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\uD83D\uDDD3 Date

, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Please see invite for details

\uD83D\uDC65 Participants

Discovery Committee - brandon dudley (Unlicensed), Christopher Novak (Unlicensed), David Walker, Hannah Lee, Ian Chan (Unlicensed), Julie Shen, Kenneth (Ken) Herold, Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)

\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics






Meetings with Ex Libris

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


  • Upcoming meetings will discuss issues presented by the CSU.

  • Wide representation is desired for those meetings and the DFC should put out a call for those interested in participating.

  • Do the title index issues occur in other areas outside of resource sharing an Rapido?

  • We are having to reverse-engineer how to change UI elements.

  • Ex Libris likes to received proposed solutions when we present issues.

  • The goal is to wrap up meetings by end of June.


Additional Information

First set of meetings – Data Excellence and Discovery indexes:

  1. CSU - main pain points
    We would like CSU staff to describe the main pain points in the area of CDI, CZ, e-resources and Discovery possibly including Rapido/Global Title Index issues here, or during the Res Sharing section below.
    The reason we are asking for this session as the first session, is that sometimes the description in the report is on a high level and we need to get into the details in order to better understand it.
    RMFC: Duplication is the #1 point for me in this discussion. Portfolios and holdings should not appear on multiple search result records - those records should be merged or somehow collocated in discovery - this is one thing that OCLC does way better with their discovery system.
    The #2 issue for me is weighting. I'd like to be able to add ranking to single records, or sets of records - the main the use case for this is seminal works with many derivatives. If someone searches "Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte" we want the actual book to be result #1 not the reviews, commentary, etc.

  2. Data Excellence and Discovery – current status
    We would like to cover what was done so far in this area which includes CDI and CZ

  3. Data Excellence and Discovery – next steps
    What are the EXL future plans in the area of Data Excellence and Discovery

2nd set of meetings on other issues

Discovery = PrimoVE but no issue related to content (CDI, CZ, Linking)

Do you think it is possible or should we wait until we progress with the first series (Data Excellence and Discovery).

What is the Data Excellence Initiative?

The Data Excellence initiative represents Ex Libris’ commitment to content improvement through process review and tool development. The initiative was announced in 2021 and will be a main driver of content development over the next few years.

There are many components to the initiative, but the deliverables should result in improvements like enriched CZ records, faster updates, quicker, more accurate provider metadata refreshes and better linking.

The Aug 2022 update on the initiative can be found here. One major change delivered by the initiative is Community Zone Direct Ingests for Title Lists aimed to speed up CKB refreshes.

Let Brandon know if you have any questions specifically regarding this initiative.


Review and discuss the Primo VE Survey Report

Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

Next steps pending completion of survey process and purpose sections.


  • Group will review over the next several weeks and consider presenting at open forum.

    • by
    •  Julie Shen will add executive summary, pending completion of preceding task
    •  Committee will review by and prepare to present at open forum.


    Testing for February release

    Hannah Lee

    Primo VE Releases

    February release testing

    • Exciting new features

    • Needs testing for scopes at individual campuses

    • Need help button might interfere with chat widgets

    Discussion from prior meeting

    The committee discussed the possible implementation of the Feedback Tool for Primo VE.

    Issues, comments, and questions

    • Can we customize placement and color of the feedback button

    • Is it possible combine our chat buttons with the Primo feedback button

    • The categories feature is useful

    • How is the UX on mobile?


    Any items to highlight from the gathering of UI/UX Assessment research articles and projects?

    Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)


    Configuring secondary resource types

    Hannah Lee

    From WRLC -

    Discussion from prior meeting

    • Keven will follow-up with SDSU librarian on this issue

    • This topic was surfaced on a Slack thread concerning Gov Docs

      • Prior to VE, secondary resource types were used in conjunction with Gov Docs

    • David Walker has documentation that would help us with configuring this option. 

      • Configuring in VE involves transforming the rules associated with secondary resource types, from BO, to what works with VE 

    • We will also reach out to Christine Holmes to collaborate

    • David Walker will coordinate implementation with Christine and other committees

    • Primary resource type could be the carrier, I.e. DVD, Blu-ray, and secondary would be video; or e.g. Gov Doc as primary and the format type, such a as book, as secondary 

    • How would this impact the display logic rules? 

    • How should we go about working on this? Present at future TS open forum? The Norm rule task force is ready to follow up

    • Orbis Cascade started working on this, but stopped due to the number of issues

    • The process of implementing this is different from BO – more difficult because configuration udpates for NZ records only applies to NZ, each IZ will require it's own implementation – a major architectural barrier

    • There could be difficulties in achieving consensus amongst 23 campuses
      There will need to be consensus on the definition of what types are considered GovDocs

    • Committee agreement on starting with GovDocs

    • Can we use secondary resource types in facets?

    • Committee will share at upcoming open forum and solict feedback via an upcoming Technical Services open forum

    • ULMS page on resources types requires update.


    Let’s start planning the Discovery Open Forum

    Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

    From : Committee agreed to plan We will plan an open forum for , 1PM - 2PMmid/late February.

    Discussion from prior meeting

    • Topics will include VE survey report, secondary resource types, Primo UX study, Primo Need Help button


    Discuss next steps for partnering with other committees and task forces

    Ian Chan (Unlicensed)


    • Proposes joint Support for meeting with RMFC in March


    • We have several items requiring follow-up with the ERM committee, such as excluding CDI ebooks

    Linked Data Task Force

    • no updates


    Custom package requests

    Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

    Enable Google Analytics version 4

    • We’ll need to migrate to GA4 by June

    • The committee will discuss at next meeting


    Primo Known Issues Updates

    Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

    Trello card


    Accessibility Report Updates

    Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

    Discussion at ELUNA Primo PWG referenced Primo product managers meeting that briefly describes plans to implement accessibility improvements.

    They are working to complete a contract with an external auditor for all the fixes this year. Then will update the VPAT and list of roadmap issues for 2023. Document targeted end of November, finished certainly by end of year.

    ✅ Action items


    ⤴ Decisions