Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


          • The article is missing from journal and needs to be added by the publisher.  Ask if the missing article can be added.
          • The article is not indexed by the vendor.  Ask when the article will be indexed and available online.
          • The incorrect metadata has been indexed and needs updating or missing metadata added.  Send the correct metadata to the vendor.
          • The DOI is incorrect and needs to be corrected by CrossRef, the originating vendor or the resolving vendor.  Send the correct to the vendor or ask CrossRef to correct the DOI.
          • The DOI needs to be registered or is registered with a different vendor or CrossRef is down.  Contact CrossRef for these issues.
          • The DOI goes to an article at a vendor's site that the library does not have full text subscription.  Add "&exception=noDOI"  and if that does not work, try, & "exception4=noDOI" to the parse param of the portfolio.  The portfolio will no longer use the DOI to link and will go to intended site.
          • There is a copyright restriction on that particular article.  Add an internal and public note to the portfolio that there may be limited access to some full text due to copyright restrictions.
          • The vendor site having issues or is down.  Contact the vendor and notify the libraries.
          • The vendor needs to open up access to full text so the libraries can access the full text.  Contact the vendor requesting access the article and copy SDLC about the access issue.
          • The originating vendor and resulting vendor do not index the same article the same way due to indexing policies.  If the vendors do not agree to match the metadata for the article, there is no fix for this issue.


titleAction Log

SectionPoint Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action takenNext action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)


8/23/2016- ERM Task Force discussed the ERM policy and procedures outline and assign a policy to a task force member. Jessica assigned the policy and procedures for shared resources in Alma.

Draft for Shared Resources due September 30th. Send draft to Tech Service Working Group Leads

Rough Draft for Shared Resource policies and procedures

Jessica Hartwigsen


 rough draft finished

Sent link drafts to Tech Services Working Group Leads

ERM Task Force meet to discuss rough draft of policies and see if there is any feedback from the Working Group Leads

Jessica Hartwigsen


 ERM Task Force met to discuss the policies and procedures

Send rough drafts of policies to Tech Services-discuss policies in Open Forum. Ask for feedback from working group.

Jessica Hartwigsen


 Link to drafts was sent out during Tech Service Open Forum

ERM Task Force will go over the feedback received from the ULMS IMP Team and the Tech Services Working Group. Meet with other TS Working Groups to discuss overlap of policies and procedures. ERM Task Force will meet  

Final "live" Draft for Shared Resources is dueJessica Hartwigsen


Final drafts for policies is December 9th. All policies for all task forces are due this date.
ERM Task Force meet to discuss final drafts of polices and see if any feedback from the Working Group LeadsJessica Hartwigsen