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Fulfillment: Enhance the configuration of physical item recall

This request seeks to enhance how Alma's request mechanism handles recall of loans to ensure patrons respond quickly and equitably when demand for resources is high. Many libraries need to make multiple physical copies of key titles available to their customers. These copies may be held in multiple holdings within and across multiple library sites. Despite holding a large number of copies there are insufficient funds to provide a copy for every patron, therefore we are reliant on the requests function to circulate stock effectively. Currently in Alma when a request is placed on a title where there are 10 copies all out on loan, and none available, a single real-time recall notification is sent to the patron who has the oldest loan, changing their loan status to recalled, but none of the other patrons with a copy are made aware of the potential demand for the item at that time. Ex Libris characterise this as an optimal 'just in time' recall approach.


University of Salford

recall, configure, multiple

Top 20 Enhancement 2015, 2016, 2017.This request expresses the enhancement raised in Request 4799. NB Received 258 votes in 2015.AT: This enhancement is planned for 201811/2/19 - Uni of Salford - Ex Libris have confirmed that this will not be developed in 2019 so we would like this to be considered in the 2019 NERS cycle


Acquisitions: Assignment of POs in deferred status

Upon changing PO status to DEFERRRED the record should become "unassigned"


University of Haifa Library

Assign to, Assignment, deferred, po status



Improve display of Electronic Collections, Services, and Portfolios

The current Alma display of Electronic Collections, Services, and Portfolios is very confusing because it is hard to tell at a glance which level you are in. We would like a hierarchical display of electronic records, with key information (like campus settings) displayed next to each. So for example, a search for an electronic collection would have a sub-tab for the services associated with it and each of those services would be expandable to the portfolios associated with the service. When in a Portfolio, there would be breadcrumbs that allowed you to navigate up to the service and/or collection.

Electronic Resources

Bridge Consortium

Alma, interface



In the MDEditor using "Expand from Template" functionality have templates apply fields/subfields regardless of whether they currently exist in the bib record

When using "Expand from Template" in the MDEditor we would like to see templates apply fields/subfields regardless of whether they currently exist in the bib record (e.g., bib record already contains a 546 for language, and we want to add an additional 546 for type of notation via template. Using the template will do this: 546 $a Spanish words with interlinear French translation $b Staff notation.It adds the subfield b for type of notation to the existing 546 rather than adding a new 546 field: 546 $a Spanish words with interlinear French translation.546 $b Staff notation. )

Resource Management

Bridge Consortium 



Allow staff to override non requestable TOU

We would like some books (like a reference book) to be non-requestable for a student. However, we would like for staff to be able to put in a request on a student's behalf for a reference book, or perform an override when appropriate.


University of Haifa Library

tou, requests, staff privileges



Make fine/fee types editable

Many of the fine and fee types in Alma's FineFeeTypeDefinition's Description table do not apply to us. Rather than providing customers with a fixed list, why not create an editable table of Manual Fine and Fee Types, similar to the Reasons for Transactions table that controls options for waiving fines?


University of Haifa Library

fine /fee types, customization



Resource sharing requests submitted through Primo check against holdings and alert user to possible matches before submitting request

It is common to receive resource sharing requests from users for items that are already available in Primo. It would be beneficial to both the user and library staff if Primo was able to match the information entered into the form by users with holdings and identify items which might fulfill the request, similar to a Find Item search. This match would be done before the request is properly submitted through to Alma. If a match was found, users would be presented with an alert with text like 'Is this what you were looking for?' and the option to either proceed with the request or go to the item/s presented by Primo. Only if they confirmed that the item found did not meet their needs would the request go through to Alma.


The University of Western Australia

resource sharing request,requests,inter-library loan form



User/Patron notes deletion

We would like to be able to delete all the notes in patron's library account on Alma at once. Now we have to delete them one by one


University of Haifa Library

user notes, UX



Free text communications with patrons

We would like to be able to send a patron an email (free text /template) straight from his account, and have it added to his attachments immediately.


University of Haifa Library

free text letters, communication with users 


Add ORCID ID to CZ Authorities vocabularies search

Field 0247 $$a XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX $$2 orcid used in authority records and is currently not searchable in CZ authority vocabularies.

Resource Management

University of Haifa Library

ORCID, Community zone, Authority vocabularies 


Enable configuring VAT on the purchase order line level

Libraries should be able to enable configuring VAT on the purchase order line level so that it can be taken into account for encumbrance calculation.


University of Liege Libraries

Acquisitions, POL, PO Line, VAT, Value-Added Tax



Changes in the BIB records should be reflected automatically in all components of the record.

We need that changes in bibliographic record will be automatically reflected in the "auxiliary" components of the whole record, such as the digital representation, PO line, etc.


University of Haifa Library



Disable pop-ups in Metadata Editor for 260/264... fields

In the MDE, when you are typing in field 260 or 264, the system offers pop-up suggestions. For cataloging staff, this is a hindrance and not an aid. These fields are transcription fields which means catalogers transcribe what is on the piece in hand, and do not choose from a controlled vocabulary. It's frustrating for staff because it usually interferes with their typing and the suggestions are not helpful. The pop-up presents a usability issue because it shows up when it is unwanted, requires extra keystrokes to get rid of, obscures the text the cataloger is trying to enter, and creates a momentary latency in the UI while the cataloger is trying to type. There should be an institutional-level configuration option to turn this off (or remove it as a feature entirely since it appears to be unwanted by customers). The pop-ups appear to be active for fields 260, 264, and 505$r$t and 561$, and these should all be disabled. There is an existing Ideas Exchange to disable this feature that (as of Dec 2019) has almost 200 votes:

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E 



New role for Manage Import Profiles

Currently users must have a Cat Admin role or Gen Sys Admin role to be able to Manage Import Profiles (change/add profiles). This also gives them access to the Configuration area of Alma. There should be a role to permit users to Manage Import Profiles that does NOT also give them access to the Alma configuration area. Access to the Alma configuration menu should be separate from the ability to Manage Import Profiles. We want to empower staff in different units to set up and maintain their own import profiles for their vendors, but we cannot roll this out as much as we would like because giving them this access also gives them access to Alma Configuration, which we need to limit to systems librarians who have undergone Alma certification. The staff who manage importing are not the same staff who need administration access, thus the permissions to Manage Import Profile should be its own role in Alma, which would allow us to give that access to more staff, while preventing them from access the configuration area, which should be limited to systems librarians. See also Ideas Exchange which has over 140 votes.


Harvard University Library - E




Scan in Items... Status / Done selections need to be sticky

The Scan in Items... Status field value is not sticky. This is a productivity issue and also leads to errors. Generally a given staff member frequently chooses a single value repeatedly, but the system always defaults to the first value in the list (alphabetically) and they have to change it every time. The same is true for the Done option. The last used option should stick. Use Case: I am a staff member in Acquisitions technical services. I am an original cataloger and my workflow involves cataloging a piece, and then updating the status of the work order to "Shelf Prep." From the Metadata Editor, I complete my cataloging, save and release the bib record, then go to Scan In Items, change the status from the default value (first alphabetically) of "Cataloging" to "Shelf Prep," then Scan in the barcode. Now I work on my next bib record, finish cataloging in the MDE, save and release record, go to the Scan in Items screen, and now I have to re-select the status of "Shelf Prep" and scan in the item. I have to re-select this status all day long as I go about my cataloging work.

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E




Disable Item description confirmation message

Anytime you save an item that has a description, you get a pop-up message that reads "The description may need to be updated as well..." This occurs even if you have just updated the description manually. It is unhelpful, and is a bane for staff who work with serial items or multi-part works. It increases the time it takes to save an item and adds unnecessary keystrokes. The only time it does not occur is if you have clicked the Generate button in advance of Saving, but this button isn't generally used by our staff because there are too many bugs with the item description templates, and in other cases the Generate button is not appropriate, such as when you are cataloging a 9-disc volume set and the descriptions read "Disc 9," etc. This pop-up should be disabled, or there should be an institution-level configuration option to turn it off. Here's a video showing some of the latency. The pop-up adds several seconds to the transaction, which is a lot for staff trying to process hundreds of item records:

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E




Add consistent shortcuts and more buttons to search results

In Alma search results there are keyboard equivalents to navigate but not to all options (e.g. Edit record, Full View then Edit Record...). There should be consistent keyboard shortcuts for navigation throughout the system. Specifically: 1) from search results, when physical tab is expanded, there should be a button (and shortcut) to edit a holding in the list, instead of the current method of opening the holding in View mode and then clicking Edit; 2) from search results, need a keyboard shortcut to invoke Edit of bib record. 3) From the search results, need a button and shortcut for going to list of items.


Harvard University Library - E




More mapping options in Import Profiles (Material Type, Acq Method, E-Collection)

We need additional mapping options in Import Profiles. We need the ability to map to Electronic Collection, Material Type, and Acquisition method, based on field/subfield values in the input file. For example, we have several EOD profiles for Casalini, when we could have 1 if these values could be mapped. We have several because we load different material types (Books, DVDs, etc.) and have multiple Acq Methods, such as Approval, Purchase at Vendor System, etc. Similarly, for Import Profiles that load Portfolios, you cannot map to Collection. You have to have a separate profile for each Electronic Collection for which you want to load portfolios. These greatly increases the number of profiles we need to maintain. If we could map to Electronic Collection from a field/subfield value in the input file, we would need to maintain significantly fewer profiles.

