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Christian Ward

  • April Open Forum Rescheduled for May 20th



View file
nameDFC top issues.docx

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

    • Submitted detailed responses to Ex Libris of the top 3 Primo VE issues.

      • uResolver Matching Issues

      • Features not working: LC browse search, date newest filter, journal search, ranking, performance issues

      • Inadequate Analytics for Assessing Performance and Usage of Primo VE

    • Ex Libris provided some initial feedback but will discuss at a future date.

    • Ian brought up the point of knowing what are Primo VE issues that EXL is working to resolve versus issues that are intrinsic to discovery.

    • The group noted that some products seem to get more attention to fix issues (ex Leganto) while other more established products (Primo/VE) have slower response time.

  • LibKey

    • The group discussed impressions of the vendor presentation:

      • It does provide nice functionality for Primo VE , specifically the retraction watch feature

      • Don't like having to think about another software to fix something that should be a part of the system

      • Implementing a third-party tool may be a deterrent for Ex Libris to fix functionality

    • David will bring this to the ULMS Steering Committee for further discuss.

    • David will talk with Sonoma about their experience with the LibKey.

    • Ask vendor for price and technical demand on implementation.

  • Archival Material Resource Type

    • Are most of the records cleaned up?

      • Brinna Pam Anan verified that most of the work is completed on this issue. A few campuses have not gotten back to her, but did change their records.

  • Wiki Site Redesign

    • A big THANKS to Hannah’s help design and help making the new site possible.

  • Quicklinks/Newspapers Search

    • Some campuses have turned this functionality on and have discovered that Quicklinks are also a part of newspaper search, but the links are not proxied. A salesforce case has been filed and Ex Libris indicated it should be fixed by November 2022.

Discovery and Rapido

Christian Ward

Chris Lee and Christian Ward met with Ex Libris to discuss Primo VE changes as a result of implementing Rapido. From that conversation and testing we have identified the following anticipated changes:

  • Modifying Search Profiles

    • Requires CDI not filtered by availability

  • Configuring Views

    • Enable Rapido

    • Blank ILL form

    • Search profile slots

    • Move Rapido offers on full record

  • Visual Changes

    • Expand My Results options move to the top of results list

    • Blank ILL form link presented after results are expanded

    • Rapido offers is a separate section in the full record details; Primo VE requesting options may also be available

    • Open Library integration may create visual anomalies

  • See the Discovery and Rapido wiki


  • Ex 1 (Open Library search + Rapido)

  • Ex 2 (Primo VE request options, and Rapido displays message)

  • Ex 3 (Valid Primo VE Request options, Rapido displays message)

  • Ex 4 (Open library request options and Rapido display message)

  • Ex 5 (multiple Primo VE request options and Rapido displays message)

  • Ex 6 (online availability and multiple request options, and Rapido displays message)

  • Ex 7 (available online and Rapido shows offers)

  • Ex 8 (available online, filter CDI by availability unchecked, Rapido shows offers)

  • Ex 9 (blank primo VE requesting options, Rapido shows offers)

Open Forum Topics

Christian Ward

  • Next Session: May 20th @ 1pm - Discovery and Rapido
