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Weekly Updates

What to check

  1. Check the Alma Weekly Update Notes emailed out every week.

  • Weekly Update Notes: Ex Libris applies the weekly update on Sundays.

  • Name Changes for e-collections: This is when ExL changes the name of an e-collection to match the vendor’s name of the collection.  If there are any configurations, such as Display Logic or GES, that use the name of the e-collection, the name will need to be updated.  The name of the e-collection may need to be updated in the POL. This includes Opt-in collections from the NZ.

  • Deletions and e-collection replacements:This is when ExL removes an e-collection and replaces it with a new e-collection. In this case, if your library is using an e-collection that is being replaced, the new e-collection will need to be activated in the CZ, all portfolios will need to be activated again and the POL will need to be migrated to the new e-collection.  

    • When an e-collection is being deleted, export the current portfolios.  Use this file to update the new e-collection if it is a package with selective portfolios, not an aggregator package. 

    • Ex Libris may not give the name of the e-collection that is replacing the one being removed.  A query of the CZ will need to be done to locate the new e-collection.  Start with the name of the e-collection listed in the subscription information from the vendor.

    • Reminder: If an NZ collection is replaced by a new collection, the IZ POL for the NZ opt-in collection will need to be updated with the new collection name.

    • See section below *ExL Removes E-collections and portfolios, how to keep them in your instance.

  • New collections added: This is when a library has been waiting for ExL to add an e-collection that was previously missing. The new e-collection will need to be added from the CZ.  This applies to Open Access resources too.  For example, I’ve been waiting for a new ATLA e-collection to match the subscription for one of the libraries.  That new e-collection was added to the CZ and now can be activated and made available to that library.  If a local e-collection was created while waiting for the global e-collection to be added, the POL will need to be migrated to that new CZ e-collection after it is activated.

    • (green star) When activating a new collection, please add the RapidILL Lending Note to the collection's Internal Description field, adding either LendableInternational, LendableCountry, or LocalOnly.

2. CZ Updates Task List: These are the reports that can be found in Alma under: RESOURCES > MANAGE INVENTORY > COMMUNITY ZONE UPDATES TASK LIST. 

  • Ex Libris CZ Task List documentation

  • CZ Task List video from TS Open Forum, start at 12-minute mark starts the overview of the all the reports.

  • If you go to the Edit Service window in the e-collection, there is now a button that will display all of the changes made in weekly updates for that e-collection.

3. Close SalesForce Cases that were updated in latest weekly update

  • If ExL Support indicates that a case will be updated in a specific weekly update, the CO checks to see if that item was fixed and then close the case in SalesForce.

  • SF Cases: Cases waiting for the customer to reply:

  • screenshot of example of SalesForce Cases waiting for reply

  • CZ Updates Task List:

  • In this example, the portfolio needed an updated URL.  Check the title in the CZ task list to see if the URL has been updated.  The date range here is the specific weekly update date the item was scheduled to be updated. 

  • Check the URL and removed the local URL and accepted the global changes.  Then closed the SF case.

  • Search for a specific title in the Task List---> 

    Screenshot example of a portfolio change in weekly update

5. CDI Weekly Updates

  • There are two sections to check in the CDI Weekly Update Notes

    • CDI Content Updates

    • Electronic Collection Updates

  • CDI Content Updates

    • Informs changes that have been made to collections or new collections added to replace current CDI collections.  This section doesn't always have a weekly update but should be checked to see if a new CDI collection needs to be activated to replace a current CDI collection. 

  • Electronic Collection Updates

    • These are the collections where the linking may have changed or linking rights may have been updated.

      • Example would be a link-in-record changing to link resolver type linking, or vice versa.

      • Another, the search rights were free but now require a subscription.

      • Both of these would require changes to CDI settings.

  • The Update Notes related to these CZUTL reports:

    • Electronic Collection 'CDI full text linking' field updated

    • Electronic Collection 'CDI full text rights' field updated

    • Electronic Collection 'CDI search activation' field updated

    • Electronic Collection 'CDI search rights' field updated

    • Electronic Collection 'CDI type' field updated