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E




Preferred term correction: flip headings that change tag number

Alma authority control does not handle cases where the bib heading is linked to an authority via a cross-reference, but the preferred and non-preferred terms are in different fields, e.g. preferred term is in authority field 130 and cross-reference in authority is in 410. Alma should be able to handle this scenario. Currently when the bib heading matches the authority cross-reference, Alma won't correct these and instead puts them on this report: Preferred Term Correction - Bib Heading found no authorized term. This is a common scenario and the lack of this feature is a significant gap in the Alma authority control process. Handling these manually would require an unsustainable amount of effort by staff, because they can only be corrected through complicated norm rules, and it is not feasible to write a norm rule for every relevant heading and run jobs to update records. // Example bib heading that Alma won't correct: 110/2_ $$a Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). $$t Treaties, etc. $$g Germany, $$d 1919 June 28. The authority record that this heading links to (via its cross-reference) 130/0 $$a Treaty of Versailles $$d (1919 June 28) 410/2$$a Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). $$t Treaties, etc. $$g Germany, $$d 1919 June 28. The bib heading in 110 links to the authority via the cross-reference in the 410, but because the preferred term in the authority is in 130 (and not 110), Alma will not flip the heading. // This is also in Ideas Exchange with about 180 votes:

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E




Controlled Digital Lending

Controlled Digital Lending - Alma-D has very robust functionality as a digital asset management tool. There are already very good methods for controlling access to digital assets, a variety of viewers accommodating many file types, and integrated publishing from Alma to Primo. One compelling feature that would make Alma-D the "no-brainer" digital asset management system is functionality that supports controlled digital lending.


Brandeis University

Alma-D, Controlled Digital Lending



Change due dates when patrons expire

We would like the due dates of a patron's books to be changed to their account Expiration Date if this is reduced. For example, if a book is issued to a student for 10 weeks and they withdraw or go on a leave of absence, the original due date remains which can be some weeks after they have left. This can cause confusion for library staff and the patron.


Brandeis University




Interested in Letter to Have Resource URL

Users have to take the additional step of searching for the the resource in Primo in order to access it, and some users are confused as to how to access the resource from the notification email.


Brandeis University




Customizable Electronic Material Types for portfolios

Electronic Material Type for portfolios is currently hard coded and additional Types cannot be configured or added. We have a need to add additional electronic material types for consistency and accuracy with our electronic collections. There should be consistency of functionality in Alma across resource types; we're able to add additional Physical Material Types and we should be able to add additional Electronic Material Types.

Electronic Resources

Brandeis University 



Add AM/PM to 12 hour clock.

We would like the 12hour clock to display AM/PM.  This causes confusion when users check out hourly loans because Alma displays to the staff and in the notices 8:00 and users do not know if it is AM or PM.  This then leads to misunderstandings, overdue materials, and angry patrons. 


Brandeis University




Save more fields in POL template

The POL template for continuations does not save the subscription from/to dates, the status of the Manual Renew checkbox, or the list price. The system defaults to having Manual Renew checked off for all new POLs (contins) and users have to uncheck it every time. There should also be an option to configure an institution default for this checkbox. Likewise, subscription from/to dates do not save in a template. This means that staff have to repeatedly choose the dates via the cumbersome calendar pop-ups, even though most of the time they are entering Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of the current year. This should be saved as part of a template, or at least be configurable as an institutional default. It should be possible to save the list price in the template as well. In many cases we use 0.01 as the list price for various reasons. Additionally, add the ability to store INTERESTED USERS, POL NOTES, INVOICE STATUS, and the ADDITIONAL tab with the associated PO lines for all PO Lines templates.


Harvard University Library - E




Running norm rules on holdings – pick rule as you run job

When running a job to apply a norm rule on holdings, you should be able to choose the rule when running the job, instead of having to configure a process in advance. When running a job to apply a norm rule to bibs, it is possible to choose the rule at the time of running the job, but this is not possible for holdings. In order to run a norm rule on holdings, you first have to go to Alma configuration > Resources > Metadata Configuration > Norm Processes, to set up a process that will apply the rule. Then when running the Change Holdings Job, you select the process when running the job. We would like it to be possible to choose the norm rule at the time of running the Change Holdings Job. The problem with the current workflow is that only system administrators have access to Alma configuration, but it's catalogers who are involved in writing norm rules to run on holdings. Staff should be able to independently write and run rules on holdings without being depending on administrators to set up the process via Alma configuration.

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E 



Facilitate entry of data into the resource sharing form from an external source

Recent user experience testing for our resource sharing service indicated users would like a way to easily paste in data from other websites into the resource sharing form. For example, they would like to harvest the data easily from Google Scholar or another database and enter this into the form without manually copying and pasting each piece of data from one website into the webform. One way this could be accomplished is using a browser extension similar to Leganto's Cite It. When they find a resource they would like to request, this browser extension could harvest the required data. The user could then open the resource sharing form and paste all the data at once from the browser extension into the form. The browser extension might also have the ability to lodge the request information directly into Alma, bypassing the resource sharing form in Primo altogether.


The University of Western Australia

resource sharing form, Cite It, external data, autopopulate



Ability to delete/remove redundant copyright records from the Approval Requests list

We would like the ability to delete/withdraw or otherwise remove pending copyright approval requests in the Approval Requests list.There are a few reasons why a Library may wish to do this:-Associated citation has since been deleted-Patron digitization request has been cancelled-Citations with copyright records that require manual approval were added to the Approval Requests List as part of the rollover. However, some of these units will not be using Leganto and will never submit a reading list.In these cases, rejecting copyright is not appropriate as there was no genuine request for copyright approval. Rejecting will generate incorrect metadata and may affect future requests for copyright approval.As a result of these scenarios, the tasklist can become full of redundant citations with copyright that will never be approved or rejected, and there is no way to remove them from the List. Such is the case with our own Approval Requests list.


The University of Western Australia

copyright, approvals, citations 


Add Previous and Next buttons to Repository Record View

After conducting a search and selecting a record to view, it would be very useful to have Previous/Next buttons for navigation through the results, rather than needing to always go "Back" and then select the next record in the list for viewing


Swiss National Library

Repository Navigation Button Next Previous



Create new "Item Status" option

We would like a new "Item Status" check function as a standalone, within Fulfilment. This is a feature upon scanning in an item barcode, to immediately display live information on the item.The Item Status option would link to a page that allows the user to scan in an item barcode. Once an item barcode is scanned in, it should (dynamically) produce the following information statuses about an item: Book titleAuthorYearBarcode numberShelf class markSTATUS: On loan or item in placeDue Date if on loanPatron identity if on loanTransit status (where applicable)Item destinationReservation statusIDs of users in reservations queue


Imperial College London




Selection of fields displayed in the brief record view should be configurable by user

In the brief record view in Alma there is an option to add/remove various fields from the brief results view. The list of the fields is set and quite limited. It would be very helpful to have more flexibility to choose which fields will appear in the list and for the list to include local fields


University of Haifa Library

brief results view, UX, local fields



Enable creation of itemized sets of digital representations and files

There is no option to create a set of a list of Representation IDs (itemized set) as it is possible with MMS IDs or Portfolio IDs. This option is highly required when handling large digital collections.

Resource Management

University of Haifa Library

Itemized sets, digital files, digital representations



Add MMS ID to any Export URL report

When running the Export URLs job there is an option to export URLs from the bibliographic record, from digital representation or from the portfolios. When choosing to export URLs from set of electronic portfolios, the report contains only the Portfolio ID and the URL.


University of Haifa Library

Export URL, job reports, 


Expand "Interested user" options in Analytics

When adding "Interested user" to a POL there are choice options to notify the user upon arrival or cancellation or create a hold (see attachment). These options do not appear in Analytics, only the existence of "interested user".


University of Haifa Library

interested user, analytics reports 


Provide the ability to batch-edit electronic collections

Allow library staff the option to batch update multiple electronic collections at once. Use cases provided by requester below: 1) We subscribe to several collections on thesame platform. The platform vendor announces site maintenance which will make the platform inaccessible for several hours. We want to be able batch-apply to all the collections on that platform the same Authentication Note stating that the platform is unavailable. Then, when the maintenance is over, we want to be able batch-remove the same note. 2) We subscribe to several collections on the same platform. The platform vendor announces that the URL syntax is changing from http to https. We want to run a job to batch change the Electronic Collection Level URLs. This would be something like "delete or replace portfolio's prefix" in the "Change Electronic Portfolio Information" job. 3) We subscribe to several collections on the same platform. The platform vendor announces that these collections' names have changed; "Database A" is now "Platform Name: Database A." We would like to be able to update these names in a batch so the new names display to users. Perhaps if there were a "collection editor" spreadsheet with columns for collection ID and all the other collection fields, we could enter the new names in the Public Name (override) column, upload the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet would match on Collection ID, and all our collections would have their new values in Public Name (override) applied. 4) We want to make sure that the collections we need to proxy all have the same proxy sever settings. For these collections, we want to run a job to batch enable proxying (at the collection and the service level) and batch set the proxy server (at the collection and service level) to our default proxy server.

Electronic Resources

Rutgers University Libraries




Fix gaps in Subject Browse (LCSH vs. LCNAME subjects)

The separation of subjects into these 2 separate browses is very problematic: LCSH, "LC name authority records for 651". Staff must check each browse separately to find all headings. This affects Primo VE customers as well, where the incomplete Subject Browse is a serious patron facing issue. For example, you have to use the LCSH browse to find Michigan-Antiquities, but you have to use the LC names for 651 browse to find MichiganAntiquities-Bibliography. There should be a single subject browse that contains both LCSH and LC names for 651. Geographic headings in "LC Names 651" are used as subjects and need to be in the same browse as LCSH terms. The fact that they are controlled by separate vocabularies is incidental for discovery and database management purposes. In LC practice, some subdivided geographic headings are established LCSH authorities, not LC Name authorities. Only the un-subdivided name is included in LC Names. Subdivided names are included in LCSH. (For an easier to read version of this request please see:

). FULLER EXAMPLE: In LCSH browse you see: Michigan-Antiquities; MichiganBiography; MichiganGuidebooks; But in LC Names for 651 you see: Michigan;MichiganAntiquitiesBibliography;MichiganAntiquitiesPeriodicals;MichiganGazeteers; What you should see is a single browse: Michigan;MichiganAntiquities; MichiganAntiquitiesBibliography;MichiganAntiquitiesPeriodicals;MichiganBiography; MichiganGazeteers;Michigan-Guidebooks; MORE BACKGROUNDThere is a list of "free-floating subdivisions" that can be used under place names in the Subject Headings Manual, H 1140. Most of these are not established in LCSH under individual places, unless a further subdivision that is specific to a place needs to be established. For example, $x Abstracting and indexing is a valid subdivision in the list, but United States""Abstracting and indexing is not in LCSH. On the other hand, $x History is a free floating subdivision, but United States""History is in LCSH because it is needed as part of the structure to add specific subdivisions, e.g. United States""History""Civil War, 1861-1865. Sometimes a heading is in LCSH because cross references are needed for that combination. For example, $x National Guard is a free floating subdivision, but United States""National Guard is in LCSH because it has references from National Guard (United States) and United States""Organized militia, 1903-1916.

