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30 minsFunctional Committee Updates

Acquisitions & ERM

Assessment & Analytics

  • The Data Viz Task Force has applied to COLD for a small amount of funding for a small number of Tableau licenses.  This would allow for improvements in the Deans' Dashboard and other CSU library data viz projects.
  • The SRU Task Force is close to completing a web application that would greatly streamline the current SRU process for all campuses.
  • The Collection Development Task Force is nearing completion of its Analytics Toolkit but is awaiting resolution of high-priority Salesforce case # 00629432 (missing Group Member data).
  • The committee evaluated the 2019 enhancements list and recommended four favorites for voting.
  • The committee is currently drafting documentation for Policies, Best Practices, and Procedures.
    • Policies are the immediate priority and mainly focus on curation of the shared folders in the Analytics community area, with some attention to NZ Analytics access, data privacy, and clarity around committee support for individual campus and consortial reports.
    • Best Practices and Procedures will provide a focus for next year's committee work.
  • Check-in Call discussion:
    • Training and usage data management emerged as nearly universal issues.
    • Strategized with Brandon regarding opportunities at the summer meeting, possible webinars with Ex Libris staff, CSU webinars, and ad hoc assistance via email/phone.
    • Discussed concerns about long-term sustainability of training and support responsibilities, best ways to reach and support CSU staff (who are widely distributed in both geographical location and Analytics expertise), and how often training may need to be repeated for a new audience.
  • Upcoming ELUNA presentations:
    • Nikki DeMoville:  Network Zone Analytics:  Getting the Most from Your Consortial Environment
    • Karen Schlesser, Natasha Allen, and Micah Jeffries: Visualizing Success:  Transforming Disparate Data into a Dashboard that Tells a Story



  • The task force has created a survey to gather qualitative data from campuses on how they measure Primo use.
  • The survey was presented at the 4/10 Discovery Open Forum and distributed via the Discovery listserv. Responses should be submitted before 4/23.
  • The task force will compile and discuss responses. Survey responses will be presented at 5/8 Open Forum.


  • Task force is continuing to work on a replacement for the Get It portion of the Primo full display
  • Representatives from resource sharing joined task force at last meeting and provided feedback.
  • Task force will present pilot version at 5/8 Open Forum
  • Timeline is to pilot with select campuses during the summer and rollout for wider use in the fall.


  • The task force asked for feedback regarding the Discovery UX Recommendation at the 4/10 Open Forum. Feedback accepted until 4/19.
  • Recommendations will be integrated into the central package over the summer.
  • The task force requests campuses update their entries in the CSU Primo Environmental Scan


  • Review of ULMS Fulfillment Policies: The committee reviewed the ULMS Fulfillment policies and updated Brandon with our recommendations.
  • Check in Call Fulfillment Issues: FFC discussed all the of the issues identified during the CO Check in Calls and came up with a plan to address them, which resulted in several new projects on the FFC roadmap:
    • Course Reserves Documentation (in progress)
    • Circulation Desk Staff Training Courses (in progress)
    • Lost and Paid Enhancement for Idea Exchange
    • Letters/Notices: consistency across the CSUs and letters “toolkit”
  • Alma Enhancement Voting Round One: FFC came up with recommendations for ten enhancements related to Fulfillment and sent them out to the Access Services listserv.
  • Resource Sharing Damaged Book Standards: FFC and RSFC representatives have been working together to develop standards for the condition of materials loaned and returned through CSU+. The recommendations are almost finished; we are just waiting to clarify a few points.
  • Course Reserves Contribution to Student Success: We have identified several campuses that would we like to contact on course reserves. We are working on questions and format for the discussion.
  • Date set for next Fulfillment Open Forum: May 7th 11am-noon (after Eluna)

Resource Management.

  • Completed review of all TS policies and best practices to separate policies from procedures. For complete list of decisions, see ULMS TS Policy Review April 2019. Next: To complete revisions/updating of policies and procedures, as identified during the review process, prior to the end of May.
  • Discussed Language of Cataloging (Policy).  Decision: provide campuses time to clean up records with language of cataloging other than English. For example, suggest unlinking records from NZ until cleanup of records is completed and delete holdings from OCLC to prevent future delivery of updated records from OCLC.
  • Discussed Publishing Headings Enrichment to Primo
    • Background: Israel noticed cross-references from authority records published to Primo. Feature is not activated in the NZ. Unsure how these have been activated (for some campuses).
    • Discussed impact and usefulness of publishing headings enrichment to Primo (i.e., use of preferred and non-preferred headings by publishing the cross-references from authority records to Primo for both names and subjects).
    • Committee will evaluate impact in order to make a recommendation. Will consult Discovery, campuses once we have a better understanding of how this functionality works.

NZ Management Group

  • Completed NZ record cleanup: Deleted 442,453 records for print resources and 51,790 records for e-resources with no inventory.
  • Next: To resolve duplicate records with the same OCLC number (merging/combining inventory for about 110 duplicate records).

Training and presentations for the TS Open Forum:

  • Resource Management Statistics (Karen Schlesser)
  • Working with Call Numbers in Analytics (Lauren Magnuson)
  • Licenses and License Terms (Jessica Hartwigsen)

Resource Sharing

10 minsCalState Walk-in RecommendationCathe Olson (Unlicensed)
30 minsULMS Governance StructureCarlos Rodriguez

Determine whether changes are needed to Function Committees

10  minsULMS 2019 Summer MeetingCarlos Rodriguez

Need to determine location & dates. Need to also identify presenters/topics

5 minsEnhancement Requests UpdateSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)CSU Impact on Enhancement Request Process
5 minsAnnouncementsALL
