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Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee
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Network Zone (NZ) Opt-in Scenario #3 

These procedures are for the scenario: one vendor -


multiple databases (when there is a single cost for several databases i.e. IEEE).  SDLC negotiates and pays for a


single resource but that resource includes multiple collections in that single price.  Examples of this would be IEEE or OmniFile (which includes several full text e-collections at no extra cost) included in one price.  Anytime there is a single price but there are multiple resources included in that single price, use this scenario.  Chancellor's Office SDLC and the NZ electronic resources administrator will set up the negotiated licenses and license terms for all Opt-in resources.  Libraries can use a similar process when ordering the resource from the NZ.

Procedures in Alma for Opt-In e-Resources in for both the NZ Admin and Local Instances.  Libraries skip to LIBRARY STARTS HERE section.

The following procedures are for Chancellor's Office SDLC and the NZ administrator and the local Alma instances.  The Opt-in e-resource is negotiated and activated by SDLC and the NZ administrator.  The e-resource is ordered by the library from the NZ and the acquistions data is maintained in the local Alma instance.   Steps for both are included but libraries should start with the Member Library section of the procedures.  Vendor record policies will be set by the Acquisition Task Force.

Table of Contents

 SDLC/CO Steps

ADD vendor


*See Model 2 for Fund set up.  There is a fund set up for the Opt-in resources the CO pays the vendor.

Add vendor 

This will be completed by the Chancellor's Office before Go-Live.

  • Go to Alma Acquisition > Acquisitions Infrastructure > VendorVendor> Add Vendor
  • Add a Name and a Code
  • Check Material Supplier and Access Provider for vendor (use for actual vendor, publisher, or aggregator [EBSCO, JSTOR, ProQuest, etc] for this record for ECC and Opt-in resources in the NZ.  One vendor record for each publisher or aggregator.)
    • Check Licensor and Material Supplier for Opt-in resource in local instances (libraries are ordering the Opt-in databases from the CO so the CO needs to
    • have a vendor record in the
    local Alma instance. ECC resources use actual vendor) 
    • IZ, vendor name=SDLC_CO)
  • Save the Vendor record
  • Edit the Vendor record to add contact information for SDLC .  Add SDLC contact for billing contact and NZ administrator as the technical contact.


Licenses are necessary for Models 2 and 3 of shared acquisitions.  In Model 2 and 3, the Chancellor's Office will create the negotiated license to attach to the ECC e-resource in the NZ.  In Model 3, the library will locate the Opt-in e-collection in the NZ and order the e-collection and create the Purchase Order in the local Alma instance.  The license and price information will be copied from the NZ negotiated license and appear in the local instance when ordering.

Managing License Terms

  • See Alma documentation for details on how to manage License Terms and add License Terms.  Recommended that user have Acquisitions Manager role to edit License Terms.  The list of recommended license terms can be found in Appendix B

  • It is recommended to track perpetual access titles in the license.  See Appendix B for license term field.  There will be more information about licenses as the 360 Migration Project continues.
  • See how to Display Licenses Terms in View It tab

Licenses -Steps for adding licenses for Shared ECC eResources

Use terms and conditions that appear in the SDLC agreements, see list in Appendix B.

  • Choose Central Office for library
  • Choose Licenses under Acquisitions Infrastructure (under ALMA drop-down menu)
  • Add License > Manually > Next 
    • License Type = Negotiation
    • Name for license- JSTOR Arts & Science databases
    • Name license code – JSTOR  (pulled from SDLC license agreement?)
  • Make changes and add start dates and signed dates to Summary tab
    • Add Signed On dates –use information from the vendor agreement
    • Pick available names for Signed by (names from SDLC and vendor)
    • Pick CSUCO/SDLC for Licensor
    • Save these changes
  • Open up new License again to Edit***START HERE

Negotiate the license for the vendor and individual libraries (This is an Acquisitions Task)

  • Create negotiated License
    • Go to Licenses under Acquisitions Infrastructure
    • Click on Licenses
    • Choose Manually
    • Include name of the license
    • Include License Code -copy from contract agreement
    • License Type Negotiation
    • Status is Active
    • Include start date sometimes pulled from the vendor record.  Can leave the date as-is or enter in new date.
    • License location is Financial Office
    • License Review Status is Accepted
    • Licensor –Choose Vendor record
    • Save the license

