Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

NOTE: If you want to look at system wide CSU+ data reports must be run from the Network Zone which is accessed via a different link and set of credentials than your institutional Alma. If you do not have a user account set up in the NZ contact Mallory or Brandon at the CO to set one up for you.


The borrowing report is a count of the items borrowed by each institution sorted by where they borrowed the item from. The lending report counts the items lent by each institution sorted by who they lent the item to since go-live.

NoteNOTE: Both reports should show generally the same number of transactions, plus or minus a few. You will notice some discrepancies as a result of how borrowing and lending requests are counted. Borrowing requests use the presence of “item arrival date” to count requests actually received by the borrower while lending requests use the presence of “item sent date” to count requests actually shipped by the lender.  Lending numbers are generally higher than borrowing numbers because of items that are still in transit and those cancelled by patrons that were shipped and not received.


Click on it and wait for the dashboard to load in analytics. It can take some time for each tab to load but the results are well worth it! Here's a fuzzy example of one of the tabs:

Image RemovedImage Added

This is a continual work in progress. If there are any statistics you think would fit well into this dashboard send your feedback to Mallorythe RSFC.

Filled and Unfilled requests - lending and borrowing


Find these report in the Network Zone: shared/California State University Network/CSU+ → CSU+ Filled and unfilled borrowing requests/CSU+ Filled and unfilled lending requests.

CSU+ use by user group

This report shows CSU+ request activity sorted by user group. The report asks the user to designate a borrower type and date range (though "all" can be selected as well). Results include the number of filled requests for various user groups normalized into 11 categories for the date range specified (or since CSU+ go-live on 7/10/17 if no dates are chosen).