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E 



Anonymize loans for a single patron and allow him to do it himself from his account

We need to have an option in the patron services page to allow our staff to anonymize a patron's inactive loans, if he ask to. We would like also that the patron could do it himself from his Primo account. This option should exist at the institution zone level and every institution could choose if activate it or not.


Bibliotheque cantonale et universitaire Lausanne

Patron, Loans Anonymization, Data privacy, Fulfillment



Allow extra xsl file in letter system

Currently ALMA does not let you add extra call template files. You are stuck with the default ones ../xsl/letters/calltemplate/style.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/smsRecordTitle.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/senderReceiver.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/recordTitle.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/mailReason.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/header.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/footer.xsl../xsl/letters/calltemplate/esploroStyle.xsl../xsl/letters/call_template/esploroSenderReceiver.xsl This is okay, if every letter xsl you write is different, but it becomes annoying of a few of them share some functionality.Then you are stuck either repeating this functionality in both the xsl letters or writing the xsl to include some external template Allowing users to define extra call templates just for including in letter xsl's would fix this


Vanderbilt University Library




Library general/summary details is missing external name field that can be used in the Primo display

The library general information screen is missing an external name that can be used in Primo like the external name that is setup in the location general information screen. We setup our library names when we went live in July 2012 and now find that we would like the display name in Primo for library = O'Neill to be O'Neill Library, the display name in Primo for library = Law to be Law Library and the display name in Primo for library = Bapst to be Bapst Library. If we change the library names in Alma we found this breaks all of our reports that prompt by library name in Alma Analytics. Rather than breaking our reports an easier solution would be to have an external name field in Alma on the Library General information tab that can be used for display in Primo the same way that there is an external name field defined on the general information tab for location.

Interoperability & Integration

Boston College

Alma Library General Information

Please take votes from Primo NERS #6655 into account.


Received Items List - enhance functionality

Please add the ability to view Material type as a column, add a button to Open Predicted Items, and add a button to Withdraw items to the Received Items List in Acquisitions > Receive. Include a popup for the receiving note, similar to what exists for fulfillment notes (for an example, see Salesforce Case #00058981). Use case for Open Predicted Items (added from 6668):A user is responsible for receiving issues of print serials. While doing so via the Receiving List, they need to create additional predicted items for a title. They navigate to the List of Items for the correct holding associated with that title using a Repository Search, then use the Open Predicted Items function.They then need to navigate back to the Receiving List to continue their work until needing to create additional predicted items for another title.


Boston University




Reminders - enhance functionality

This area of Alma is incredibly useful, but could use some enhancements to make it better. If it behaved more like the E-Activation task list it would become much more valuable and popular. 1. Showing up on the homepage Task List/sends emails (most important); 2. Ability to assign the tasks; 3. The ability to filter by type or status better; 4. More useful filtering of due dates.

Resource Management

Boston University




Expected Invoice Interval - not available in Analytics for Reporting

We would like 'Expected Invoice Interval' field in Vendor Account Details in Alma available for reporting in Analytics. This field is present in: Vendor Details-SummaryAccount CodeVendor Account Details-Delivery and Claim Information Raised as a SF#00734009, ExLibris suggested to raise via NERS and ideas exchange.


Charles Sturt University 



Alma RS - ability to change from Loan to Copy

Currently there are 2 forms for borrowing requests - one for copies, one for loans.Borrowing Requests are put onto the wrong form, patrons place a copy onto the loan form.Would like to be able to easily change the form from Loan to Copy (or vice versa) in Alma RS to stop having to re-key whole request. Raised SF#801481, and ideas exchange


Charles Sturt University


Functionality provided in an Alma App as of Jan 2021:

Would like this functionality easily available within Alma.


Prioritising Digitisation requests over hold requests for processing

Is it possible to have digitisation requests automatically prioritised to the top of a request queue over the physical item requests. Currently all physical item and digitisation requests go by the date they are placed by the patron. We find that patrons are waiting months sometimes just to get a copy of a chapter, where as if all digitisations were automatically at the top of the list they could all be processed and then items loaned to patrons. Ideas Exchange -


Charles Sturt University




Alert regarding Multiple chapters requested from one item by one patron

We would like an alert to let us know if a patron has placed multiple requests for chapters from one item. Copyright only allows for 10% or 1 chapter. As we are multicampus, it is hard to keep track of what a patron has requested to avoid breaching copyright. Ideas Exchange -


Charles Sturt University




Add Primary ID to User Sets Excel Export Fields

Please add the Primary IDs to the list of fields in Excel export list for user sets in Alma.


Tarrant County College District

User sets, export, primary ID



Add Pick Up Option for Library Satellite Locations

We were advised by Ex Libris support to pursue this functionality through an enhancement. We are asking for a way to add pick up locations into Alma/Primo that are not "libraries" in Alma.


Tarrant County College District




Include recalled items in 'Bulk Change Due Dates'

During COVID-19 outbreak, our library configure the extension of due dates in Alma. We ran 'Bulk Change Due Dates' jobs, which able to change the due dates of items on loan. However, we encountered issues for the due dates of any items on loan that had been recalled (e.g. having reached the end of the maximum renewal period). We had to do a workaround manually, which causes inconvenient and high risk of error. It requires us to double check carefully. Is it possible to add a field option such as 'Include recalled items' to the 'Bulk Change Due Dates' job?


The University of Hong Kong Libraries

bulk, due date, change, job



Ability to export Contacts from Vendor data

There is currently no way to export Vendor Contact data. It is inaccessible in Analytics and cannot be exported directly from Alma. Exporting a list of users of type Contact only gives their names, not the vendor they're associated with or phone number or email address.



vendor contacts, analytics 


More information expected for cancelled request

Occasionally, we are asked to investigate who ever cancelled a hold request. However, currently, ALMA does not provide the possibility nor does Analytics .


Rice University

hold request cancellation 


Add support for Handles in Alma

Esploro now supports Handle integration. This request is seeking to have that functionality extended to digital collections managed in Alma.

Resource Management

Brandeis University




The USERS table (that seems to virtually duplicate much of the information in the FULFILLMENT table) should be combined with FULFILLMENT for easier querying.

The USERS table in analytics includes fulfillment material such as the NOTE field in which patron notes live. This table (that seems to virtually duplicate much of the information in the FULFILLMENT table) should be combined with FULFILLMENT for easier querying.


University of Wisconsin System

Alma Analytics users fulfillment table 


Add the Invoice Date to the "˜Waiting for Approval' screen for invoicing

The only two date options when reviewing invoices are Creation Date and Last Updated Date, which are not terribly useful as invoice timelines really related to payment terms (net 45, net 30, etc.) which hinge on the actual invoice date. Our University has net 45 procurement terms and when I look at this screen as an approver, it would be helpful to know which invoices are coming up on that 45 day mark or which are already past due. In order to see any invoice details you must click into every invoice separately. There is no notification in the system to show something that needs to be rushed and then communications must take place outside of the system.


Rutgers University Libraries




Add an easy way to suppress collections and all items within that collection

This is an enhancement request to check an easy way to suppress collections as well as any item that is contained within that collection.

Resource Management

University of Wisconsin System

Alma Primo Suppress Collection Collections 


Add option to configure Process Types for Unavailable Physical Items, without creation of requests

Alma Process Types and the associated Base status of 'Item not in place' or 'Item in place' are hardcoded, as are the automated workflows within Alma and the flow-through to Primo for the availability status to be set to 'Not Available' or 'Available'.This is extremely limiting, as there are scenarios when a Library might want their physical resources to still be discoverable in Primo ie not suppressed, but also be marked as Unavailable.Being able to control availability by configured Process Types will allow us to communicate to users that we hold resources already, so that they don't waste time submitting purchase requests or thinking that we have a poor collection, while also avoiding user confusion with resources set to 'Available', when they actually aren't.Use cases for the need for this option are closures due to mould outbreaks and closures for physical distancing requirements related to COVID-19. Outcome: A configuration option is added to Alma whereby a site can add, edit, and subsequently delete new Process Types, as a static status added to an item, with no associated automated workflows triggered or requests created within Alma. A discovery label can be added to each Process Type by code table, for the Get It display. The configured Process Types are available in the Change Physical Items job, allowing for sets of items to have this type added and also then removed easily in bulk by job. The assignment of the Process Type to a physical item in Alma would immediately flow-through to Primo to mark these resources to be 'Unavailable' by the availability status, and display the associated label in the Get It by Real Time Availability. These Process Types would also be ETL'd to Analytics, along with the existing hardcoded Process Types, in the Physical Items subject area, for tracking and ease of management.Note: The current configuration option of Work Orders are not suitable to fulfill this submission, as they create a request for each resource, which then cannot be removed in Alma by bulk job, and incorrectly inflate Analytics data for requests. In the use cases provided, we do not need Alma's help in managing our resources beyond making clear to users in Primo that the resources are not available currently.See Idea Exchange submission at 98 votes as at 5.1.2021:

Resource Management

University of Queensland

physical items ; process types ; base status ; availability status ; discovery



Add visibility of Publishing Information to the Repository Manager role

The ability to see Publishing Information in Alma, via Resources > Publishing > Publishing Information and also as 'Publishing Information' against each resource is currently restricted to Administrator roles (General System, Repository, and Catalog).There is no reason to restrict this to admin level, as it is just viewable information and already read-only.In contrast, there are very good reasons to make this information visible to the Repository Manager role, as it is extremely valuable for troubleshooting discovery and access issues, such as with the assignment of availability for remote CDI records, and with the Link Resolver matching of the OpenURL data with local Alma records and presentation of Library services.Visibility of this key information empowers staff responsible for Alma resources in understanding the nature of this integration and match to Library services in Primo, which will assist to report issues to Ex Libris in a meaningful way, even if library staff take no local action directly.


