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Adriana Popescu David Walker Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed) Marianne Foley Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed) Ian Chan (Unlicensed) Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed) Jill Strykowski Gabriel Castaneda (Unlicensed) Priscilla Ortiz (Unlicensed)







Call To Order

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


COLD Update

Adriana Popescu
David Walker

Link to agenda

Discussed Rapido & contract renewal slides from David’s presentation


2022 Satisfaction Survey Meeting Update

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  1. Meetings

    1. Data Excellence and Discovery – track (= series of meetings)

      1. CSU - main pain points

        1. Date:  Thursday, March 9@9a

        2. Expected: Ian & invitees, Priscilla & invitees, Jill & invitees, Austin & invitees, Chris Lee, Jessica Hartwigsen, Christina Hennessey, David Walker

      2. Data Excellence and Discovery – current status: TBD after first meeting

      3. Data Excellence and Discovery – next steps : TBD after first meeting

      4. Additional meetings as required 

    2. Resource Sharing – track

      1. Date: Wednesday, March 8@9a

      2. Expected: Priscilla & invitees, Chris Lee

    3. Analytics – track

      1. Date: Tuesday, February 28@9a

      2. Expected: Kevin Phillips & invitees

    4. Alma – track

      1. Date: TBD

      2. Expected: Gabriel & invitees, Jill, Christina, ???

    5. Support (product support and content support)

  • Want to hear more about the post-mortem idea!

    • Share all the survey links with everybody in the libraries

  • Feedback from chairs regarding the process


Committee Business

    1. – one meeting with the relevant managers

      1. Date: TBD

      2. Expected: David Walker, Chris Lee, Jessica Hartwigsen, Christina Hennessey, Jill, Priscilla, Ian

  1. Preparation

    1. I need the following from the chairs that will be primarily engaged in Data Excellence and Discovery meeting (those are Discovery, ERM, Resource Management and Resource Sharing) by tomorrow

      1. A list of invitees from your functional area.

      2. A list of pain points/issues in your area related to record quality and the CDI and GTI indexes.

    2. Kevin & Priscilla - please work on your lists and supply ASAP

    3. Need help with compiling Alma & Support meeting lists.

      1. I will collect feedback on Alma and Support from survey and share on ulms-coordinate for feedback

      2. Gabriel & Jill - Please choose your issues for Alma meeting


eCAUG Meeting update (was in-person meeting update)


  • Likely to take place in late August/early Sept

  • Spoken with UC/CCC about representation from their systems

  • Some potential host sites identified, hopefully solidified in the next couple of weeks

  • Next step: form planning committee


Committee Discussion

  • Walk-in Policy review

  • ERM report: What is Chris Lee’s request? Request is to add license note in records to delineate lending for ILL.


Big Idea

Gabriel Castaneda (Unlicensed)

Priscilla Ortiz (Unlicensed)
Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed)
Ian Chan (Unlicensed)
or Jill Strykowski

Further Discussion


Committee Updates

Assessment & Analytics

Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed)

  • The committee will be losing it’s Vice Chair and a new one will need to be identified.

  • Christina Hennessey forwarded an email from the ELUNA Primo Working Group. There is evidence that there is some data is missing in Primo Analytics and investigation into possible Primo VE regression. Committee members will investigate to see if their institutions see similar behavior. The ELUNA Primo Working Group shared this document.

  • Rapido Dashboard to be updated with Most Requested Journal titles report after bug testing.

  • Will investigate the value of the free Data Visualization option that Alma provides.

  • Will meet at a future date with Ex Libris to discuss top Analytics issues.

  • With the new Analytics UI available, if you choose to enable it, specific pain points have emerged that the Analytics committee discussed in our last meeting. If no Favorites have been selected, the Access Analytics (old Design Analytics) is below the fold and can cause user confusion. 

  • With the Rapido Dashboard live, the CSU+ Dashboard criteria has been sunset to filter to end on 6/13/22.  

  • Spoke with Chris Lee who will update each institutional Rapido Dashboard to include Most Requested Journal Titles.


Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

We are preparing for

The DFC will offer an open forum

in February.

Topics may include VE survey report, secondary resource types, Primo UX study, Primo Need Help button

Open to suggestions!

  • Completing report on the survey for Primo VE satisfaction and issues 

  • Discussing the possible implementation of the Feedback Tool for Primo VE

  • David Walker will coordinate the implementation of secondary resource types configuration with Christine Holmes and other committees

  • We will discuss the upcoming migration to Google Analytics 4 at a future meeting

  • Compiling a list of UX research findings as related to Primo VE and discovery

  • on February 24 (Friday) from 1PM to 2PM. The agenda for the meeting is provided below.

    • Primo VE Usage Survey Report 

    • Secondary resource types (in collaboration with the Resource Management Committee)

    • Primo UX studies

    • Primo Need Help button

    • February Release

    • Upcoming meetings with Ex Libris

    We've also received a request to examine the feasibility of Adding the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) facet in Primo VE.

