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Table of Contents

NOTE: If you want to look at system wide CSU+ data reports must be run from the Network Zone which is accessed via a different link and set of credentials than your institutional Alma. If you do not have a user account set up in the NZ contact Mallory or Brandon at the CO to set one up for you.


The borrowing report is a count of the items borrowed by each institution sorted by where they borrowed the item from. The lending report counts the items lent by each institution sorted by who they lent the item to since go-live.

NOTE: Both reports should show generally the same number of transactions, plus or minus a few. But you You will see discrepancies at some institutions that are due to choices about workflow (such as marking a rejected/unfilled request as "completed" which would inflate the number of filled lending requests but have no effect on the number of borrowing requests) or technical glitches in Alma. The borrowing report provides a more accurate picture of the actual volume of material sent between campusesnotice some discrepancies as a result of how borrowing and lending requests are counted. Borrowing requests use the presence of “item arrival date” to count requests actually received by the borrower while lending requests use the presence of “item sent date” to count requests actually shipped by the lender.  Lending numbers are generally higher than borrowing numbers because of items that are still in transit and those cancelled by patrons that were shipped and not received.

CSU+ dashboard

Nikki DeMoville at CalPoly SLO has created an excellent dashboard of CSU+ statistics that gives a great overall snapshot of how our resource sharing system is functioning. Natalya Magazino at San Marcos and Meghann Weldon at Humboldt modified and added additional reports. The dashboard currently includes:

  • Average number of days to fill and deliver a request
  • Average time on hold shelf
  • Average number of days on loan
  • Number of borrowing and lending requests by campus, cumulative and by month


Report TitleReport Description
Cumulative statisticsOverview showing the number of successful lending requests and unique titles loaned since go-live and average number of days materials arrive in and are picked up. Includes tables showing each campus's default search scope, borrowing and lending requests, and percent of overall CSU+ requests.
Borrowing and lending turnaround timesIncludes reports measuring average overall lending and borrowing turnaround time for each campus and reports measuring monthly turnaround time for each campus. Includes date prompts so reports can be filtered by specific dates.
Borrowing and lending statsIncludes the total number of requests submitted, total number of filled requests, total number of unfilled requests and fill rates for both borrowing and lending. Includes bar graphs.
Borrowing: All campuses all partners (most basic report)Report shows the number of filled requests for each borrower by each lender.
Lending: All campuses all partners (most basic report)Report shows number of filled requests for each lender by each borrower.
Borrowing and lending by LC classShows the number of requests made according to LC class. The report can be filtered to view CSU+ borrowing and lending by LC class for the entire system and can be filtered by campus. This report is slow to load.
CSU+ requests by titleShows requests submitted, filled requests, and picked up requests on a title by title basis.  This information may be relevant in evaluating collection use and purchases for collection development

To open the dashboard log into the NZ and hover over the Analytics menu option. Under the Reports link you will see a link to "CSU+ Statistics Dashboard". 


Click on it and wait for the dashboard to load in analytics. It can take some time for each tab to load but the results are well worth it! Here's a fuzzy example of one of the tabs:

Image RemovedImage Added

This is a continual work in progress. If there are any statistics you think would fit well into this dashboard send your feedback to Mallorythe RSFC.

Filled and Unfilled requests - lending and borrowing


Find these report in the Network Zone: shared/California State University Network/CSU+ → CSU+ Filled and unfilled borrowing requests/CSU+ Filled and unfilled lending requests.

CSU+ use by user group

This report shows CSU+ request activity sorted by user group. The report asks the user to designate a borrower type and date range (though "all" can be selected as well). Results include the number of filled requests for various user groups normalized into 11 categories for the date range specified (or since CSU+ go-live on 7/10/17 if no dates are chosen).


Schedule this report on a regular interval and it can be emailed to you or whoever handles following up on these items. More information on scheduling analytics reports can be found in the Alma Online Help.

Take a look at the Lost CSU+ items page for more details about what to do with the "long lost" requests that are identified using this query.

Finding Borrowing Requests that need to be marked "Lost"


Schedule this report on a regular interval and it can be emailed to you or whoever handles following up on these items. More information on scheduling analytics reports can be found in the Alma Online Help.

Take a look at the Lost CSU+ items page for more details about what to do with the "long lost" requests that are identified using this query.

A note on how the 90 day time frame was chosen to identify "long overdue" and therefore lost materials

In April 2018 Mallory analyzed return rates of a 5 campus sample, looking at how many items were returned after their due dates and how many days after the due date the item was returned. The goal was to identify the time frame in which the most loans were returned that could also allow libraries the flexibility to replace items within the time frame of a semester should they choose to do so. The analysis included all user groups and all types of loans except item policies that indicated a checkout period of less than 1 week.

A 30 day overdue window was too short, showing that higher volume campuses still had more than 10% of items that were ultimately returned still on loan. Increasing the overdue period from 30 to 90 days essentially cuts the number of outstanding checkouts in half, bringing every campus down to single digit outstanding returns ranging from under 1% to 6%.