University of Queensland

publishing information ; CDI ; Central Discovery Index ; Repository Manager



Allow for creation of a logical set in Alma from Alma Analytics

It is possible to create a set in Alma directly from Alma Analytics, but only for an itemised set. This current functionality is great for skipping a few steps in exporting a file from Analytics, but does not take advantage of the dynamic nature of daily Analytics updates, with no option to create a logical set.Use case: We have three Analytics reports for three Publishing Profiles for specific local License Terms, which are sent to an external Resource Sharing provider. We cannot create these sets in Alma due to very limited ties between License records and License terms, and the required electronic inventory information. At the moment, we periodically manually update from File, with refreshed itemised Publishing Profile Sets, but if we could keep the set as Logical from Alma Analytics we could completely automate the process.Outcome: Add the option to create a Logical set in Alma, tied to an Alma Analytics report, via Admin - Manage Jobs and Sets - Manage Sets - Add Set - Logical - Add Contents from File to Set - From Analytics - and select an Analytics report for dynamic updates. These sets can then be used for related standard functionality, such as in Publishing Profiles.See Idea Exchange submission currently at 63 votes as at 5.1.2021:

Resource Management

University of Queensland

Alma set ; logical set ; Alma Analytics ; publishing profiles



Increase customisation options for the resource sharing request form

User experience testing that we conducted showed that most users prefer to place resource sharing requests via the resource sharing request form in Primo. Users also expressed frustration with some aspects of the form including the format of the fields. They also expected that the Library could add notices relevant to the resource sharing service to this page. The current options for configuring this form do not allow us to meet the expectations of our users. We would like to have more options for customising the page the form is on and the form itself. Specifically we would like : 1)The ability to customise the format and appearance of the page (e.g. the width of form fields, the positioning of the radial buttons) 2)The ability to add a notice or message to the form (this is crucial to communicate important information about the service to our users) 3)The ability to add custom fields to the form 4)Enable a user to upload a snip or screenshot to the resource sharing request form


The University of Western Australia

resource sharing, request form



Allow Collections to be dynamic (based on a logical set)

It is currently possible to add Itemized or Logical sets as titles to a Collection that will appear in Primo. Unfortunately, when a logical set is used, it is not dynamic and the content of a Collection is not updated in Alma (and in Primo Collection Discovery). We would like to make it possible to create dynamic Collections whose content (titles) are automatically updated when new items are added to the logical set.

Resource Management

University of Liege Library

Collection Discovery; Primo; Collections; sets;



Abilitiy for all Item Record fields to show in the repository Physical Items brief results

We would like all Item Record fields to appears as options in the repository brief results for Physical Items. At the moment, many - but not all - of the Item Record fields are available. For example, we would like the ability to see the Item Record Storage ID field in the brief results, so if an item is shelved by a Storage ID number, rather than a call number, Fulfillment staff can see that information from the brief results without having to open the item record.

Resource Management

University of Washington




Local Authorities for Network Zone linked records

Alma provides the possibility of local authorities for cataloguing in an Institutional Zone and its local records. Unfortunately those local authorities cannot be used in a Network Zone environment for records linked to the Network Zone. Defining local authorities in the Network Zone or in the Community Zone is not an option, because those local authorities are frequently updated by catalogers. Information in those local authorities is only relevant for the affected IZ. Proposed solution"¢ local authorities are defined and maintained in the Institution Zone (system administration as well as cataloguing)"¢ linking via F3 is possible for Institution Zone records linked to the Network Zone but also for (local) IZ records without a link to the NZ."¢ These local authorities are preferably catalogued in 6XX (with $$9LOCAL), or as a second option: in designated 9XX fields with $$9LOCAL."¢ Advantage of using 6XX instead of 9XX fields: 6XX are already implemented and are also included in search indexes (full use of existing functionalities in Alma)

Resource Management

Austrian Library Network

local authorities, resource management



Alma titles showing up in the Google knowledge panel

Make it possible to publish Alma records to search engines like Google so that our catalog data is transformed and displayed in the Knowledge panels (see screenshot), a section on the right on search results pages.

Interoperability & Integration

University of Liege Library

Alma, publishing profile, google, search engines, knowledge panel, discoverability

This service is currently proposed by Ebsco/Novelist


Subdivided LCSH headings should be flipped by PTC

Preferred Term Correction is not flipping all LCSH headings when the authority record changes. If there is an authority record that has a subdivision, it is only flipped by PTC if the heading in the bib has no additional subdivisions. This means there is a significant gap in the PTC process that requires manual attention and handling, which is unsustainable. The PTC process needs to be more thorough. For example, this LCSH: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century was updated by LC to be: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1789-1900 When the authority record changed, bib headings that had the original $a $x $y (only) were flipped by PTC to have the new $y. But any headings that had additional subdivisions were not flipped. For example, this bib heading was flipped to the new form: BEFORE: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th centuryAFTER: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1789-1900 But this bib heading was NOT flipped: $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Congresses. More example of headings that were not flipped but should have been flipped: 651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Caricatures and cartoons. 651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Congresses. 651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Exhibitions. 651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $x In literature. 651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Periodicals. 651 0 $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Poetry.

Resource Management

Harvard University Library - E 



Add Authority Control reports to Analytics

Having the ACTL reports in Analytics would allow us to combine information with other reporting areas to disperse the work of reviewing the reports and to prioritize work. For example, we could filter by bib language, publication place, even POL owner. Furthermore, the performance of the Alma Authority Control Task List is so problematic that sessions sometimes timeout before the interface presents the data. If the content is presented before timeout, it often takes 10-45 minutes of waiting for the UI to render the content. After the initial waiting period, using any filter or dropdown results in another waiting period of at least several minutes, and when you need to do multiple filters, using the tool tests one's patience. We would like the data to be in Analytics so that we have full reporting capabilities and can export data that we need to review. For storage reasons, the reports would not need to be retained indefinitely. 1-2 years worth of data would suffice.


Harvard University Library - E




Provide an ability to configure the wording templates of citation alert in Leganto

As the default citation alert is limited to the system defined at (

better fit in the workflow and describe the reason for rejection, please provide a configuration for customizing the citation alert template, similar to the "Purchase Request Reject Reasons" (



The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Staff user accounts "" allow proxies and duplication

We recently switched from Aleph to Alma and really miss - the proxy function for staff users *- the possibility to duplicate a staff user to create a new staff user account * If using an existing staff user account as proxy is not possible, please allow the staff user accounts to only be linked to their profiles, so that an update of the profile updates the related staff user accounts (

, did not make it through NERS 2019).


University Library Basel

staff user management, regression from Aleph 


Allow administrators to hide unused item and POL fields at institution level, in order to reduce information overload and chance for human error

For example, assume a certain institution doesn't make any use whatsoever of the following fields in the "General" tab of the Physical Item Editor: Is magnetic, Pages, Replacement cost, Physical condition, Inventory number, Inventory price. In this case, the information overload for the user, as well as the chance for human error, would both be greatly reduced if an administrator would be able to define some or all of these fields as hidden


Jewish National and University Library

POL, item, hidden fields, unused fields 


In Alma analytics, "Physical Items" subject area, add "Process Type Status" field

Currently, this field is only available in analytics in the "Physical Items Historical Events" subject area, and it is difficult to extract the current status of an item. See also related NERS 2021 Request #7177


Jewish National and University Library

Analytics, Physical Items, Process Type Status



Make the "Duplicate" command in the MDE configurable per user, such that it can be defined which fields will not be duplicated when using it

For example, in most cases one will not want to duplicate control number and identifier fields like 035 and 024. Duplicating the title and/or the author might be preferable for some workflows but not for others. Pre-configuring these parameters per user could greatly improve cataloging efficiency

Resource Management

Jewish National and University Library

MDE, Duplicate, Customize 


Send letter to patron immediately upon placing a request, with an update regarding the status of the request

When placing a request, a patron would automatically receive a letter containing an update regarding status of the request. For example: "request is in queue" or "item has been ordered from remote stacks". See also similar Idea Exchange submission (standing at 108 votes as of 01 Feb 2021):


Jewish National and University Library

Patron request, Letter, Status 


Manage Electronic Resource Activation Task List workflow

Currently, one must manually assign one by one tasks (Assign To, Release Assignment, Done etc) in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List in Alma. Assigning one by one is burdensome and an inefficient workflow when there are many tasks to assign in the Unassigned Tab or Assigned to Me Tab.For example, there may be many newly purchased ebooks in the Unassigned Tab that need to be assigned to an operator to process. We propose that a bulk action feature be added for a better workflow. This is already possible to "Change the Status" with a bulk action, so, it should also be possible for other actions. In addition, we propose that in the creation of the POL, there should be an action to select "Assign to". This is similar to an idea proposed in the Idea Exchange. See

Electronic Resources

San Jose State University

ERM, activation task list, workflow



Prioritise fulfilment of holds by physical location code

Add the ability to prioritise by physical location which item should be preferred when a reader uses a title level physical hold request for a title with multiple holdings.


State Library of New South Wales

requests; locations; customisation; rare books; holds; ordering; sorting; requesting; physical locat



Add bulk checkin / scan in items

Add a bulk checkin job to scan in multiple barcodes. Currently this is only available via API. The offline circulation module does not scan in items effectively.


State Library of New South Wales

bulk checkin; bulk scan in; global; clear statuses; in transit; new job;



Item update job: add or remove exact phrase from a selected note

We need a fourth option to remove or add only described phrase.

Resource Management

University of Texas at Austin

item note job partial update



Protect User Privacy in Reading History (Right to Erasure)

A) Expunge the metadata of a loan a patron record after the loaned item has been returned and checked out by another patron (unless patron has opted- in to collect reading history). B) In the item record, expunge patron data from the record after successful return and check out by another patron; leaving only the most recent borrower data, and cumulative number of circulations C) If patron opted-in to collect reading history, in patron self- management, allow patrons to edit reading history.