Locate license, open license and edit under Actions

  • Change License Status to Active (if not already active)
  • Licensing Agent is SDLC/CO -they negotiate on behalf of the CSU (a vendor record will need to be added for SDLC/CO as Licensor)
  • Add Terms of Use under License Term tab
  • Add Members to Negotiation Details tab
    • Go to Negotiation Details tab
    • Click on Add Member
  • Click on Select Member > Choose libraries sharing this resource
  • Click on Select
  •  Add in details for member- renewal cycle and start/end date of license > Save record (only add cost of database for Opt-in - Model 3)
  • Go to License Terms tab – add in terms of the license
  • Save changes

Activate the Opt-in e-Resource

After the negotiated license has been set up, search for the e-collection in the Repository in the NZ admin

  • Active the e-resource –DO NOT ORDER
  • Click on Activate this Electronic Collection Service and Make Service Available
  • Active from date and to date
  • Click on Next
  • Proxy = NO and Next
  • Activate All Portfolios

Check Monitor Jobs to see if the e-resource is active

  • Search for e-resource in Repository once job is finished
  • Click on Edit
  • Go to License under Acquisitions and License Information under the General Information tab
  • Choose the negotiated license for this resource and Save
  • Go to the Edit Service link and go to the Group Settings tab
  • Click on Add Settings for Group
  • Add libraries to the Group Settings and activate the proxy and add linking parameters if needed
  • Save

*Library will ORDER the e-resource after it is has been activated and negotiated license has been attached.

Member Institution: The process is up to the library but the CO must be vendor and material supplier.  

This is one possible workflow for library.


    • button
    • Choose library from drop-down in Member option box –click on magnifying glass
    • Click on radio button next to library name and Select –if wrong library picked after saving, click on little brush icon and this will remove the library
    • Add Member contact email
    • Enter in price library pays the CO for the resource (this is the total cost the library pays for the resource)
    • Enter Renewal Cycle of 1 year
    • Enter in Start Date
    • Do this for each library that has opted in to use this resource
    • After each library and cost has been entered, Save Negotiated License


Now add this license to the database and create Purchase Order Without Inventory.  This is an Acquisitions Task. 

This is for a vendor with more than one database ordered - i.e. IEEE

Create Purchase Order without Inventory

The Master POL for e-collections where there are more than one database ordered from that vendor in the ECC).

  • Go to Acquisitions Purchase Order Lines and click on Order Without Inventory –Use Electronic Collection-subscription
  • Order Heading, Alt Heading and Description should include information about the vendor the CO purchased systemwide (ECC)
  • Purchase Type Other Service Subscription
  • PO Line Owner is the Central Office and then Create PO Line (NOTE: write down POL number)

 Fill in details for Master POL

  • Material Supplier is the Central Office-Choose vendor code for list of vendors
  • Type is in price paid for the contract with vendor (this is the amount paid to the vendor by the CO for the resources listed in the Master POL i.e. what is the total amount paid for the Opt-in resources)
  • Look up Fund for Central Office (i.e. Opt-in or ECC Fund)
  • Acquisition Method is Purchase at Vendor
  • Add renewal date for subscription and days for reminder period
  • Choose Save and Continue Order Now then click on Go
  • *Remember the POL number to use when ordering e-collection -this is the Master POL

Order e-collection -Technical POL (This is an Acquisitions Task)

  • Locate e-collection in Repository: FIND Electronic Collection WHERE Electronic Collection Name CONTAINS <database name>
    • If the collection was migrated from SFX, stay on the INSTITUTION tab.  
    • If the collection is new and was not migrated to Alma, go to the COMMUNITY tab. i.e. New IEEE Xplore POP ALL
  • Click on Order and
  • Choose Purchase Type -Electronic Collection -Subscription
  • Click on Create PO Line
  • Material Supplier is the Central Office
  • Choose a License –pick a vendor (this license for the e-collection is the informational license, not the negotiated license)
  • Acquisition Method is -choose the supplier from list of vendor accounts
  • Choose the appropriate License
  • Acquisition Method is Technical
  • Under Additional section , -Choose the Associated PO Line and locate the Master POL (Manual packaging?)Save and Continue POL
  • Click on Order Now to save changes.
  • After POL has been ordered, can active the e-resource resource( see steps below) *Remember this POL number (will be different from the Master POL number

