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Ex Libris Repository Searches and how to save sets


  • Locating locally created database records in the CZ or IZ (migrated from ILS via P2E)
    • Suggested ExL query:  Advanced Search-Find Electronic Collection > Add Conditions = Electronic Collection Type > Click Add Condition Button > Choose Database from drop down menu
      • Results: Current Search = Electronic Collections where Electronic Collection (Electronic collection Type equals "Database")
      • Locates database-only records which are not available from Ex Libris, records in CZ are created and shared by other libraries.  Currently no database-only records in NZ.
  • Recommended Search for e-Resources in the NZ:
    • Alma Drop-down menu > Find Electronic Collection >  where Electronic Collection > contains  NAME_OF_eRESOURCE
  • Search set to find bib records not linked to the NZ that should be linked
    • Repository Search from Alma Drop-down menu: Find Physical Titles > Click on Advanced Search > Add Condition > Under All titles choose Is Linked  > equals NO > ADD Condition >  Under All Titles Other System # >  starts with OCLC
      • Results: All Titles where All titles (Is linked equals "No" and Other System Number starts with "oclc")
  • Complete list of shared resources for your library in the NZ.  Should match up the Merged Target list for SFX.
    • Do a Repository Search > Find Electronic Collection > click Advanced Search > Add Condition > check Collection Available Only For  in Electronic Collection section > click on Add Condition button > equals > Choose Campus

      • This will list the active JSTOR e-collections for your library.  This may be easier to compare to SFX to see what migrated.

  • I haven’t tested this since I don’t have an IZ instance but you should be able to locate the targets Targets migrated from the local SFX instance using this search query. If anyone has a better query for locating SFX migrated resources in the IZ , please share.only (ignore the NZ results for this search). 

    • Electronic Collection >

    • Electronic Collection> Advanced
    •  Advanced Search – Add Conditions: one is Service Type equals Full Text and the second is Availability equals Available under Electronic Collection.

      • You could add a third condition to search for a specific vendor too if you want to narrow the search results.
      • Remember that targets without a full-text service will not migrate. 
  • Targets migrated from the local SFX instance, plus locally created database records.
    • Do a Repository Search > Find Electronic Collection > click Advanced Search > Add Condition >  in Electronic Collection section check Is Local (Collection)  > click on Add Condition button > equals > Yes.