Versions Compared


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  • Set goals for 2018-19

  • Brainstorm pain points and needs for improving user experience in Primo

Discussion items







Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

ULMS Discovery


Summary of work from AY 2017-18

Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

CSU Survey of Primo UI

Primo UI Environmental Scan [in-progress]

Google Analytics add-on module [module complete, implementation in-progress]

Problem Reporting Form add-on module

Send SMS add-on module

Norm Rule Requests

Primo Discovery - FAQs

Data Points and Analytics Mapping [in-progress]


Brainstorm on pain points and needs

David Walker

  • Saved records

    • Limits on the total you can save and see

    • Check for active cases

  • Relevancy of results

    • Librarians: “a lot of crap comes back.”

      • Mismatch in expectations vs. actual results

    • Students don’t seem to complain as much

  • Known item searching

    • Changes to author searching may have negatively impacted this -- “Curious George.”

    • Issues with boosting?

    • More fundamental issues?

  • Reviews swamping actual book results

  • Not all 5XX fields being indexed

    • e.g., 546 Language (text entry)

      • 041, language leader also

      • ‘nai’ for small native American tribes

    • Primo VE vs. making local changes

  • Resource types

    • Audio vs. video and sub-types in the facets

  • Delays with synching data

    • Turning off collections in PCI

    • Primo VE to the rescue?

    • Availability

  • Discoverability for when we don’t have a record

    • Books and articles

    • Recommended options via links

  • Getting more metadata into PCI

    • e.g., MLA with EDS

    • Gale metadata with poor linking

  • U Resolver menu

    • Availability is too complex

    • Request hidden until you login

  • Ebsco deep search

    • Resource types really limited

    • Book chapters, dissertations

    • Messes with ILL

  • Language facets give inaccurate results

  • Primo Back Office is stupid complex

  • Printing from single items and list is missing data

  • Creating list of books for sharing not easy

  • ADA: tool tips not on everything


Next steps

Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

Action items