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library

user data; user privacy; personal data; My Library card, reading history, user account



Make all Address Types usable for Personal Delivery

While making configuration changes to Alma and Primo to enable a postal delivery service to our students and staff during the pandemic, we realised that it was not possible to use Address Types other than Home or Work for Personal Delivery (see Salesforce case #00919668). Ex Libris provided us with workarounds involving changes to our field mappings from the SIS or utilising APIs, but it would be preferable if we could use addresses as they are held currently.


Sheffield Hallam University

patron physical item requests; requests; personal delivery; address type; postal delivery 


Improve Alma CSV export format

The item export job from Alma formats a CSV file in such a way that it cannot be read by a CSV reader.

Interoperability & Integration

University of Wisconsin System

Alma export csv. 


Provide ability to update portfolio "Public Access Model" field via the Change Electronic Portfolio Information job

It is presently not possible to batch update the Public Access Model field in portfolios. While it's possible to use the Update PO Lines Information job to update the PO Line Access Model field and have the portfolio Public Access Model field automatically updated, we have thousands of portfolios (e.g., migrated portfolios from our legacy ILS) that are not connected to a PO Line.

Resource Management

University of Washington


According to SF #00884457, the "ability to load/update Access Models in batch will enter to Alma's general road map, currently with no detailed timeline."


Add Work Order Type, Status, and Date to Item History

Our staff change the statuses within work orders to track items through different workflows within technical services departments. For example, we change item statuses from "In Acquisitions" to "In Copy Cataloging" or "In Original Cataloging" as the item moves through different departments. Currently, when a work order is created, the Item Record History tab only displays the date the item was initially scanned into the work order and the date the work order was removed ("doned"). The Item Record History tab does not 1. Indicate the name of the work order type and status that was used. (All that shows is the generic "In Process") or 2. Track when the item was moved from one status to another within a work order.

Resource Management

University of Washington 

related Idea Exchange:


Export PO Line Renewal Note field into Analytics

Allow the PO Line Renewal Note field to be exported into Analytics (in all of the areas that other PO Line fields are exported). Ideally there would be an unlimited character limit for this exported field, but at minimum there should be 50 characters exported.


University of Washington




Add a public note to vendor interface

Add a public note field to the interface, that will display in every electronic collection that is using that interface record. The interface public note field should display in all eresources (portfolios) in the electronic collection linked to that interface in the discovery layer as well.

Electronic Resources

University of Washington


related Idea Exchange:


Improve Boolean searching in Repository Advanced Search

Currently, it is not possible to construct complex nested Boolean searching in an Advanced Repository Search, resulting in having to combine sets of parts of searches to get the desired results. This makes what should be a quick repository search into an hours-long job resulting in only itemized and not logical sets.

Resource Management

University of Washington




Add preferred pronoun field that displays in Fulfillment Manage Patron Services display

We need a configurable field (i.e. we can add the categories of preferred pronouns) that displays in the patron info section of the Fulfillment Manage Patron Services display. Much like the preferred names functionality, this is a companion piece that should be implemented.


University of Washington 



Digital representation: Access Rights Policy & embargo

Currently it is possible to define a rule for embargo where Access is denied based on any of the following date: Additional Publication YearFixed DateMMS Creation DatePublication YearRepresentation Creation Date Would it be possible to use the date of death of the creator as well? This information is available in the subfield $$d from the 100/700

Resource Management

Swiss National Library

Digital representation: Access Rights Policy & embargo



Sort Subfields Task does not work correctly in combination with Authorities - Preferred Term Correction

Currently, the Preferred Term Correction Task is not intended to call the "Normalization on Save" Task.So, the Authorities - Preferred Term correction job mixes our sub-fields defined by the Sort subfield task.We would like the Authorities - Preferred Term correction job to call the "Normalization on Save" Task or to not change the way the subfield sort is defined by the Sort subfield task.

Resource Management

Swiss National Library

Sort Subfields Task Authorities - Preferred Term Correction 


Run "Bulk change due date" process on an itemized set of users

Add to the "Bulk change due date" process the option to run on a predefined set of users.


University of Haifa Library 



Restart Automatic renewal if users' expiration date was extended

When Automatic loan renewal stops due to user expiry date, manual action is needed to resume it in case the expiry date is extended


University of Haifa Library

Automatic loan renewal, fulfillment



Price update on the item record

In Alma, we require - for reporting purposes, inside the library and to our finance dept - that the final price that was paid for the item is converted to our local currency and automatically written to the item's Inventory price field. Currently in Alma, since the October 2018 release, the PO line's price is written to the item's inventory price field. If the PO line's currency is different than the institution's default currency, the total is exchanged and copied to the item. The amount is copied to the item with the currency for example: 10.00 USD. However, when an invoice is paid in Alma, the item's inventory price should be updated automatically with the final amount in our local (and default) currency. This part of the development is still outstanding. Most of the time there is quite a difference between the price from the PO line and that of the invoice (also because of exchange rates) and it has a huge impact on our financial reporting.


Stellenbosch University

local price; inventory price

See also:


Ability to add notes to invoice lines from invoices that are paid and close

We are aware that one can edit notes on an invoice that is already paid and closed. However, for subscriptions, journals and continuations we often have the need to add/edit notes on the invoice lines of invoices that are already closed and paid. Manually putting the invoice back in Review to edit / add notes to the invoice lines doesn't solve the problem as this makes the payment information disappear which we then have to re-enter. We require the ability to add notes to invoice lines from invoices that were already paid and closed without having to re-open the invoice.


Stellenbosch University

editing; notes; invoice lines; closed invoices


Acquisitions: Funds' Initial Allocated Amount

Currently in Alma, the Initial Allocated Amount for an allocated fund is e.g. 1,000.00 ZAR. When an amount from this Initial Allocation e.g. 100.00 ZAR is transferred to another fund, the 100.00 ZAR gets deducted from the Initial Allocated Amount of 1,000.00 ZAR and is now displayed as 900.00 ZAR. In Aleph, the amount was transferred, yet the Allocated Amount remained the same, which is correct. When running reports on the Initial Allocated Amount in Alma, the adjusted 900.00 ZAR for the Initial Allocated Amount does not give a correct indication of the amount originally allocated from the institutional budget.


Stellenbosch University

initial allocated amount; transfers; fund balance reports; Analytics


Alert/Expiry date for notes on collections

Include some way of alerting when a Temporarily unavailable notice is on a collection. Or allow an expiry date for the alert to be set. Otherwise the note stays on past the time it is needed.

Electronic Resources

WHELF Consortium - Cardiff University




Assign electronic task at PO line creation

Allow Acquisitions staff to assign an electronic task while creating the purchase order line instead of everything going into the Unassigned area and someone manually going in to assign to others.


WHELF Consortium - Cardiff University




No overdue letters or fines for recalled items until after the original due date Product: Module: Alma * Fulfillment Product Version: Description: We want recalls to shorten the loan period of an item from e.g. 30/90 days to 14 days and no recall fine to be charged. Even though the recall shortens the loan period, we need the system not to send out any overdue letters or charge any overdue fin

We want recalls to shorten the loan period of an item from e.g. 30/90 days to 14 days and no recall fine to be charged. Even though the recall shortens the loan period, we need the system not to send out any overdue letters or charge any overdue fines until after the original due date.


Stellenbosch University

recalls; fines; overdue letters 


Populate 670 field in a new authority record derived from the bibliographic record

Please auto-populate the 670 field (Source Data Found) in the new authority record with Title, date in $a and MMS ID in $w.

Resource Management

University of Haifa Library


inspired by IdeaExchange:


Option to stabilize location of summary panel

see #6 on

This location keeps moving with minimal changes to screen size and settings.


University of Northern Iowa



Improve Authority Control reporting on partially matched BIB headings in Alma and in analytics

We would like to have an ability to identify our partially linked headings in order to better prioritize authority control work.

Resource Management

University of Haifa Library

Authority Control Task List, Reports, Analytics, Authorities



Unimarc Authority tags 260 and 460 to be searchable in the Index Geographical name

We need the Unimarc authorities tags 260 (subfield a, b, d) and 460 (subfield a, b, d) to be indexed in Geographical Name

Resource Management

Università degli Studi di Siena

Search in Authorities; UNIMARC Authority; Indexes



Ability to rename letter examples

For Alma letters, we like to save several examples of different conditions for testing purposes when we make changes to labels and templates. The only thing that is visible for the letters is the date and time that the letter was originally sent. We would like the ability to rename the saved letter examples to something like "test Main Library with a debt" to indicate which letters could be used to test what conditions. Instead, we have to keep documentation on what each saved letter is for. This was originally SalesForce case #00809906, where it was suggested that I submit this as an enhancement.


California State University, Northridge

letters, alma, renaming, examples



Send Courtesy Notices when Patron Loans are Auto-Renewed

When loans are successfully auto-renewed in the system, the patron does not receive an email notifying them that the loan has been renewed. Therefore, it is possible after a while that the patron forgets they have the item. We would like the option to have a notice to go to the patron when an item is auto-renewed, and have a letter that is customizable for this purpose so that we could expand our use of auto-renewals.


Boston University




In the Patron Services Requests area, please add item barcode as an available field.

After an item is requested by a patron and scanned onto the hold shelf, the item's barcode does not appear when looking at a patron's Requests in the Patron Services area of the Fulfillment module. Adding the item's barcode would help Circulation Staff identify exactly item a request is in reference to. This would be especially helpful when managing multiple items with similar titles.


