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8:30-9:00Networking, Coffee
Fresh pineapple!
9:00-9:15Associate Deans' Meeting in San Marcos

John Wenzler

Jen Fabbi

  • Question about limiting meeting to MPPs. Exec Committee recommends not limiting meeting to MPPs.
  • Amy Kautzman: MPPs need a safe space for discussing managerial roles. Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) noted that some institutions aren't able to have MPPs in penultimate leadership roles.
  • Former user (Deleted): suggests fourth option: send the designee chosen by the dean, and then have breakaway discussions by position types.
  • Peter moved to vote, Mark seconded.
  • 12 in favor of MPP-only. Debbie and Stephanie abstained. 10 in favor of opening to all.

2016-17 Budget – Final Allocations

Library budget for COLD 2016-17 9-2-2016.xlsx

A. In Gerry's September Budget Report, there we $34K that was not allocated. Also $20K in reserves. EC proposes the following distribution:

  1. $20K for Communications – Cesar Caballero (Unlicensed) from EC charged with developing "a draft  statement on the value of the ULMS and an outline for a marketing plan for COLD" before this funding is allocated.

  2. $14K for ASRS libraries who are migrating – This is a one-time subsidy for the ASRS libraries (Northridge, Sonoma, SFSU, ??) who will face additional one-time costs to make their retrieval systems work with Alma.

  3. $6,000 – for campus travel support from the reserves. Alice reports that we spent $6,500 on travel support for 10 campuses for the Ex Libris training session at SJSU. EC proposes that we allocate $6,000 to subsidize travel for the January Ex Libris training at Fullerton. Alice to work out the details on how campuses can request the funding.

  • 9:25 am
  1. Question about allocating the $54,000. Changes in leadership at SLO.
    1. $14,000 – will be put back into the pool. ASRS libraries appreciate the gesture but feel the funding has more leverage for ULMS travel for training.
    2. $6,000 – can be expanded with the $14k.
  2. Gerry talked about three categories:
    1. Ongoing costs (S&W, OE)
    2. System-wide funds for projects for 1 to 3 years
      1. This is how the ULMS implementation is funded
    3. Lottery funds for things like the ECC – submitted through requests – all of one paragraph for arguing the case to Loren. Gerry finds out in June how likely it is that the requests will be funded and knows in July what was allocated.
  3. Curt Asher asked about NBC Learn. That money was lost when NBC Learn concluded.
  4. Mark Stover asked if funds can be rolled over. Gerry said possibly, needs the commitment of the finance person. Gerry noted that his budget this year is $250k less than last year. He's concerned about reallocation of other funds.
  5. Amy Kautzman asked how the CSU Libraries can have more of a voice in this process. Amy Wallace and Gerry talked about the value of COLD addressing how we can provide solutions such as the Ethnic Studies working group.
  6. John Wenzler said Exec would need conversations. Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed) noted that it would be good for COLD to frame requests around priorities that emerge; March is when requests are made, April is when these requests are submitted.
9:45-10:00CO Staffing to Support the ULMS

David reviewed staffing for the CO during the ULMS project.

CO is spending about $3m on this two-year project, including $1.7m on migration-related tasks.

Centralized tasks done in Alma: ERM, cataloging, data clean-up, etc. – these can be done centrally and that saves effort for everyone.

Jessica Hartwigsen and David Walker – existing CO personnel (and Aaron Collier, for ScholarWorks).

New positions: brandon dudley (Unlicensed), possibly one or two more.

With just David and Jessica, a lot of the centralized work would fall back on the campuses. This is how OC started. They had two positions.

New positions are essential to managing services such as RS, Discovery, third-party integrations, data cleanup.

Central staffing important – OC has added central staff. Otherwise work falls to committees and so on, leading to interruptions in continuity and uneven workload across campuses.

Mark Stover asked about future efficiencies due to centralization. David Walker noted this is more likely for bigger campuses that have more specialized staff.

The deans went into executive session to discuss the funding. John Wenzler noted that we don't need to decide on this today. We went around the table in order to get input.

Roman and Peter - good to fund this.

Former user (Deleted) – agrees with the proposed funding of the position, however, disagrees with Dave's assumption that central staffing is the most efficient model (factors: leadership, culture and customer service orientation), hybrid models exist in SUNY and other systems.In a consent vote (moved by Roman, seconded by Patrick), the deans agreed to the additional $200,000 on principle on the condition that COLD members can participate in the crafting of the PDs. 


ULMS Campus Cost Splitting




ULMS Process for Policy Acceptance/Voting



"Currently, the various ULMS working groups are starting to put together policy and best practice recommendations around Alma and Primo.  Many of these are operational in nature, and therefore almost certainly too in-the-weeds for COLD.  But we think COLD will want to weigh in on a few of the higher-level proposals.
We've asked the working groups to identify the various policies they need to write -- many based on similar policies at Orbis Cascade and Wisconsin. 

We would like to bring a prioritized list of the policies before COLD to identify those policies that COLD is interested in voting on and the *process* by which COLD could do that both at the two spring COLD meetings and, for the sake of expediency, in the intervening months via email."

11:15-11:45Post-Implementation ULMS Governance
If we have time ...

The Dean's Role as Project Sponsor


ULMS – A Dean’s view Part 2.pptx


Follow Up and Next Steps

Time certain at 11:45:

  • Key action items and follow up from the Humboldt Meeting – John and Karen

Noon - 1pmLunchFormer user (Deleted)
