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Google Doc worksheet for meeting minutes


November 14, 2018


Nikki DeMoville (CPSLO), Brandon Dudley, (CO), Amanda Grombly (CSUB), Lauren Magnuson (CSUSM), Brian Moore (SDSU), Tracy Gilmore (CSULB), Peggy Lau (CSUEB)

Regrets: Karen Schlesser (SJSU)


Updates on task groups:

Data viz (Lauren) - Working on dashboard demo. Have integrated data stores into single account so they can interact, incl. context for visualization elements.

  • Suggestion to include major codes as an analyzed dimension in Tableau.
  • Analyzing outlier data in order to notify sites. For now they will be excluded as ‘no data available.’

SRU (Lauren) - Webpage utility is 95% complete!

  • Lack of ‘Available for’ data still an issue for SRU (fixed in Analytics) (Case #00607798 - Brandon will escalate)
  • Q - What is being used as a matchpoint for older titles without ISSN, ISBN? A - Can use LCCN, OCLC#, ‘fuzzy’ title matching (+ format), etc.

Coll Development (Nikki, Amanda) - Developing base reports as tools for /shared/Community/Reports/Institutions/Calstate/Assessment and Analytics/ Collection Dev folder. Sites can customize for local environment. Incl. instructions.

  • Q - Will this overlap with the Acquisitions dashboard? A - Peggy will investigate whether the canned report is adequate or needs additional development.

Primo Analytics () - No report

Other? (Resource Sharing - Analytics TF is on brief hiatus)

Network Analytics - best way to continue training?

  • Nikki presented a detailed slide deck demoing the NZ at the 2018 Southern California Technical Services Meeting.
  • Tracy - might be helpful to do Ex Libris training as a group?

Benchmark Analytics - CPSLO is opted in, still awaiting data to populate (takes up to 30 days)

  • Q - anyone else participating? A - not yet.


October 10, 2018



  • works out of the box
  • compatible with SCELC
  • not continuously updated (one-time load/analysis)
  • Useful tool for identifying unique/rare material


September 12, 2018



The spreadsheet of credentials was distributed to the TF. Very useful/accurate in general. Will be distributed to ERM contacts.


August 8, 2018



    • Should all CSU campuses opt in to this?
      • Now that we have been live for a year…
      • Might facilitate cross CSU comparison
      • Is it available in NZ?
      • Consensus is this is a local decision but probably of interest to the Deans
      • Brandon shared a report on Benchmark Analytics for data cleanup
      • Nikki will enquire whether anyone else has turned this on
  • Task forces
    • new member needed? (Alyssa has rotated off)
    • going beyond data gathering & visualization--possible to move into assessment (e.g. impact of instruction on use of OneSearch)?
      • Amanda mentioned they are moving away from OneSearch in favor of databases for undergrads. Nikki and Tracy say they are doing the opposite.
      • Instruction needs?
    • Mallory recruited 2 new members
    • Established naming convention, folder structure for vetting/development
    • Interested in KPI?
    • status report (non available)
    • Discovery
    • Resource Sharing (Nikki)
    • Fulfillment (Brian)
    • Data viz
  • Collection Development Dashboard (Amanda)
    • Requests for a finished product but little detail. Specific reports need to proceed a dashboard.
    • New TF - Tracy, Amanda, Nikki
    • Fullerton is presenting @ IGelU on Collection Reports… - Amanda will reach out.
  • SRU searching (Nikki)
    • can circumvent NZ Analytics limitations. Lauren has worked with this.


July 25th, 2018



  • Karen volunteered to show her Collection Development dashboard
  • Others?


June 13, 2018



4.  Any other TF updates anyone wants to share, as time allows


April 11, 2018



Moon will be attending ELUNA where the Analytics Group will be meeting with Ex Libris to discuss major issues such as timeouts and the failure of cost per use analyses.


Feb. 21, 2018



  • NZ Analytics role
  • Withdrawn items - impact on Analytics
  • Other policies, Recommendations?
    • Best practices for NZ use (versioning, confidentiality agreement)


