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30 minsFunctional Committee Updates

Acquisitions & ERM

The Acq/ERM committee met briefly at the end of April before ELUNA, but only a few members were able to attend.  At the May 2019 meeting the committee will focus on discussing possible topics for the ULMS Summer Meeting and/or any future TS open forums.  The Committee will also re-visit any of the policy pages that need updating.  Jessica presented on NZ Licenses at one of the recent open forums. At a recent Open Forum, ELUNA attendees shared information about useful sessions from the conference. Kirstie talked briefly about the new Provider Zone, which will have a big impact on E-Resource metadata

Assessment & Analytics

  • We completed our final draft of proposed policies and submitted it for discussion and approval by the Steering Committee
  • At ELUNA, three members of the group (Nikki DeMoville, Brian Moore, and Karen Schlesser) joined Brandon Dudley and David Walker to discuss consortial analytics issues with Yoel Kortick, Senior Librarian at Ex Libris.  We discussed the following concerns:
    • Performance:  reports run very slowly in the Network Zone and often time out or fail due to the size of the report
      • Yoel acknowledged that there are issues in Analytics with scale
      • Ex Libris is planning some upgrades to Analytics, including migration to a newer version of Oracle Business Intelligence, which may help mitigate some of the issues
      • Yoel invited the functional committee members to share specific reports with Ex Libris that are confirmed to run with limited data but break when run using data from large or multiple institutions; we are in the process of identifying these
    • Key fields lacking from consortial subject areas available in Institution Zone Analytics
      • We explained that the most common use case (after annual surveys) is accreditation documentation, which requires fields such as LC group that are only accessible from NZ Analytics
      • Yoel will investigate mapping some additional fields to support this use case
    • Persistent bugs:  We explained about the repeated loss of Available for Group Members data in Analytics and how this impacts reporting
      • Yoel requested that we forward the Salesforce cases to him; Nikki did this after returning from ELUNA



  • Members of resource sharing committee attended April Uresolver TF meeting to provide input on the custom Get It menu.
  • Dave, Zach, and Ian presented the custom Get It menu for Primo at ELUNA.
  • Dave presented on the Get It menu at the May 8 Discovery Open Forum.
  • The task force plans to pilot during the Summer term with production implementation for Fall term.




  • Most items on Discovery UX Recommendation are ready for implementation. Task force will plan next steps.
  • A number of updates were made to CSU Primo Environmental Scan. However, not certain if all campuses participated.
  • Would like to ask CSU folks who  presented on discovery at ELUNA to also present at future Open Forums or at the ULMS summer meeting.

Norm rules

  • Dave will meet with Norm Rules Joint Task Force to discuss upcoming normalization process. Next norm run is scheduled for end of June.


Resource Management.

Committee activities:

  • Revising and updating policies and procedures, as identified during the review process. (Need to request editing privileges in order to edit some of the policies.)
  • Completing draft of remaining “how-to” procedures.
  • Recommended to postpone reconvening the Authority Task Force pending further work by committee formed by Ex Libris to explore consortial authority work. In consultation with Samuel Barber, we agreed it is best to await further developments in this area and rather focus on CSU NACO Funnel. CSU NACO Libraries will also serve as resources to create name authority records for campuses which currently do not have a NACO trained cataloger.
  • Discussed Publishing Headings Enrichment to Primo (cross-references from authority records published to Primo for some campuses) and recommended consulting Ex Libris about how these have been activated for some campuses.
  • To be discussed: Alma Item Material Type (as per presentation by Carole Chapman to TS Open Forum): Identifying item material types needed and solution on how to standardize List with different description (Label) if Ex Libris is not able to update/change default list.

NZ Management Group

  • Completed cleanup of duplicate records with the same OCLC number (merging/combining inventory) for about 110 duplicate records;
  • Continues to check and resolve multi-matches from the daily OCLC record loads.

TS Open Forum:

  • Update on CSU NACO Funnel (Samuel Barber) & support to campuses for authority records
  • NA Shared License (Jessica Hartwigsen)
  • ELUNA 2019 Highlights: Presentations/Tools
  • Alma Item Material Type (Carole Chapman)
  • Upcoming forums: 
    • May 23 Tyler Rogers and Lehtisha Andrews (JSTOR): Serials/Digitization work orders and JSTOR scanning
    • June 13 David Walker: ELUNA Presentation (Get it Menu)
    • June 27: Planning for future presentations and direction/focus of TS Open Forum

Resource Sharing

  • Began work on updating flip cards to reflect Unity phone numbers and logo. Also correcting any other errors.
  • Continuing the conversation with Unity on how to contact them about missed drivers, alert if library is closed, or any other reason.
  • Working with Fulfillment on Lost/Damaged CSU+ workflow through the Lost/Damaged Joint Task Force.
  • Discussed turnover procedure with members leaving the group and new members joining.
    • Transitioning to a new Chair, Joe Adkins from SFSU, a month early as Chris Lee is leaving in early June.
  • Discussed RSFC presentation/update at the I-SPIE conference in July.
10-15 minsExLibris Next Generation Resource Sharing SystemDavid Walkerbrandon dudley (Unlicensed)Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)John WenzlerCarlos Rodriguez
10 minsULMS 2019 Summer Meetingbrandon dudley (Unlicensed)
10  minsAlma Assessment & Analytics Proposed PoliciesBackground reading: Tipasa Report (environmental scan and recommendation)
5 minsEnhancement Requests UpdateSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)

5-10 minsULMS Functional Committee Nominations & AppointmentsCarlos Rodriguez

ULMS Nomination form available at:

2019-20 ULMS Governance Committee (members and terms)

We need to fill the following positions:

  • ULMS Steering Committee At-Large Rep ( 2019-21)
  • Acquisitions
    • Chair (2019-20)
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-2 members (2019-21)
  • ERM
    • Chair (2019-20)
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-2 members (2019-21)
  • Assessment & Analytics
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-3 members (2019-21)
  • Discovery
    • Chair (2019-20) - Do we have a current Vice-Chair?
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-3 members (2019-21)
  • Fulfillment
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-3 members (2019-21)
  • Resource Management
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-3 members (2019-21)
  • Resource Sharing
    • Vice-Chair (2019-20)
    • 1-3 members (2019-21)

5-10 minsULMS Annual Summary & TransitionCarlos Rodriguez
5 minsAnnouncementsALL
