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Start here:  Ex Libris Product Documentation Managing COUNTER-Compliant Usage Data

(The content is also available as a video: Managing COUNTER Compliant Usage Data - ExLibrisLtd)

Also refer to: COUNTER SUSHI | Project Counter and Section 8.0 SUSHI for Automated Report Harvesting | Project CounterSUSHI Logins (request access through site)

Additional Guidance | Tips and Tricks for Specific Vendors

What information do I need to set up a SUSHI account and where do I get it?

It is best to contact the vendor to obtain the credentials that you need to set up a SUSHI account. SUSHI credentials will always include a rest URL.

Vendors use one or more of

In addition, vendors can use a requestor ID, a customer ID and an API key. Ex Libris provides a SUSHI Vendor Lists and this information is available in Alma too but I recommend verifying the information with the vendor. You also need to know which reports are being provided by the vendor and decide which ones you'd like to harvest.

To look up the SUSHI credentials for a vendor in Alma, use the search feature in the SUSHI Account box. 

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How many SUSHI accounts do I need to set up for each vendor?

In most cases, only 1 SUSHI account is needed to get COUNTER 5 reports for each vendor but multiple SUSHI accounts are needed for vendors that have different SUSHI credentials for different platforms or different accounts.

For COUNTER 4 reports, you need one SUSHI account for each type of report you need to harvest. (You can use the duplicate feature to set up multiple SUSHI accounts for COUNTER 4 reports using the same SUSHI credentials.)

Do SUSHI account names  need to be unique for each report?

I recommend having unique SUSHI account names if you have multiple SUSHI accounts under the same vendor.

For COUNTER 4 reports, it is okay if the account names are not unique since each account is set up to collect only 1 type of report.

Note that you cannot change the SUSHI account name after you've created and saved the SUSHI account.

How do I test the connection?  What do the different test buttons do?

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  • Test Connection is the one you will use most often.  It sends a test message to the SUSHI service and returns a response of Connection Succeeded or Connection Failed. 
  • Connection Succeeded means that Alma successfully contacted the server and requested the designated report.  There could still be a failed harvest even with a successful connection (e.g. if the usage report isn't yet available when the harvest job runs).
  • Connection Failed will include an error message. Examples:
    • Connection failed:Report Not Supported means the report you selected is not available from that vendor's SUSHI service
    • Connection failed:Requestor is Not Authorized to Access Usage for Institution means there is a problem with authentication, most likely something wrong with Requester ID or Customer ID.  See the Ex Libris documentation or tips/tricks below for help with difficult set-ups.
    • Connection failed:null is an all-purpose error message.  It most commonly means there is a problem with the Vendor URL. Be alert to changes to these URLs in particular if a vendor has recently changed platforms or transitioned from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Test Connection with Response is only useful for troubleshooting.  It will perform the same connection test, but will deliver back to you a folder containing two XML documents.  The first one is a copy of the test message so you can verify what metadata was sent to the server. The second document contains the response back from the server; it may have useful error messages.
  • Note that when either Test Connection button results in Connection Failed response, an invalid report will appear in the usage file list.  You can safely delete these invalid files.Image RemovedSUSHI account that I've just created?

    To test the account information for the SUSHI account, use the Test Connection button on the top of the SUSHI Account Details page. To test each report type, use the Test Connection with Response. Note that Test Connection does not test all fields required to SUSHI harvest a report so I recommend using Test Connection with Response on at least one of the reports to fully test your SUSHI credentials.

    If Alma is not able to establish a connection using the information for the SUSHI account, Alma will display an error message: Image Added.

    If Alma was able to establish a Connection using the account information and get a response back from the server, it will return a json file. Be sure to open the json file and review the content as an error message can be returned within the json file. The list of SUSHI-defined error codes can be found here: Appendix F: Handling Errors and Exceptions | Project Counter

    (Note that the Test Connection with Response function is not available for COUNTER 4 reports.)

    What happens the first time the SUSHI harvest job runs after I set up an account?

    The first time You can have the SUSHI harvesting job run to harvest job runs after you set up the account, it will reports just for a specific SUSHI account by selecting the Harvest Now option next to a SUSHI account. In addition, the SUSHI harvesting job can be scheduled to run on a regular schedule for all SUSHI accounts. Refer to Managing COUNTER-Compliant Usage Data for details on how to schedule this job.

