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5minASRS Integration UpdateLauren Magnuson (Unlicensed)ASRS / Alma Integration
5minAccess Services SurveyLauren Magnuson (Unlicensed)

Has data that will be relevant to our group:

35minCO Update on Shibboleth / Single-Sign On with PrimoDavid Walker
  • Marcus Mizushima from the Chancellor's Office joined the meeting
  • Shibboleth Overview:
    • Shibboleth leverages an existing authentication mechanism (Shibboleth itself doesn't store usernames and passwords)
    • Each campus decides the best source for their authentication system (e.g., Active Directory)
    • When an application is configured to use Shibboleth, Shibboleth allows the user to authenticate and pass along additional information to the application
      • e.g., Not only do I want the userID, but I need the user's email address to authenticate
      • What if campus authentication mechanism does not provide user attributes?
        • Shibboleth returns the user's UserID which then matches with existing user profile information
        • Shibboleth has the ability to perform authentication against a source and retrieve attributes from a source
          • e.g., authentication against AD, but then go to PeopleSoft and retrieve attributes from PeopleSoft
        • Campuses may have done this differently. Marcus can send a list of things that are required (name parts, email address, telephone numbers optional, affiliation (fac/staff/student), employeeID, unique identifiers in case users are not in PeopleSoft)
        • No requirement to include active / non active status for students; but employees must have element if they have separated from the institution
  • There are two parts we need to figure out:  
    • first: Alma will need user information first from PeopleSoft / Student Information Systems (SIS) loaded in on a regular basis; 
    • second: Shibboleth configuration for logging into Primo
  • We have an opportunity to test this out early with the Vanguard campuses (San Jose, Northridge, and Fresno)
  • Question: How to get data from campuses / PeopleSoft into Alma
    • Fresno: manual process - data files are retrieved from campus information systems
      • Two staff members that process the files and load them into Sierra
      • Beginning the semester, once mid-semester, and then it repeats itself
      • Not a daily / automated process
      • Believe it's a CSV file delivered via email
      • LDAP authentication; also use secondary layer with patron API
        • Checks patron API to see patron type and expiration date
        • Talks for Identity Management Solution underway - potentially purchased Microsoft product?
      • Will involve a few different staff
    • Northridge: semi-manual process
      • student information semi-automated as a tab-delimited file that is delivered to an FTP directory and further processed by scripts
      • Authentication: Campus LDAP with Millennium patron API similar to Fresno
      • Barcode not stored in PeopleSoft
    • San Jose:
      • Believe files are delivered monthly
      • Authentication done through the Millennium patron API (ILLiad)
  • First task: Set up Shibboleth authentication for at least one (if not all three) campuses in the Vanguard load
    • Each vanguard campus needs to reach out to campus IT to schedule a call to discuss this
    • Schedule two different meetings: one about Shibboleth with Renaldo, Micah, and Lauren and each campus' primary identity contact as well as Marcus (Suzanna and Brian will also join)
  • Second Task: Try and get patron data from one or more of the campuses
  • Marcus can get a list of primary identity contacts for all of the campuses
10minReview 3rd Party Integration SurveyAll

Action items