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Document status


Area coveredcataloging
Prepared byTechnical Services Working Group Leads
Adapted fromOrbis Cascade Alliance Collaborative Technical Services Team


Document describes policy and methods for replacing (that is, overlaying) individual bibliographic records in Alma with records exported from OCLC Connexion client or brought into the Network Zone (NZ) from daily OCLC loads. This policy does not apply to batchloads. The objective is to avoid unintended overlays and duplicates in the CSU shared environment. See also also Overlaying Bibliographic Records in Alma : (Procedures) for more details.

Policy Statement


  • Ensure that the correct OCLC number is in the Alma record;
  • Share with Network (if not already in NZ);
  • Then Alma is prepared to accept the the record, via Connexion export or daily OCLC loads.

Procedures in Alma

See "See Overlaying Bibliographic Records in Alma : (Procedures" ) for more details. [Being drafted by the Cataloging Task Force.]

Action log

SectionPoint Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action takenNext action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)

TS Leads


TS Leads identified need for policy and procedures for overlaying bibliographic records in Alma. Policy and procedures adopted from Orbis.

To be discussed with TS Working Group.

Identify and write up procedures in Alma

TS Leads


Procedures drafted.Discussed with TS Working Group.

Finalize policy statement

TS Leads