Versions Compared


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  1. Under Fulfillment Configuration | Physical Fulfillment | Overdue and Lost Loan Profile, set the Library setting to the blank entry for each of your profiles:

    Notices are sent based on the item's current library.  Unless you have a strong reason to set up separate Overdue and Lost Loan profiles for different libraries, you will ensure that notices are sent for all items within one profile by setting the Library field to the blank entry.  In order for notices to be sent for items at a particular Library, the Library must be listed in an Overdue and Lost Loan profile, or this field must be set to the blank entry.  

  2. You can set up a pop-up message to alert you that the due date for a loan has been shortened due to the user's expiration date.  Configure this under Fulfillment Configuration | Configuration Menu | General | Other Settings | and set shortened_due_date_notifications to EMAIL or MESSAGE_EMAIL.  View more details on this setting in the online help: Alerts for shortened due dates

    The pop-up alert will look like this:

  3. All of the orders that you place in Alma will use the default acquisitions location that is set for the associated Library as the item's default location.  Ensure that this location is set to the most useful default location by navigating to General Configuration | Configuration Menu | Add a Library or Edit Library Information | select the Libraries tab and select Actions | Edit for every Library that you will use for acquisitions in Alma.  Ensure that the default location for acquisition is set to a useful location – something like your main book stacks.  

  4. Customize your Fines/Fees Behavior table and set the Manual Creation column to False for any Fine/Fee types that you won't use in Alma.  By default, there are about 20 fine types that can be used to manually assign different types of fines in Alma.  Because many of these fine types are not actually in use (i.e. 'Locker key', 'Thesis folder'), you can hide these fine types so that they don't appear in the fine type dropdown:

    In order to hide irrelevant fine types, navigate to User Management Configuration | Configuration Menu | Patron Charges | Fines/Fees Behavior.  In order to hide a fine from the Fee Type menu, click Customize and set the Manual Creation column to False for all fine types you don't want to appear in the above dropdown menu.  

    You can also request that the fine/fee type description be modified by opening a support ticket with Ex Libris
  5. Change your system time format to Remove any locations that don't actually contain inventory in Alma.  For many campuses there are electronic or internet locations that aren't going to be used as locations in Alma.  It's a good idea to remove these locations, so that they aren't cluttering up your location options. In order to delete a location, navigate to Fulfillment Configuration | Configuration Menu Physical Locations and look at the location you wish to delete.  Select Actions Delete to remove a location that doesn't have any attached holdings/items.

Resource Management

  1. In order for the Repository search results and the Metadata Editor for holdings to display the location name for items instead of only the location code, navigate to Resource Configuration | Configuration Menu | Library/Location Display and select Name or Code + Name:
  2. As with the Fine/Fee type table, you can also customize which item material types you want to use in Alma.  This will alter which material types display as possible inventory material type values.  It will help streamline your material type choices if you deselect any item material types that you don't plan to use in Alma.  You can also alter the labels for the default item material type values, if you need to reflect a material type that doesn't exist in the table.  Navigate to this table by going to Resource Configuration | Configuration Menu | Physical Material Type Descriptions.  Deselect Enabled for any values that you don't want to use.  Alter the Description for any new values that you would like to use in Alma.  