Fullerton College

requests, items, barcodes, patron services, hold shelf, fulfillment 


Adding patron account expiry as configurable rule field in display interface display logic

Alma currently is able to prevent users with a past expiry date from placing certain types of requests (e.g. hold requests, resource sharing requests etc) via setting the "check_for_expired_account" parameter to "true". However other types of fulfillment services (e.g. general electronic services) will not take the "check_for_expired_account" parameter into consideration and still appear in Primo for expired users. At this moment the "for user from groups" is the only patron-related rule field in "display interface display logic". We suggest to enhance this function by adding the patron status (e.g. expired or not) as a configurable rule field in the "display interface display logic" settings so libraries can better control which services to appear for expired patrons.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Publishing to OCLC more than once in a day

There are times when we want to send more records to OCLC during the day for updating. However, if we choose the job to manually publish, it causes our nightly "Publish" job to fail with the error, "It is not possible to publish to OCLC more often than once a day." Since this is a simple FTP job, it's not an issue for OCLC to accept more than one file or multiple files throughout the day so we do not understand why this is not possible.

Resource Management

Vanderbilt University Library

publish, OCLC, resource management, holdings 


Manually create & assign Tasks

When we look through the "Monitor Jobs", there are times we come across something that needs to be addressed by another department. Currently, we contact them via Chat to let them know there was an issue. It would be extremely beneficial if we could manually create a Task within Alma and assign it to that user/department. They would be notified there is a new task they need to address with details of the problem.


Vanderbilt University Library

Tasks, stream line, process 


Operator name displayed in Resource Sharing borrowing request

Currently, if we want to find out who has been assigned to a Resource Sharing request, we need to click through to the request's history tab, locate the operator ID and perform a search in Manage Patron Information to find out. This creates many clicks and moves away from the request page. We would like to have the operator name displayed in the Request History page or to have a facet that shows operator name.


Macquarie University Library

borrowing request, assigned to, operator name



Export/import for Fulfillment TOU

There is currently no easy way to export and import Fulfillment TOU from sandbox to production. In the situation where the rules need to be updated, system admins are required to recreate the fulfillment policy from one environment to another line by line. Ideally, there's an import and export facility at each Library (or at least the Fulfillment unit) level .


Macquarie University Library

configuration, fulfillment, import, export



Resource Sharing: Display assignee in list view

It would be very helpful if the resource sharing requests search results list would display in the brief format the name of the staff that the request is currently assigned to. Currently, you have to go into the "History" tab of the request to find this information. In a different area, "Reading lists", this information is readily available, and it would facilitate the workflow in resource sharing handling, too.


Royal Danish Library

Resource Sharing, UI

This could possibly be combined with 7320. Our request is for the name to display on the brief view of the request, not just the History tab. Kendall's suggestion about a facet is good though.


Allow suppression of BIBs when holdings are suppressed for Network Zone environments

Currently when publishing to Primo VE from a Network Zone environment a BIB record with all holdings suppressed is not suppressed even if the SuppressedBibWithSuppressedHol is active.We see that excluding items from publishing based on process type has the desired effect on the BIB record when all items have the process type that is excluded from publishing. We want the same to be applicable for suppressed locations.

Resource Management

Royal Danish Library




Keywords and Barcode to improve Borrowing Request search

When searching Borrowing Requests, we would like the ability to make keyword search and to be able to search for barcodes. This would enable staff to work more efficiently, since they would have the ability to search across indexes, and search for specific requests with a barcode. (Barcodes delivered as part of ISO "Sent" message from lender, or as physical barcode after receiving the item)


Royal Danish Library

Resource sharing



Support MODS for remote digital repository

While Alma itself supports MODS as a metadata scheme, MODS is not supported as metadata import format for remote repositories.We need to see this supported before we can add remote digital content to Alma collections, as the current option of importing DC is too poor.

Interoperability & Integration

Royal Danish Library

Alma Digital 


Update Resource-sharing request through the ALMA API

Currently with the API, the only update option possible is shipping a resource sharing request. We request the option to perform other updates, e.g. change the status.(Updating the resource sharing request through the corresponding user-request does not work.)

Interoperability & Integration

Royal Danish Library

Resource Sharing, API



Approve invoices in a batch

Invoices are currently only approved one by one.


The Education University of Hong Kong




Batch update of predicted items

At the moment, all predicted items have to be deleted when 1 item was predicted wrongly.


The Education University of Hong Kong




Append notes of any kind instead of overlaying the original note

The Change Physical Items job allows you to add notes to Internal notes 1-3 or Statistical notes 1-3 as the only value in those fields, and there are options to not add the note if text already exists, but there is no option to add the note IN ADDITION TO notes that already exists. In other words, append additional text either before, or after, text already existing in the field. Also, when you choose the option to skip adding the note if the field is not empty, there is no report identifying which records were skipped. The addition of a report would provide evidence that the current text has not be inadvertently changed. Both of these conditions should be addressed.

Resource Management

The Education University of Hong Kong




Append Receiving notes even the POL records are closed

Able to append new notes to "Receiving note" field to old POL records in batches (via "run a job") even the POL records are closed or with inactive funds. Now, we need to reopen the old POL records if we want to add any receiving note in batches to these records for our weeding project.


The Education University of Hong Kong




More control over Alma user Fulfillment privileges

Ability to have more granular control over user roles in ALMA Ability to select a role and check/uncheck specific associated attributes that we want to limit.


The Education University of Hong Kong




Ability to Move/Re-Order Requests

We would like the ability to move/re-order requests within an item's queue.


The Education University of Hong Kong




Add functionality to batch check-in/check-out items in the patron record.

We need to be able to extend loans that have reached their renewal limit. We'd like to have a some kind of functionality in the patron record that can created a new loan for all selected items.


The Education University of Hong Kong 



Provide patrons notification of reasons for failure to renew a loan

We would like it to be possible to notify users when they have an item on loan that cannot be renewed, and to explain the reason to them so as to avoid confusion to patrons.


The Education University of Hong Kong




View "Proxy For" details

Currently, you are able to see who a particular user is a proxy for, but there is no way to determine who has that particular user as a proxy.


The Education University of Hong Kong 



Add the ability to delete multiple sets from Manage Sets

Often we work on a set of records and then the set is no longer needed and/or is empty. We have accumulated many of these and would like the ability to select multiple sets and delete these. This should be limited to sets the user owns - not other user's sets. (see



The Education University of Hong Kong




User/Patron notes deletion

We would like to be able to delete all (or by selecting multiple items) the notes in patron's library account on Alma at once. Currently we have to delete them one by one.


The Education University of Hong Kong




Suppressing individual item records from Primo display

Suppressing individual item records from Primo display.

Resource Management

The Education University of Hong Kong




Create Set for License records and allow updating via Job

It is not currently possible to create an Itemized or Logical Set of License records in Alma:

and currently we can only update license records manually, on a record-by-record basis, as there are no Jobs that allow for batch updating of License records.It would be very useful if License records could be added to the content type listing when creating an itemized set and if we could update fields in a Set of license records via a Job.


Carleton University

license; sets; job; batch update; file upload



User management: Apply role assignment rules when changes made to user accounts

The role assignment rules currently are only taken into account for newly created user accounts. When a change is made to a user account which aligns with the criteria, roles are not assigned automatically. The role assignment rules should be considered when a change is made to a user account, with roles being assigned based on the criteria. For example, if roles are assigned based on a certain user group, if the account changes to this user group then roles should be applied. This is particularly relevant for applying user roles associated to Leganto, which are applied in Alma.


The University of Manchester

user accounts, user roles, role profiles, role assignment rules 


Analytics: Add "does not begin with"/ "does not end with" as criteria for filters

When applying filters in Analytics, having an option within the dropdown to limit using "does not begin with" and "does not end with" would allow more control over data to be excluded from a report. Options are available for "begins with" and "ends with" are currently available as operators, and opposite inferences are available for other operators e.g. is equal to / is not equal to


The University of Manchester

filters, operators, exclude 


Add more options for "Physical Condition"

Currently this field is limited to the following options: Brittle, Damaged, Deteriorating, Fragile, None.

Resource Management

Virginia Commonwealth University




More Options for Local Parameters

Currently, local parameters can only be assigned to MARC fields.


Virginia Commonwealth University




Batch update E-Resource Activation Task List status

Currently, it is difficult to update the status for multiple items at once on the electronic resource activation task list. The general filter options do not always allow for the retrieval of the group of records that need a task status change, which means records need to be searched individually by title or PO Line, and many clicks completed to change the status for each one. A method to batch update the task status for multiple records at once is needed. This could be accomplished by either allowing the user filter the task list by uploading a list of identifiers (such as PO Line numbers), or create a new job that would allow the task status to be updated on a set of portfolios or collections.

Electronic Resources

University of Washington




Add "active until date" option at portfolio level

Currently the only option for setting "active from date" and "active until date" is at the electronic service level. This assumes there is only the need to automatically activate or deactivate the entire collection at once.

Electronic Resources

Haverford College

portfolio, deactivate, active until 


Add Portfolio ID to Get PO-Line API

We use the "Get PO-Line" API call to retrieve data from Alma records and present it to staff and student users in a customized format. The POL XML data returned by the API includes most of the information we need, but is missing the Portfolio ID of associated portfolios.

Interoperability & Integration

University of Washington 



Order faceting in search results

For title search results in Alma, add a boolean facet for whether there's an order attached to the title.


Brandeis University 



Add an "active order" symbol to results

In the results page of a title search, add a symbol next to "Orders: #" indicating whether there are any orders with a status that does not equal "Closed."


Brandeis University




Community Zone Updates Task List metadata

When you export the Community Zone Updates Task List, it would be helpful if it included a field indicating whether the referenced electronic collection is available or not.

Electronic Resources

Brandeis University 



allow grouped libraries to send their own library's respective notices (overdues, courtesy, etc..).

Due to Alma joining both campuses, notices are only being routed to one campus Library. This is impacting the turnaround time for Circulation Staff and Students. We would like to have grouped libraries to have the ability to send their own notices.


Evergreen Valley College




Add invoice elements to Get PO-Line API

We use the "Get PO-Line" API call to retrieve data from Alma records and present it to staff and student users in a customized format. While the POL XML data returned by the API currently includes one data point related to associated invoices (the invoice_reference element, corresponding to the invoice number of the associated invoice), adding the invoice ID number, invoice link, and invoice date elements would be helpful.

