULMS Staffing and Governance

  • MOU (John/EC
  • Criteria to evaluate shared staffing (Jen)
  • SJSU Support Proposal (Tracy)

John Wenzler began by refreshing COLD on the details of the proposed MOU.

Jen Fabbi presented on the staffing model discussed at ALA Midwinter by a "group of five."

When asked, Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed) said the CO could support the MOU, with the caveat that he couldn't predict the budgets for 2019 and 2020. When asked if the CO can support a regular resource sharing position, Gerry said the hiring was going to be hard to hire as a regular employee.

Jen Fabbi's criteria had brief discussion.

Tracy Elliott addressed the background of this proposal. SJSU, which is changing its relationship to the SJPL, has personnel who will have more time to apply to ULMS maintenance.


3:35-4:00ULMS Policies

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

David Walker

Discussion focused on the recommendation to eliminate overdue fines on main collection items at all CSU Libraries. The group reached no conclusion.

20 yes on 2 and 3;

10 yes, 8 no, 3 abstention - passes

Patrick moved to repeal the vote. Tracy seconded.

Motion: to repeal the former vote and make this nonbinding but a recommendation.

17 yes; 3 no; 0 abstentions.This will be communicated back to the implementation team.

COLD determined this should not be a systemwide policy.

Jen & KGS move/second.

Cesar recommended asking the marketing team to look at OneSearch and if need be recommend a name

In favor of a unified name: 2 abstentions, 2 nos, 4 absences (Amy, Roman, Peter)

In favor of referring to marketing group (move: Patrick) with resolution by end of March - no more than three recommendations

No abstentions, no nos – motion passes

Resource Sharing


Media items -ok

Overdue fines - Zoom

Loan sequence affirmed


ULMS Marketing – Time Certain

Jacob Poore joined us first. He reviewed the project goals, such as the approved visual identity and a toolkit. We clarified the time was rolling but the first deployments were June.

COLD will need to get Jacob the name for this system ASAP, as "ULMS" is only an internal name.

Distribution of materials would happen at the individual campuses.


ULMS Policies

John Wenzler
5:00-5;30ULMS Governance

Restaurant for dinner Thurs night at 6:30 (self pay, separate checks available, Jen F. will cover bar tab up to $400)