    Whether you choose the "Harvest Now" option or the scheduled job option. the SUSHI harvesting job will try to harvest the most recent 12 months of usage reports , if available.  This is the same whether you choose the "harvest now" option or wait for the scheduled job to run.Image Removedthat are available when the reports are being harvested for the first time for each SUSHI account.

    To harvest usage reports that are older than 12 months, use the Custom Harvest option which allows you to specify the months for which the usage reports should be harvested.

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    Tips and Tricks for Specific Vendors

    More information is available in the Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Log into the Sitemaster admin page and select the COUNTER reports tab.  Scroll to the bottom and click on the "How do I use SUSHI to generate COUNTER reports?" link.  Enter your Requestor ID, Customer ID, and password as indicated (note that the password you used to log into Sitemaster goes in the Requester Email field).

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  • Note 1:  Your Sitemaster password can apparently change or expire without notice, and you must contact support in order to reset it.  If your password is no longer valid, your SUSHI harvests will fail.
  • Note 2:  Alma sometimes "sticks" when updating SUSHI account information.  You may need to try more than once and/or log out and back into Alma to retain the changes.  If SUSHI harvests still give an error after updating account information, use Test Connection with Response to see what information Alma is actually sending to the vendor.
    Are How do I know if there are usage statistics available for this a specific resource?

    Here is a non-comprehensive list of resources to tell if usage stats are available:It is best to contact the vendor and ask if they provide any COUNTER reports. To be COUNTER-compliant, vendors need to be providing COUNTER 5 reports but a few may still be providing COUNTER 4 reports.

    Below are some of the lists of vendors that provide COUNTER reports and/or SUSHI API but again the latest information on a vendor will be available from the vendor.

    How do I set up SUSHI for Elsevier (Science Direct, Scopus, Engineering Village)?

    You have to fill out an Elsevier request form before you can use SUSHI: 
    Here's a guide that explains in more detail: 

    Send the completed form to Elsevier (click the email link at or

    Here are the IP addresses you'll need to fill in:

    The following IPs/IP ranges must be allowed access to/from your institution. (Note that the IP ranges below are in CIDR notation.) 
    In the U.S.A. (refers to the Ex Libris Chicago data center): [] [] [] [] [] [] 

    Here is further documentation in the Ex Libris Knowledge Center:

    How do I set up SUSHI for Engineering Village if I already did it for ScienceDirect?

    Open a support ticket with Elsevier.  Let them know you've already set up other services and need to add Engineering Village.  They will do the set-up on the back end and give you the correct URL and account number to set up SUSHI harvesting for Alma.

    Click on the email link at or

    How do I set up SUSHI for American Mathematical Society?

    Use the following values:

    • SUSHI Account: American Mathematical Society
    • Vendor URL (Books & Journals): http://<username>:<password>
      • Important: Replace the hyphen in your username with an asterisk (e.g. "CAPOSU-934" needs to be entered as "CAPOSU*934")
    • Vendor URL (MathSciNet): https://<username>:<password>  ← URL updated 2/6/2019
      • Important: Replace the hyphen in your username with an asterisk (e.g. "CAPOSU-934" needs to be entered as "CAPOSU*934")
      • Also important: Note that the URL for MathSciNet stats is secure (HTTPS). The non-secure (HTTP) version will not work.
    • Requester ID: Put your password here
    • Customer ID: Put your username here, again replacing the hyphen with an asterisk
    • User Name: Put your username here, again replacing the hyphen with an asterisk
    • Password: Put your password here
    • Report Type: Choose JR1 for AMS journals and DB1 for MathSciNet
    • Counter Release: R4
    • All other fields may be left blank

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    How do I set up SUSHI for Silverchair-hosted vendors (e.g. AMA, ASME, Duke, GeoScienceWorld)

    Refer to the SUSHI section of Usage Reports - Librarians | Elsevier. It includes a link to an application form which Elsevier requires to get SUSHI services from Elsevier. The application may require the Alma Platform IP Range (for Ex Libris Chicago and Seattle data centers) which can be found here: Technical Requirements for Alma and Discovery Implementation - Ex Libris Knowledge Center.

    The SUSHI credentials might be slightly different for each of the Elsevier product. Thus, you will have to set up a new SUSHI account for each one. If you need additional help, you can open a support ticket with Elsevier (Home - Admin Tool Support Center.)