Interoperability & Integration

University of Washington




Add Internal Description note to Retrieve Portfolio API

We use the "Retrieve Portfolio" API call to access portfolio data from Alma records and present it to staff and student users in a customized format. We have noticed that one of the main portfolio notes fields is missing from the data returned via the API. The "Retrieve Portfolio" API call returns the authentication_note and public_note elements viewable in the Alma portfolio record "Notes" tab. We would like the "Internal description" note also to be returned as an internal_description element. We record significant information in the internal description field and would like it also to be available.

Interoperability & Integration

University of Washington




RS Borrowing Requests "" changing format before sending request

We would like the ability to change the format of a request before sending it to a Partner E143 e.g. from book/book chapter to journal/journal article or vice versa. 192 votes in IDEAS EXCHANGE -


Charles Sturt University




All tab for searching in Task List (Borrowing and Lending)

We can see the "All" tab in the Reading Lists Task List for Leganto. Would like similar for Borrowing and Lending for Alma RS instead of having to go through Assigned to me, Unassigned and Assigned to Others. 43 votes in IDEAS EXCHANGE -


Charles Sturt University 



Ability to Bulk reassign Resource Sharing requests

We would like the ability to bulk reassign requests in Alma RS, in terms of assigning a group of requests to one staff member to process rather than having to reassign individually. IDEAS EXCHANGE -


Charles Sturt University




Increase customisation options for the resource sharing request form

"User experience testing that we conducted showed that most users prefer to place resource sharing requests via the resource sharing request form in Primo. Users also expressed frustration with some aspects of the form including the format of the fields. They also expected that the Library could add notices relevant to the resource sharing service to this page.The current options for configuring this form do not allow us to meet the expectations of our users. We would like to have more options for customising the page the form is on and the form itself. Specifically we would like :1)The ability to customise the format and appearance of the page (e.g. the width of form fields, the positioning of the radial buttons)2)The ability to add a notice or message to the form (this is crucial to communicate important information about the service to our users)3)The ability to add custom fields to the form" 182 VOTES in IDEAS EXCHANGE -


Charles Sturt University




Show completed requests in RS without having to enter search term

At the moment, completed requests are hidden from records and have to be searched by entering matching search terms. Our RS staff are finding facets appearing left to active requests records very helpful, as they reportedly spare staff members' effort and time to enter search terms and go through all the unwanted information. This applies to completed requests as well, as the staff have to revisit them every now and then. It would be greatly appreciated if completed request records could be seen, limited, searched and browsed just like active requests, without having to enter search terms. 113 VOTES in IDEAS EXCHANGE -


Charles Sturt University




Customize display of fields in Alma Article request form

We would like to display the fields in the Alma article request form in the following order: Journal name, year, volume, issue, pages, article title, article author, and issn - and not in the order these fields are currently hard-coded (e.g. author initials splits volume and issue, and publication date is at the end of the form) 47 VOTES in IDEAS EXCHANGE -


Charles Sturt University




Add the ability for Primo users to perform a DOI or PMID lookup to pre-populate the blank Alma Resource Sharing form

Currently when placing requests via the blank Resource Sharing form Primo users must manually copy bibliographic and other details into the form. This is a very time-consuming process. It would be beneficial to be able to do a DOI or PMID (PubMed ID) lookup which would automatically prepopulate the form, saving the user much time.Another vendor, Research Solutions (

), already offers this capability in their Reprints Desk software. See Requests Desk screen shot attached. Suggested DOI/PMID lookup:a. Position DOI/PMID field at top of RS formb. User enters DOI / PMID and clicks "Get citation" buttonc. System responds with a match / "Do you wish to prepopulate the form?" or "no match" message d. If a match is found user responds with Yes e. RS form is prep-populated


University of New South Wales Library

DOI PMID Lookup Resource Sharing 


Resource Sharing: Add further Enhanced Search Options in the Resource Sharing tasks lists

In Resource Sharing, additional search criteria are required for the Lending and Borrowing search functions a) Add Creation Date to the search criteria. b) Add Partner Code to the search criteria


University of Haifa Library

partner code; task lists; search options 


Alma Resource Sharing - OCLC Interoperability

Currently Alma and WorldShare (OCLC) are not interoperable as the integration between the two systems has not been established. An enhancement request has been made to OCLC via TopDesk and the feedback is that establishing the integration would require work done by both Ex Libris and OCLC. Furthermore, a new update of the ISO Standard (ISO-18626) is to be released soon and vendors would be scheduling to move to the new protocol. This submission is to request Ex Libris implement Alma-WorldShare (OCLC) integration after the new ISO protocol is released.

Interoperability & Integration

University of Haifa Library

resource sharing, OCLC, WorldShare 


Mapping chapter details fields in borrowing requests to partners

Currently Alma does not send the 'Chapter title' and 'Chapter author' fields in borrowing requests to partners using the ISO ILL protocol. This means that staff have to remember to edit requests to move this information into the Chapter Number field in order for it to be transmitted to partners. We would like Ex Libris to map these fields so that they are transmitted via an appropriate ISO field to the partner library.


University of Haifa Library

resource sharing, chapter title, chapter author, chapter number, ISO protocol 


Add status "On Waiting List" to resource sharing borrowing request status field

It would be beneficial a new status "On Waiting List" to the dro+E183p-down list for the Request Status field in a resource sharing borrowing request.


University of Haifa Library

requests, statuses, borrowing, resource sharing



Retain the External ID even if the Resource Sharing request is canceled.

After a Borrowing Request is sent to a partner library, upon cancelling the request, the External Identifier will also be removed from the request. Only the Internal Identifier will be retained. As a result, when the partner library get in contact regarding the request, a search by External Identifier in the Borrowing Request queue will return with no request information. We would like the External Identifier to be retained.The reason we would like the Ex ID is because it is a patterned identifier and that makes it easy to limit down, where to us the internal ID is just a string of random numbers. Our goal is to be able to run reports on either the Lending or Borrowing Request subject areas in one set. If we need to run some on Ex ID to get the Borrowing and Lending sides to match up and then run more on the Internal ID just to get a full snap shot of our RS environment that is a lot of work.


University of Haifa Library

resource sharing, external id, cancel, statistic report, analytics 


Add more options to Update and Notify Users job

Improve the functionality of the Update and Notify Users job to include the option to send to an alternative, non-preferred email address from patron records and also to enable sending of SMS.


Sheffield Hallam University

Update and Notify Users; non-preferred email; jobs; SMS 


Improve error information in the Letter Template screen

Improve the error functionality in the Letter Template screen, including which line/s are creating problems, showing where open/close tags are missing, highlighting any XSL logic problems. It would be helpful if this information were available before clicking 'Save', e.g. 'Test code' button.


Sheffield Hallam University

Letters; Letter Template; error reports 


Greater granularity in the Display Logic Rules

We would like there to be more granularity in how the Display Logic Rules enable services to be hidden under certain circumstances. For example, hiding a particular pickup location in the requests form from a specific User Group is not achievable at the moment using display logic. We cannot make specific General Electronic Services link appear for just some formats of records in Primo.


Sheffield Hallam University

Display Logic Rules; display controls



Control over order of pickup location in request forms

For libraries to be able to control the order in which the pick up locations appear in the drop down list in the request forms.


Sheffield Hallam University

request forms; pickup locations 


General DOIs when using Alma Digital for Collections

Add the ability to connect to a DOI provider and generate DOIs on record creation when using Alma Digital for Collections.


Rutgers University Libraries 



Make it possible to select "Done" in bulk on E-Resources task list

When we order many ebooks, on the e-resources task list, we must select "Done" on each book individually to send the interested user notification and remove it from the e-resources task list. This is time consuming in seasons of heavy ordering. We need a way to select multiple task list items and apply the "Done" status in bulk.

Electronic Resources

Rutgers University Libraries




View electronic collection portfolios from the POL view.

We are able to search for an electronic collection and find a link to the order, however when we are viewing the order, we cannot click into the electronic collection to see the portfolios. We have to copy and paste the title, leave the order, and search electronic collections to view the portfolios.


Rutgers University Libraries 



Ability to Change Order Type

We understand that we cannot move between electronic and physical, however we would like to at least be able to change order types within the physical path - for example, from physical to standing order and vice versa.


Rutgers University Libraries




Reportable POL notes

We would like PO Line level notes to be reportable in Analytics


Rutgers University Libraries




Add fields for reporting code, item quantity etc to purchase request screen

On the purchase request screen (in the request attributes), you should be able to add the quantity of items you need, along with the item policy of these items (for print titles). You should also then be able to input a reporting code, vendor reference and note to vendor. These should all then transfer into the POL that is generated once the purchase request is approved.


University of Salford




Job and/or API to unlink a set of bib records from the CZ

We would like the ability to run a job or use an API that would unlink a set of bib records from the CZ and link it to another bib record from the IZ, potentially using a different format than Marc 21 (e.g. Unimarc or al others Marc format, MAB format, etc...). There are currently both a job and an API that will unlink records from the NZ, but not from the CZ. Use case: ebook or journals portfolio records provided from vendors can be extremely brief, missing many points of discovery (e.g., no subjects, tables of contents, etc.). When portfolio bibs are linked to the CZ, we are forced to update each of these portfolios one at a time, which is painstaking and inefficient. We already have scripts that use the Bib API to update physical records; If there was a CZ equivalent of the "op=unlinkfromnz" API parameter, we would be able to unlink these inferior records from the CZ, add necessary fields, and update the bib record, by batch, all using the Bibs API

Resource Management

Service interuniversitaire de Coopération documentaire




Purchase Request - open as regular PO line

Purchase request handling is cumbersome, especially the acquisitions part. It would improve matters a lot if acq-staff could open a request as a regular po line right away instead of having to open and fill out the purchase request form, save it, approve and order the request, until they finally get to the normal purchase order line form where they can finally fill out the rest of the data. The process as is takes a lot of time just switching from one area in Alma to another.


Wirtschaftsuniversitaet WienUniversitaetsbibliothek

purchase request; acq 


Enable delay for sending of Interested In letter

It would be useful if were we able to place a customisable delay on the sending of the Interested In letter, specifying this time in days/hours/minutes.


