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General Electronic Services (GES) provide a variety of options to end-users in the Primo online services (aka "View It") menu. Most notable is ILLiad, but other common GES include "report a problem" forms, Google Scholar searches, ERIC searches, and ProQuest dissertation searches.


  • For a simple GES that you want to display all the time, simply change the default rule to IsDisplay=True.
  • A GES that should display based upon specific criteria will require at least one additional SAR. 
    1. If you leave the default rule set to IsDisplay=False, then most of your additional rules will have the condition IsDisplay=True.
      1. Another way to say this: Never display this service unless X condition is present.
    2. If you change the default rule to IsDisplay=True, then most of your additional rules will have the condition IsDisplay=False.
      1. Another way to say this: Always display this service except when X condition is present.
  • Because the order of SARs matters, put the rule that will apply most broadly at the top of the list. The system will read rules until it finds one that applies, then stop. Note this example where a "display=false" rule comes first, followed by true rules, even though the default rule is false: (INSERT ILLIAD BOOKS RULES)The system will read rules until it finds one that applies, then stop. 

Creating a SAR:

  1. On the SAR tab, click Add Rule.
  2. Give the SAR a Name. The Description is optional.

    Because the conditions of an individual rule do not display on the SAR tab's rule list, it will make your life easier later to put the rule criteria into either the Name or the Description, as shown here:

  3. Click Add Parameter
  4. Name is the list of data fields.
  5. Operator is the condition (contains, is empty, is not empty, equals, does not equal, etc.)
  6. Value is what appears in the data field you chose.
  7. Click Add Parameter
  8. You may add multiple parameters; they will be treated as an AND operation (i.e., both parameters must be true for the rule to apply).
  9. Make sure IsDisplay is set as you prefer; True will be the default. 
  10. Click Save.
  11. NB when you are testing new rules: You must click Save on the SAR tab to make the rule live.


Currently, we have only one SAR:

If rft.genre=article, display=true

(Default is display=false)

ILLiad Books

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The URL Template is slightly different from the one for articles:


Several SARs apply:

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The first rule is display=false, so that any results coming from our shared library catalogs will automatically be excluded.

If The next rules are display=true. So if a result is not from the somewhere other than our shared catalog, but and it is a book or book chapter, then the ILLiad book option will appear. 

Use Case: Report a Problem


Grabs the article title and plugs it into a Google Scholar search. This is handy for locating articles that may be available free via Institutional Repositories or are otherwise open access. 

URL Template is:{rft.atitle}%22&ie=utf8&oe=utf8

Display location can be just Viewit, or Viewit & Getit. If using the "both" option, you may wish to Disable service: When Resource is owned by institution


Use Case: ProQuest Dissertations Search

Grabs the dissertation title and plugs it into a search of the ProQuest Dissertations database(s). Since all CSUs have subscription access to at least one of the ProQuest disssertions products (Humanities & Social Sciences), make sure to proxy the URL so your off-campus users can get to the full text.

URL Template is: 

(your proxy prefix here){rft.btitle}&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adissertation&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&genre=dissertation
