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Comment: added note under empty barcode cleanup entry


 Procedures in IIIProcedures in VoyagerNotes
  • Fix bibliographic records that do not have a 245/title 
  1. In create lists, set up the following search
    1. Type = bibliographic
    2. Field = t
    3. Condition = equal to
    4. Value = [blank]
  2. Examine results for mislabeled title fields, delete incomplete records and/or reimport OCLC records to fix
 NOTE: 245 fields are required by Alma.
  • Identify links pointing to existing source systems that are migrated, so that they can be removed or updated, if necessary.
  NOTE: These include links to ERM systems that will not transition to the Alma KB and to continuing resources such as locally stored documents or websites which will not be included in the Alma KB. Records with SFX 856 links but no SFX ID will also need to be addressed.
  • Identify and delete duplicate Bibs.
  1. In Client, go to Go -> Cataloging -> Headings Reports
  2. Under Report Type, check “Duplicate entries”
  3. Click on Create button
  4. Double-click on each result and resolve each entry :
    1. The Entry column provides the following information:

                                               Field      Data

Field      Field data that is duplicated in the records, for example: b1000003

Indexed as        Index and normalized index entry for the heading, for example: b1000003

From:   Record number that contains the duplicate entry, for example: From: i110094222 The Physics of everyday phenomena : readings from Scientific American / with an introd. by Jearl Walker.

  • To resolve a duplicate entry, do the following:
  1. (Optional) You can view the record by selecting the heading entry in the report and choosing View.
  2. To view the reported heading in a browse list with surrounding headings, double-click the report entry. A browse list appears, highlighting the duplicate entry and displaying a list of all the records that use that entry.
  3. To edit any of the records in the list, highlight the record heading and choose Select.
  4. Edit and Save any or all of the records that contain the duplicate entries. 
 NOTE: Headings Report duplicate checks according to the keys set in the Database Maintenance option New Bib Record: Duplicate check on fields
  • Identify and re-barcode any duplicate or unintentionally empty item barcodes.
  1. In Client, go to Go -> Cataloging -> Headings Reports
  2. Under Report Type, check “Duplicate entries”
  3. Click on Create button
  4. Double-click on each result and resolve each entry :
    1. The Entry column provides the following information:

                                               Field      Data

Field      Field data that is duplicated in the records, for example: 110001376447

Indexed as        Index and normalized index entry for the heading, for example: 110001376447

From:   Record number that contains the duplicate entry, for example: From: i110094222 The Physics of everyday phenomena : readings from Scientific American / with an introd. by Jearl Walker.

  • ·To resolve a duplicate entry, do the following:
  1. (Optional) You can view the record by selecting the heading entry in the report and choosing View.
  2. To view the reported heading in a browse list with surrounding headings, double-click the report entry. A browse list appears, highlighting the duplicate entry and displaying a list of all the records that use that entry.
  3. To edit any of the records in the list, highlight the record heading and choose Select.
  4. Edit and Save any or all of the records that contain the duplicate entries. 

NOTE: This action applies only for those items that should circulate - Alma allows item records without barcodes to be migrated so having one is not a requirement.

NOTE: Headings Report duplicate checks according to the keys set in the Database Maintenance option Heading Report: Duplicate use Fields. Set “b” to enable search for duplicate barcodes

  • Identify and fix duplicate ISNs
  1. Complete existing headings reports and clear the headings file. Suspend cataloging work until the project is complete. The existing number of headings can be viewed in Catalog DATABASE status, menu path from Main Menu: 
    1. M > MANAGEMENT information: 
I > INFORMATION about the system: 
F > FILE information: 
D > Catalog DATABASE status

  2. Ensure Database Maintenance System Options look like:
    1. Heading Report: Duplicate use fields : c,i,o,b
    2. New Bib Record: Duplicate check on fields : k,i,o
  3. Perform a full, verified backup and clear the transaction file the evening before beginning the project (if the library does not perform a full, verified backup nightly). The number of blocks in the transaction file can be viewed in SYSTEM Status, menu path from Main Menu:
    1. M > MANAGEMENT information
I > INFORMATION about the system
F > FILE information
S > SYSTEM status