Dec. 13, 2017



  • ACRL: 
    • Webinar was well-attended; Ying Liu has been very good about copying us and adding our contact information to ACRL/IPEDS emails.
    • NZ Analytics suddenly has a large number of similarly-named ACRL reports, probably from other campuses trying to run reports; many of these will not give the desired results.
      • Action items:  Create an official folder with our recommended analyses (Amanda G.) and others in group will test to be sure results are consistent and work for other campuses
  • Primo Analytics:
    • Neither TF member was present to report
  • Resource Sharing TF:
    • Making progress toward rota balancing metrics.  Brian Moore (Unlicensed)has been working with Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) to find an accurate metric for borrowing/lending stats (the basic Num Requests measure doesn't provide a distinct unduplicated count). Not possible in Analytics to create a report that uses more than one subject area and has filters that come from non-shared dimensions, so he is creating separate, appropriately-filtered reports for borrowing and lending and combining in Excel.
    • New request to create report to identify returned CSU+ books inappropriately reshelved by the borrowing library instead of being shipped back to the lending campus.  This is a common error that typically occurs if the patron has removed the book band or other ILL identifiers.  Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed)will work with local ILL staff to test a report of titles that have been checked in but not received by the lending campus within a reasonable window of time and then share the results with the RS TF and hand off to Mallory for scheduling and distribution to other campuses as appropriate.
  • Fulfillment:
    • Amanda working with the group on training needs, has shared training resources pages from our wiki; Fulfillment group wants to do some analytics/reporting webinars
  • Resource Management:
    • Agreed to do a TS Open Forum presentation on NZ Analytics after the first of the year.  Will call for volunteers when date is settled.  Everyone should be thinking about what reports would be useful to share with the TS audience.
  • Data Visualization:
    • Will get going sometime early next year.  Discussed difficulties in getting access to Tableau on various campuses.  Problem may be license expense.  Per brandon dudley (Unlicensed) there is no consortial deal at this time.  May want to explore the idea once this group has some proof-of-concept demonstrations in place.
  • Update from Brandon:
    • Deans interested in a "Deans' Dashboard."  Will need to gather information regarding what they would consider useful.
    • Deans interested in CSU+ metrics and assessment.  This is a high priority for the RS joint task force (rota balancing is highest due to operational impact).  Mallory has made good progress in identifying appropriate metrics.
    • Brandon will reach out to the COLD Assessment Team (CAT) to put them in touch with our group for Alma/Primo data needs.  Several members of CAT are from Cal Poly SLO, Fullerton, and San Jose, which may facilitate communication.


Nov. 16, 2017


  • Nikki DeMoville, Brian Moore, Karen Schlesser, Alyssa Loera, Brandon Dudley
  • Regrets:  Lauren Magnuson, Moon Kim, Amanda Grombly


  • Amanda (via email):  working with Fulfillment group on Analytics training; looking at reports for ACRL
  • Primo Analytics task group:  using Google Analytics to compare with Primo Analytics--want to understand better what Primo is reporting, and how trustworthy the data is
  • Lauren and Alyssa have been looking at Tableau
    • Discussion, suggestion that Data Visualization deserves its own task group
    • Lauren, Alyssa, and Karen will organize, put out a call for additional volunteers outside the Analytics group
  • Webinars:  TS Open Forum 11/16/17; ACRL Stats webinar 12/5/17
  • Other task groups:  working on their own, no specific progress to report at this time
  • Question raised by Amanda about training in tools like Excel
    • Discussion:  this kind of basic training is outside of our charge
    • However, CSU does provide some resources like Skillport
    • Group will develop a wiki page with training resources for various tools


Oct. 18, 2017


  • Nikki DeMoville, Brian Moore, Moon Joo Kim, Amanda Grombly, Karen Schlesser, Brandon Dudley, Lauren Magnuson, Alyssa Loera


  • Volunteers to work with:
    • Possibly doing some short demos during their weekly open forum
      • weeding?
    • Fulfillment (Amanda)
    • Tech Services (Karen, Brian)
  • ACRL
    • Status report
    • Messaging
    • What can we do in the NZ that will answer the same questions for all campuses, and how do we deliver that data?
  • NZ analytics
    • Legacy, IZ - Physical Circ stats, Expenditures
    • Who needs?
    • When to use?
    • getting some questions regarding when to use NZ or IZ
    • probably need to clarify on the wiki
  • Joint task force updates
    • Discovery
    • Resource Sharing


Sep. 20, 2017


  • Nikki DeMoville - E-Res & Res Sharing coordinator @ San Luis Obispo
  • Alyssa Loera - Digital Serv & Technology, Head @ Pomona
  • Brian Moore - ILS Mgr. @ San Diego
  • Moon Joo Kim - Acquisitions Librarian @ Fullerton
  • Amanda Grombly - Collection Dev & Mgmt coordinator @ Bakersfield
  • Karen Schlesser - Library Data Mgmt Coordinator Tech Svcs @ San Jose
  • Brandon Dudley - Project Dir., ULMS; CO committee rep
  • Mike DeMars (guest) - Discovery Group Chair; Systems Librarian @ Fullerton
  • Regrets:  Lauren Magnuson - Collection Mgmt & Tech Svcs, Head @ San Marcos