Go to Task Lists

  • Click on member name link (home page) and look at list of tasks
  • Look for Electronic Resources –activation – unassigned (Once it has been ordered, a Purchase Order [remember PO# for Invoicing] appears with the POL and can be activated)
  • Check the resource just ordered
  • Choose Access Confirmed
  • Go to Actions buttons
  • Click on Activate
  • Activate the collection and the service Note: In the General Information tab for the e-resource, the Access Type can be set to Current or Perpetual in Electronic Collection Name –information only
  • Active from Date –fill out the date the resource is available
  • Click Next (do not enable proxy here, will do it in the Group Settings)
  • Activate portfolios
  • Save and check on progress of the activation job
    • Go to Monitor Jobs under Manage Jobs under Alma tab
    • Keep refreshing until job is done
  • Locate the resource once the job is done
  • The resource should appear in the Institution Zone

Now Edit Service –service level to add Group Settings to make it available to institutions    

    • Set Proxy settings to YES for each member added to e-collection Group Settings
    • Save changes, resource is live for member institutions, and now create invoice for ECC e-resource

Create Invoice: (need more details from ACQ TF -one possible workflow)


  • )
    *Repeat for each collection for that vendor, which means ordering each collection and adding the Master POL in the Additional Section of each order record.  If there is more than one JSTOR or ProQuest, those e-collections would be ordered and the Master POL added to the Technical POL.  JSTOR Arts & Sciences I would have a Technical POL and Arts & Sciences II would also have a Technical POL (ECC example).  All of these would go under the umbrella of the Master POL.



Make Resource available  (This is an ERM Task)

*This can be skipped if the e-resource is activated due to the migration from SFX.

  • Go to the list of Tasks –click on the Task link or the Home Page link to see a list of tasks
  • Locate the list for Electronic Resource Activation Task -Unassigned
  • Locate the resource that was just ordered (look for POL #) in this list of Unassigned tasks
  • Check the box next to the resource, locate Make Available in the drop down box and click on Change Status
  • Now click on the Assigned to Me tab to locate the Purchase Order to continue editing it
  • Go to the Actions button and choose Activate (do not need to do for e-collections migrated from SFX Activate option will not appear.  Skip to the next section to Test Access under Action buttons)
    • If you choose Activate All, click on Next and then Activate All
    • Check Monitor Jobs to see when the Resource has been activated Alma > Under Manage Jobs and Sets
    • Click on Activate this electronic collection service
    • Click on Make Service Available
    • Automatically activate new portfolios (aggregator databases only)
    • Click Next –do nothing on this screen
    • Click Next and Activate All if CSU subscribes to complete package, if not, choose Manual Activation and activate titles later with upload file

Add Libraries to Service Group Settings

These steps can be skipped if the resource was migrated from SFX, go to Test Access.

  • Go to Actions button and Choose Edit Resource
  • Go to the Additional Information tab
  • Locate the Services at the bottom and click on Full Text label under Service Type
  • Click on Service Activation Status = Available if not already set to Available
    • If this is an aggregator, click on Activate new portfolios = YES
  • Go to the Group Settings tab from the Electronic Services Editor
  • Add libraries that are sharing this resource to Group Settings
    • Click on Add Settings for Group
    • Locate the Library, Activate the Proxy and if necessary, enter in linking parameters and Save
    • Keep adding libraries until finished and click on Save
  • Click on Save again if finished making changes or adding data to Resource Services
  • Save again if finished making changes or adding data to Resource
  • Test Access under Actions button - see if journal links to resource
  • Steps are complete and libraries can order the resource, see section below


Library Orders Resource  -- Libraries start here --

Library will ORDER the e-resource after it is has been activated and negotiated license has been attached in the NZ by the CO.  The following procedures are one possible way for the library's acquisitions department to order an Opt-in resource from the NZ.