  4. Using a large review file, create a list of bibliographic records. You must perform this project on all records in the database; however, if the library has more bibliographic records than will fit into the largest review file, the project will need to be done in stages.
    1. To create the first review file, choose 'store record type' bibliographic records and choose a 'range' of records. The system will input the complete range of bibliographic records as the default range.
    2. Choose 'search' and answer yes to the query "No Search Criteria have been specified. Retrieve all records in range?" View the record number of the last record number in the file.
    3. To create the second review file, again choose 'store record type' of bibliographic records and choose a 'range' of records. Set a range where the first record number is the number immediately following the record number of the last record in review file #1. For example, if the last record number in review file #1 is .b10100076, set the beginning record number of the range for review file #2 to .b1010008a. Supply 'a' as the 'wildcard' check digit unless you know the actual check digit for the record number.
    4. For the ending record number, you may accept the default of the last record number of the database. Start the report and allow the review file to completely fill. To create review file #3, repeat as for review file #2.
  5. When the search is complete, proceed to Rapid or Global Update. Choose to update a review file. Choose to change the bibliographic field used for suppression to the suppress value. For example, if your library uses BCODE3 for suppression, rapid update BCODE3 to the suppression value.
  6. Once the review file has been updated, return to Rapid or Global Update and update the same field, back to the original value.
  7. Proceed to the headings report and save any located duplicate subject headings records into a review file.
  8. Repeat steps e-g for subsequent ranges of bibliographic records in the database.
  9. Continue to monitor the transaction file size and the headings report file size so that neither exceeds 100%.
  • Consolidate multiple holding records for identical item copies for the same location/call number.

NOTE: By default, Alma creates holding records during load from the Branch and Location values for each item, with the option of also using call no values to discriminate. Consolidation also provides a clearer display in Primo for these resources.

  • Assign a value for empty collection/location for items/holdings, if applicable.
  1. In the Statistics function, click on New Query
  2. Input any names you like for Saved Query Name and Results File Name
  3. Under Report On menu, select Item
  4. Click on Run the Query! Button
  5. Click on Results Files tab, select Results File Name previously chosen and click on View Report  button when status is complete
  6. Under Select Report, select Location
    1. Note Code entries that do not correspond to active locations. Ex: zzzzz, noloc, none
  7. For each such entry, perform a Create List search as follows
    1. Type = item
    2. Field = 79 (LOCATION)
    3. Condition = equal to
    4. Value = [location found above]
  8. After list is created, edit each record’s LOCATION value to reflect desired value
  • Since the NUC/OCLC code is associated at the library-level when publishing to OCLC or Libraries of Australia, if there are different owner codes needed for inventory in the same library, consider separating the inventory to different library owners before implementation.

NOTE: This is necessary only if your library uses multiple OCLC symbols. This information is used to create the “HELD BY” information when publishing records for export to OCLC.

  • Find serial records without appropriate 2XX fields.
  1. For each field, perform a Create List search as follows
    1. Type = Bibliographic
    2. Field = BIB LVL
    3. Condition = equal to
    4. Value = “s”
    5. AND Type = Bibliographic
    6. Field = MARC Tag [field]
    7. Condition = equal to
    8. Value = [blank]
  2. Examine each resulting record for inclusion of 2XX field

Possible fields of interest: 222, 240, 245, 246, 260

  • Clean up chronology and enumeration (item/issue description) for serials, confirming volume/issue data
  • Locate and delete item records with a circulating status or location but without barcodes
  1. In Create Lists, perform a search where
    1. Item barcode is “” (empty)
    2. Item status is “-“ (Available)
      1. Optional: if you have other statuses that are circulating, add them as OR statements
    3. Bibliographic BCODE does not equal “n” or “d’ (suppression and deletion)
      1. Add other codes as appropriate
 NOTE: May add additional lines to restrict search to item locations that are circulating to avoid adding journal or microform item records, for example 
  • Locate and fix records without “c” tagged call numbers where a call number exists (III libraries)
  • In Create Lists, perform a search where
    • Bibliographic c-field (CALL #) is “” (blank)
    • OR Item c-field (CALL #) is “” (if you put call numbers in item records)
    • Bibliographic LOCATION is [circulating locations]
    • Bibliographic BCODE3 is “-“ (AVAILABLE)
Examine each record for an existing call number field (050, 090) and change the field from MARC to “c” if the item exists and is available for circulation
  • Locate and fix bib records missing 008 fields
  NOTE: In III systems, the 008 field is generated from various fixed-fields during export: See for more details
  • Consider purging withdrawn or missing items
  • Consider purging bib records without attached item/holdings/order records
  • Consider purging brief bib records for items not ordered or upgraded through receiving processes
  • Remove checkin records lacking holding information
  • Resolve items with “in-transit” circ status