Sheffield Hallam University

Interested In Letter; Interested users; delay for notification



Decouple bib-level Material Type: Music into "Score" and "Audio"

Description: The bibliographic material type of Music incorrectly combines scores (Leader/06 c or d) and sound recordings (Leader/06 i or j) into a single facet. Sound recordings contain both music (Leader/06 j) and non-music/spoken word content such as poetry readings, interviews, etc. (Leader/06 i). Furthermore, music scores and sound recordings are cataloged using different work forms. For these reasons, the two formats should not be coupled into the same Material Type: Music category. This proposal requests decoupling of music scores and sound recordings in Alma and establishing separate material types for the two formats. Possible suggestions are Material Type: Score and Material Type: Audio. For the purpose of this request, we are requesting that the Material Type field be customizable as follows: Material Type: Score - LDR/06 "˜c' & "˜d'Material Type: Audio - LDR/06 "˜i' & "˜j'

Resource Management

University of Kentucky

material types, facets, music, music scores, sound recordings



Allow Analytics reporting of configuration settings

It should be possible to report Alma configuration settings through Analytics.


CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois)




Allow fulfillment network aggregate user blocks

It should be possible to block users based on the combined total of their activity at all libraries in an Automated Fulfillment Network.


CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois)




Restricting the number of fields that show when manually creating new users via Register New User

Library staff regularly create a variety of new users in Alma. When we create these records via Register New User, there are a total of 34 text boxes to navigate. At most, only 16 are needed--not even half. This doesn't include the check box for 'Find user in other institution', the required checkboxes for the email, postal address, and phone # and the Yes/No radio button selection to designate 'Patron has institutional record', all of which we still need. Would it be possible to limit the number of available fields, by allowing the institution to customize the form in Alma to only relevant fields. For example, relevant fields for our institution would be: (under User Information) First Name, Last Name, Primary Identifier, User Group, Expiration Date, Purge Date; (under User Management Information) Password, Verify Password; (under Email Addresses) Email Address; (under Addresses) Address line 1, Address line 2, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country; (under Phone Numbers) Phone number.


San Jose State University

patron, patron record, text box, new user, Register New User 


Add AFN linked user's home institution to the fields available on the active and expired hold shelf

When an Automated Fulfillment Network allows users to pick up materials at any institution in the network, the user may select an institution that is neither the user's home library, nor the item's home library as a pickup location. Currently, when a third institution is the pickup location, the user's linked record is not automatically saved to the pickup location's Alma institution zone, even though one must know the user's home institution to complete a loan transaction in Alma.


CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois)




AFN Linked user accounts should be refreshed from their home institution when they attempt to renew items

Currently, a linked AFN user record is only "refreshed" with a new copy from the user's home institution when either: 1) Library staff to do a Fulfillment> Manage Patron Services> Find user in other institution and re-import/re-save of the user's home record, or 2) If the user places another request for another item from the institution where the linked user record is saved. Renewal attempts do NOT currently refresh the user's linked user record. This results in many cases where currently valid patrons have had their expiration date updated by their home institution but not in their linked user record, and as a result, the patron cannot renew an item they should be able to renew.


CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) 



Provide an Alma job that refreshes AFN linked users

Alma should offer a schedule-able job for refreshing AFN linked users from the patron's home institution record. This would ensure that the item's home institution can have the most up-to-date information for linked users.


CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois)




Allow an AFN library to serve as a lender but not a pickup location for other AFN institution's users

Some AFN libraries cannot allow people who are not affiliated with the institution onsite to borrow or pickup materials, but the institution is willing to fill requests and send materials to another pickup location


CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) 



Work order department - ability to output list with call number

We'd like call number information and other inventory information included in the export to Excel information pulled from a work order department list, so we can easily locate and inventory material in the work order department.


Bridge Consortium

work order department, export to Excel, call number



Add option to manually sort physical items within a single holding

Alma allows staff to sort/filter a list of items according to a defined set of sort routines (library/location, description, and so on). There are use cases, especially in serials cataloging, where none of those sort routines allow items within a single holding to display in logical order (which usually means chronological order). Because there is a lot of unpredictability with serials with irregular volume designations, adding more sort routines based on existing physical item fields in the Physical Item Editor would not address every possible use case. We would therefore like to have the ability to manually sort physical items within a single holding using the Move Up/Move Down arrows functionality found in other parts of Alma.

Resource Management

Haverford College

physical items, serials, item descriptions 


Improve functionality of Borrowing: Upload File function

When uploading a file, it should be possible to a) Preview a file before Sending it, and b) to write a Note to the Patron.


University of Haifa Library

Preview, Note 


Allow deleting of sets of unlinked and no longer needed Network Zone bib records from within an IZ

Add the ability to delete sets of unlinked and no longer needed Network Zone bibliographic records from within an Institution Zone. When a library is the only IZ with inventory attached to an NZ bib record and they delete the inventory and bib from the IZ, that library has the ability to delete the unlinked NZ bib record in the Metadata Editor. This allows them the ability to delete unlinked NZ records one-at-a-time but they do not have the same ability to delete unlinked NZ records when working with sets of records. When they withdraw a large number of titles that has been shared with the NZ, they need to be able to complete the withdrawal process and delete any unlinked bib records from the Network Zone.

Resource Management


Metadata, Sets, Jobs, Network Zone 


Improve functionality of Lending: Ship Item Digitally function

When shipping an Item Digitally, it should be possible to a) Complete a request after Dropping a file, b) Preview a file, and c) write a Note to the Partner.


University of Haifa Library

Ship digitally, Complete, Preview, Note 


Add an order action in the Purchase Request to approve and order from the CZ

This enhancement is requesting a new Action be added to the Purchase Request screen. When ordering an electronic resource from a Purchase Request, Alma should add an alert to the citation and redirect the user to the Community Zone to the desired portfolio."¯ The operator should only need to click on a button for "Approve and order from the CZ". Currently the only Action is "Approve and Order" which creates a local portfolio not linked to an E-Collection. It's cumbersome and time consuming to re-link the POL and portfolio to the correct Community Zone record.


University of St. Thomas

purchase requests, Community Zone



Borrowing Request (Peer to Peer) Print in Resource Sharing

It would be beneficial for library staff to be able to print a borrowing request. The option to print a borrowing request does not currently exist. Library staff would find this helpful when researching borrowing requests with a status of "Locate failed" or "Pending Approval" when staff need to research request or copyright information. Additionally, for locally-owned titles, the option to print a borrowing request will allow staff to have a pull slip to locate the item with, and put inside the item before it is placed on the hold shelf or sent in the US Mail. We do not change ILL requests into Hold Requests when it is for a Distance Education patron since it will be put in the mail, not placed on the Hold Shelf. If it is an article/copy request, the staff will have all of the citation information to pull the item and make the copy for the patron. The "Print slip" should be customizable and allow a library to configure a print that meets their needs. A "Print Slip" should be available from "More actions" and from the menu bar. Additionally a "Print Slip Report" should be added for printing a file of borrowing requests. The addition of a "Print Slip" and "Print Slip Report" will provide similar functionality to what is available for lending requests.


PALS - A program of the MNSCU

resource sharing, print, borrowing, print slip, print slip report 


Add Fulfillment note option on Scan In Items Page

We suggest an improvement to the 'Change Item Information' tab on the 'Scan In Items' page in the Fulfillment area by including the capability to add a Fulfillment note. The functionality would, ideally, supplement rather than unconditionally replace existing fulfillment notes.


GALILEO Consortium

fulfillment, notes, consortia 


Improvement usability of the Fulfillment Units and Loan Limits pages

Some of the administration menus are particularly painful to update, due to a lack of ergonomics. This is the case of the Fulfillmen Units page and the Loan Limits page. Instead of an arrow navigation, on which you have to click every time, it would be very useful to have a navigation by click and drag.


Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées - SICD 



New type of block : booking

Currently the Block Preferences in Alma have Block options to permit Blocks on : · Block types 01 et 02= Loan and renewals · Block type 03= Loan and renewals and request · Block type 04 = Resource sharing · Block type 05 = Request It would be useful to include a type of block for Booking only. It would allow to block Booking without blocking other services for a patron.


Service interuniversitaire de Coopération documentaire




Add "item permanent location change" as a Physical Item Historical Event in Analytics

Physical Item Historical Events (subject area) currently has a dimension for "Item event details". Currently there are four "Item events". An event should be added for "Item permanent location change" Within this event's dimension, users should be able to report on the original permanent location and the new permanent location of an item. Also, users should be able to report on the "event date". The dimension could be based off the data captured in the item record history tab.


University of Calgary

Physical item historical events; Permanent Location



Enhanced functionality to manage holds queue in Alma

The functionality being requested: The option to pause or suspend holds that a patron does not want until a future date and the option to move or skip over requests in the holds queue to accommodate changes in patron needs or item availability. Technical requirements: When making a hold request in Primo, patrons should have the option to indicate a "not needed before" date, in effect suspending the hold. The patron should also have the option to pause the hold at any time it's in the queue before it is fulfilled and be able to select a date to re-activate the hold. While holds are suspended or paused, the patrons would not lose their place in the queue. Other patrons would "leapfrog" the paused holds in the meantime. In Alma staff should have the option to suspend or pause a hold for a patron or to lift a suspension and be able to see if a hold has been suspended and for how long. Staff may also need to suspend a hold for operational reasons. In addition, staff should have the option to adjust the position of holds anywhere in the queue. The "activate" feature will only push a request to the top of the queue, not allow the queue to be manipulated. Activate also doesn't apply if the items are available (see User Story below.)


Skyline College




Improve Acquisitions UX by allowing the ability to edit directly on Purchase Order Lines to modify currency

The existing functionality is that the currency field pn purchase orders is greyed out and locked. It cannot be modified from this screen.This is a poor user experience as vendors often do not use the same currency on all of their invoices. For example, it is quite common for a vendor to invoice in $USD one year, then in the following year used a different currency (such as British Pounds). As an acquisitions library staff, I would like the ability to modify currency directly on the purchase order line in such scenarios.


University of New South Wales Library