    We will also follow up with Dave on the implementation of Google Analytics version 4 within the Central Customization Package.


    Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed)

    • CDI ebook exclusion testing continues with promising results so far

    • Overhauling our wiki continues – best practices and contacts are being worked on at the momentExclude ebooks from CDI results now available with Rapido

      • Draft guide has been created and is being reviewed – crossover with Discovery

      • Testing has shown this option works for expanded search in CDI, but duplicates still appear from GTI (as expected)

      • CDI activation documentation has been drafted and is pending review

    • To get the ball rolling on Chris Lee’s request, the ERM committee will offer procedural guide for ERM and Acquisitions Rapido notes in collections

      • A draft document has been created to track our shared license info.  It will be finalized and sent to SDRC for approval by the end of the week


    Gabriel Castaneda (Unlicensed) None this month - Gabriel is getting up to speed with his new role

    • The committee members have started to reach out to campus library leaders to conduct the General Fulfillment Survey. We’re starting with our committee members campuses, as a test run.

    Resource Management

    Jill Strykowski  

  • NACO training coming up that several of us are taking - we hope to discuss during or after, what kind of policies for LC name entry the CSU's might want to adopt.  Initial thoughts are for adding local tribal names from the work the IDTF is doing, and CSU faculty authors

  • Nerissa and Jill are talking to Jessica H. about creating a set of OA resources in ALMA (CZ and/or NZ) that do not have the MARC 506 field tag that information the OA icon and filter in Primo. Nerissa's going to help me create the set, and then I'm going to create a norm rule to run the 506 edit as a job 

  • We discussed other ideas for secondary resource type based on 008 indicators. We have the following list

    1. Government documents - 008/28 : c, f, l, m, o, s 

      • Nerissa noted that when her staff was looking at this indicator previously, they noticed that a lot of university presses use the s indicator for 'state agency'. We want to see if we can filter these out in the logic

    2. Comic books/graphic novel -  008/24-27 : 6

    3. Theses - 008/24-27 : m  (may already be captured by Primo, wanted to double-check)

    4. K-12 material -  008/22 : a, b, c, d, j

    5. Magazine :  008/21 : g (to differentiate from journals)

  • We discussed NZ manager advocacy and bullet points for possible position description

  • Hope to do a joint meeting with discovery group in March

    1. Committee and Task Force update

      1. The NZ Management Group is addressing a number of projects and workflow issues (division of labor among committees; identifying experts to assign with projects as the one you listed below).  We can provide you an update after our meeting but our meeting is also in the afternoon.

      2. IDTF - ask for volunteers to help with subject headings updates for

        1. materials assigned the heading(s): "Transsexuals", "Transexuality", and "Transexualism" and look into possibly redescribing those materials.

        2. Giants, the changes aren't live yet (but it was announced it's happening in the December editorial meeting) but LC finally decided to clarify the differences between giants from folklore and tall people and people who have pituitary gland disorders.

    2. OA editing in the NZ

      1. Jill has parameters from Jessica Hartwigsen but has yet to create a norm rule. Hoping to look at it this month and coordinate with NZ management group

    3. Norm rule punctuation

      1. Review survey results are in - Jill to work with Brandon to implement

    4. Secondary resource types

      1. Jill sent out a survey. Hopes to have results soon

    5. Advocating for an NZ manager in the CO’s office

      1. Jill has buy-in from David W., Brandon D., Marcus J. and Israel for a meeting to discuss.

      2.  Hoping to schedule for early March

    6. NACO coordination

      1. Talk about policy planning for name additions in coordination with the wiki authorities/ linked data group

    7. Cataloging contacts -
      Jill to send out email about updating cataloging contacts - Nerissa has access to update page now

    Next meeting's discussion: Curating collections in ALMA

    Resource Sharing

    Priscilla Ortiz (Unlicensed)

    • Elected a new chair and vice chair.

    • Went through all Rapido Basecamp items from March till present and marked which were completed and what issues still stand.

    • Approved Walk-In User policy with FFC

    • Added Lost Item workflows for Rapido to the Wiki

    • Approved and sent a proposal document to the UC’s for a hybrid pod using the Unity CourierTemporarily changed Lost Item Policy from 14 days to 45 days until Ex Libris can deploy fix on it.

    • Submitted Walk in User policy to COLD

    • RSFC is hosting “Rapido workflow refreshers” zooms with Chris Lee (Meghann from Ex-Libris had one on one meetings with each CSU concerning Rapido and workflow is a pattern that was noticed)

    • Ex Libris next scheduled updates (next month or 2) will allow for change/customization in XML for letters so I-SPIE TV committee and Chris Lee asked larger community for input as to what to change in letters(Lending shipping and borrowing receiving).

    • Chris Lee met with some members of SCELC and RSFC is conducting testing with St. Mary’s library and Azusa (added as partners in Rapido)

    RSFC is preparing a “Illiad as a last resort best practices” document to share with RS community.

    Action items