*Highly recommend using similar procedures used by the NZ ER administrator: Master POL and Technical POL

Acquisitions exception -Sharing Electronic Resources in the NZ but not ordered from SDLC:  

If your library is sharing a resource in the NZ but did not negotiate for that resource with SDLC, the POL will need to be attached to a provider-neutral record/OCLC record.  The electronic full text collection can be shared but the licenses and purchases orders cannot be maintained centrally and will need to be attached to this PNR record.  Please DO NOT use the Alma CZ Descriptive Record for that resource (See Catalog recommendations: Provider-Neutral Records & Use of Database-Level Records).  Acquisitions Task Force has information for attaching current POLs to records in the NZ: Acq FAQ . Example:  EBSCO Art Full Text is a shared resource that 8 libraries are sharing in the NZ.  Only two of those libraries negotiated the resource via SDLC.  All 8 libraries can continue to share the NZ resource but only 2 of those libraries will have consortial acquisitions attached to the e-collection.   The other 6 libraries will need to attach POLs to the OCLC/PNR record in the NZ.

Member Institution (the process is up to the library but the CO must be vendor and material supplier):

  • Library needs to create a vendor for the CO in their institute before Ordering the e-resource (For CO/SDLC as a vendor, this should be a one-time set-up for libraries.)
  • Locate the e-collection in the Repository in the NZ (use respository search for the e-collection > e-collection name) and begin Master POL procedures:

Create Purchase Order without Inventory

The Master POL for e-collections where there are more than one database ordered from that vendor in the ECC.

  • Go to Acquisitions Purchase Order Lines and click on Order Without Inventory –Use Electronic Collection-subscription
  • Order Heading, Alt Heading and Description should include information about the vendor the CO purchased systemwide (ECC)
  • Purchase Type Other Service Subscription
  • PO Line Owner is the Central Office and then Create PO Line (NOTE: write down POL number)

 Fill in details for Master POL

  • Material Supplier -Choose vendor code for list of vendors
  • The List Price came from the negotiated license in the NZ admin
  • Choose Fund local to the library (If fund to pay for CO negotiated resources has already been created, go to next step)
  • Acquisition Method is Purchase at Vendor
  • Add renewal date for subscription and days for reminder period
  • Choose Order Now then click on Go
  • *Remember the POL number to use when ordering e-collection -this is the Master POL

Order e-collection -Technical POL (This is an Acquisitions Task)

  • Locate e-collection in Repository: FIND Electronic Collection WHERE Electronic Collection Name CONTAINS <database name>
    • Locate e-collection in the NZ
  • Click on Order
  • Choose Purchase Type -Electronic Collection -Subscription
  • Click on Create PO Line
  • Material Supplier -choose the supplier from list of vendor accounts
  • Choose the appropriate License
  • Acquisition Method is Technical
  • Under Additional section -Choose the Associated PO Line and locate the Master POL
  • Click on Order Now to save changes.
    • Do this for each collection that is included in the subscription.  
    • There will be one Master POL with no inventory attached and each database or collection included in a single subscription will be ordered and attached to the Master POL.
    • Once all of the Technical POLs have been created, look for the Master POL in Acquisitions > Search for PO Line.  Under the Associated PO Lines tab will be all of the Technical PO Lines.

Waiting for Payment Invoices 

  • *This process is up to the local acquisitions department. This is one possible process for libraries.
  • Locate invoice
  • Choose Edit under Actions
  • Choose Paid for Payment Status
  • Create a voucher number
  • Save and Continue
  • Check status of Invoice under Invoice search
  • Invoiced closes when it is paid (need more information-depends on local configurations but also need more information on payments between libraries and SDLC/CO)

Add Fund

Information about setting up Funds from the Acquisition Task Force.   There are some very good examples of setting up Funds in Alma, including creating funds for paying for CO negotiated resources.





Fiscal Period

Available Balance

Business - Database CO


Allocated fund

Allocated fund

06/30/2016 - 06/29/2017

71,264.42 USD