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Area coveredCataloging
Prepared byULMS Cataloging Task Force
Adapted fromOrbis Cascade


Boundwith records include host bibliographic records and all their respective constituent records. Constituent records are those to which the 774$w in the host bibliographic records point. In the example host bib record below, the two 774 fields represent the constituent records. In this example, the host bib and both constituent records are all considered boundwith records.


2. Export the set of host bibliographic records from Alma.

    1. Go to Alma -> Administration -> Manage jobs -> Run Admin → Manage Jobs and Sets →  Run a job.

    2. Job type- ExportIn the Description box, type export and click on the search icon Image Added.

    3. Select Export Bibliographic Records.

    4. Click on Next.

    5. Find and select your set of host bib records.

    6. Click on Next.

    7. Task Parameters->

      1. Physical format = Binary

      2. Output format = MARC21 Bibliographic

      3. Number of records in file = One file

      4. Export into folder = Private

      5. Click on Next

    8. Schedule job -> As soon as possible. Review and confirm the job information and task parameters.

    9. Click on Next.

    10. Review and confirm.

    11. Click on Submit.

    12. After your job is completed, go to Alma -> Administration -> Manage Jobs -> Monitor Admin → Manage Jobs and Sets → Monitor jobs.

    13. Click on the History tab.

    14. Find your job, and from the Actions button, select Reportclick on the job name.

    15. Click on the link Link to the exported records Exported records.
    16. On the next screen click on the file name to download the .mrc file to your computerTip: you may want to rename your .mrc file as you download it.

3. In MarcEdit, use the Export Tab Delimited Records tool to export the 001 and 774$w.

    1. Open MarcEdit and from the top row of menu options, select Tools -> Export -> Export → Export → Export Tab Delimited Records.

    2. Click on the folder icon next to the top file name box and select the .mrc file created in step 2 above.

    3. Click on the folder icon next to the second file name box and provide a name for the .txt file that will be created as part of this process.

    4. Leave the default values for the Select Field Delimiter and the In Field Delimiter fields and click the Next button.

    5. Enter 001 in the Field box and click the Add Field link.

    6. Enter 774 in the Field box and w in the Subfield box. Click the Add Field link.

    7. Click the Export button.


    1. Open the .txt file from the previous step above in Excel.

    2. When opening the .txt file in Excel, in the third step of the Text Import Wizard, change the column data format selection from General to Text (this prevents Excel from displaying pure number values like MMS IDs in scientific notation).

    3. Select the entire spreadsheet and use Data -> Sort → Sort to sort the MMS IDs.

    4. Use Data -> Remove Duplicates to retain only unique MMS IDs.

    5. Save the file.

6. Create an itemized set of all boundwith records in Alma.

    1. Go to Alma -> Admin → Manage Jobs and Sets → Manage Sets.

    2. Click on Add Set and select the  and select Itemized option.

    3. Name the set and set content type to All Titles.

    4. In the Add Contents from File to Set section, click on the folder icon and browse to find the .txt file created in Step 4Steps 3-5.  (Maximum file size is 10MB. For reference, a file with 6983 MMSIDs was only 128KB)

    5. Click the Save button.

Excluding All Boundwith Records from Bibliographic Records with No Inventory set

When cleaning up records with no inventory, boundwith records should be excluded. If you have an all titles set of bibliographic records with no inventory (All titles, Has Inventory=no), you can use the combine sets feature (use the NOT operator) to exclude boundwith records.

  • Go to Alma -> Admin → Manage Jobs and Sets → Manage Sets.

  • Find your All titles set of bibliographic records with no inventory.

  • Click on the Actions ellipsis button and select Combine sets.

  • In the General Information section, name your new itemized set.

  • In the Combine sets section select the NOT operator.

  • With: search for your set created in step 5 6 above.

  • Click on Submit.

The resulting itemized set will include bibliographic records that do not have inventory and are not boundwith records.

  • Go to Alma -> Admin → Manage Jobs and Sets → Manage Sets.

  • Find the set created in step 5 above and from the Actions button, select Members.

  • Click on Tools and select Excel. It will take some time to generate the spreadsheet.

  • When the spreadsheet is generated, a prompt to save the file will appear.

  • Save the file.

  • Open the file in Excel.

  • Sort Column R (Availability). Any blank cells in that column represent a problem with a link.

  • If you have blank cells in Column R, refer to Fixing Broken Boundwith Links in Migrated Records.

Action log

SectionPoint Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action takenNext action required

Articulate the need for the procedures (background)

TS Leads


9/15/16 - Procedure needed to identify a set of migrated boundwith records (host bibs & constituents)

Discussion with TS Working Group.

Create a Procedure

Cataloging Task Force


10/17/16 - Draft completed

Identify and create best practice recommendations


Where applicable, identify and write up procedures in Alma


Tasks to be
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