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Table of Contents

Acquisitions Known Issues
Resource Management Known Issues
Analytics Known Issues
Fulfillment Known Issues


00462345When a fund is set to Overexpenditure allowed: Yes, overexpenditures are not allowed as expected. Overexpenditure allowed can instead be set to 'No Limit', which will allow for overexpenditures  

titleIn Development

The workaround referenced in notes can be used for now. 

Resource Management Known Issues


When you select Add Holdings from the Metadata Editor, the campus institution code appears as an available library in addition to all campus libraries

Response from Ex Libris: "It turns out that it had been reported before and at that time, Development took at look at the severity and the number of customers affected and decided it won't be part of the road map at this time."


titleNo Planned Fix

00222669Not possible to change the display of indexes in the Advanced Search screenThis was sent to development, and Ex Libris developed an enhancement for the August 2016 release that allows you to alter the order of search indexes in the Advanced Search. To change the display order in Advanced Search, go to Resource Configuration | Configuration Menu | Search Indexes and change the "Index Order" column. 
Fixed in August 2016 release
00343876The subfield $$9LOCAL does not appear in the metadata editor in Alma

When local field is added in upper or lower case Alma stores 'local' behind the scenes. Instead of the $$9 displaying in the metadata editor, the house icon displays next to the MARC field. This graphical icon is what represents the $$9 local subfield, so the subfield does not display in the Metadata editor. The Ex Libris development team has decided not to add local field display to the MD Editor to Alma work plan. 

  StatuscolourBluetitleNo Resolution Required
00458478Newly created work order departments that are managed by circulation desk will not load the In Process Items page.The current target date is Q1 2018, but we are trying to find a solution by Q4 2017. In the meantime you can try detaching the work orders from the circulation desk. 
titleIn Development
00457256Unable to edit the item description field when an item is checked outWhen an item is on loan, the user receives the error message 

'There are loans registered for item <30750023735107>. Please handle the loans before moving or updating this item / these items.'

And is unable to proceed with saving the updated description field.  


titleIn Development

Ex Libris is looking to switch this to a warning that will allow users to proceed with saving the record. 

00424045Cataloging Permissions not available for all CSU campuses

As a consortium, we wanted to turn on the cataloging permissions feature so that three different levels of catalogers could be defined:

  • basic cataloger
  • full cataloger
  • extended cataloger

The feature cannot be implemented for the CSU until this issue is resolved. 


titleIn Development


Local fields are not displaying for IZ records

In order for local fields to display for IZ records, you should note that all IZ record fields are by default local.   

The reason the fields aren't displaying is that the records are from the institution zone and therefore only contain a $9LOCAL field without the accompanying $$A<institution>. Primo checks for both the $9 and the $$A, and when it doesn’t see both of them, the entire field is ignored. The best practice in a network zone environment is to have all bib records in the network zone, unless they don’t have OCLC numbers or they are equipment records such as laptops and the like. However, there are a couple of options each site can use to resolve missing local fields in Primo: 1) As long as the record has an OCLC number, a set can be created of IZ records with $9LOCAL and these records can be linked to the NZ using the “Link a set of records to the NZ” job OR 2) As you did with your test record, add $$A<institution> to each field in the IZ record containing a $9LOCAL by writing an Alma normalization rule For either option the relevant set can be created with the following parameters: 1) Bib record is linked = no 2) Contains $9LOCAL.  

If you have IZ records with a $$9LOCAL tag that are not displaying in Primo, you can add $A01CALS_<campus code> to the field, and they should display in Primo. 

titleNo Fix necessary
Analytics Known Issues


Items that were on loan at the time of migration were migrated with a Num of Loans + 1 instead of the correct total number of loans

For items that were included in the loans data extract during the migration, the total checkout (or number of loans) was incremented by 1 extra loan. This will inflate analytics by 1 for every item that was checked out at the time of migration. This issue is slated to be fixed for our final load, so that items will migrate over with the correct total number of loans instead of the total number of loans + 1.

In order to get correct stats for items that were on loan at the time of migration, you may want to subtract the total number of loans that are in your final loans file from your total circulation stat counts.

titleNot Fixed

Ex Libris decided not to fix this migration issue

Fulfillment Known Issues


It's unclear if a user has proxies from the Alma user screen (difficult to tell if a user is a proxy of another user).

This issue is treated as a planned enhancement request by Ex Libris: "the development team has confirmed that this is a planned enhancement. We plan to leave the current display for "User is a proxy for" largely unchanged. We plan to add a display showing users that are a proxy for a given user which will also allow adding users on the same screen. Additionally, we plan to add a feature that will send a notification to the proxy and sponsor when the relationship is added or removed. 

Since this is currently planned as a project with no specific release target I'll set this case to closing. But this feature will be featured prominently in the release notes when it is made available." 


titlePlanned enhancement

00413213When you select Add Holdings from the Metadata Editor, the campus institution code appears as an available library in addition to all campus librariesResponse from Ex Libris: "It turns out that it had been reported before and at that time, Development took at look at the severity and the number of customers affected and decided it won't be part of the road map at this time."


StatuscolourRedtitleNo Planned Fix
Resource Sharing Known Issues

Alma Migration Known Issues
00237034IZ record has single OCLC number but doesn't link to the NZ during migration when there is a record in both the NZ and CZ with a matching OCLC numberThis is caused by the fact that there are multiple matches in the NZ for this record, so there isn't a way to determine which record the IZ record should link to. As a possible solution: remove electronic records from the OCLC load that also exist in SFX to prevent multiple records with the same OCLC number appearing in the NZ.


12/3 Ex Libris is modifying their migration procedure to merge NZ and CZ records to reduce the number of multi-matches

00230389Extra holding is created without call number information or items attached, but contains LIB HAS statementThis happens during the migration if you are using summary statements from the bib record, and your summary statements do not contain any subfield with the location code that represents the holding. There isn't a way to determine which holding the statement should be attached to, so a new holding is created.

CO is working on a fix for bib records that have one holding attached. The best fix for bib records with multiple holdings attached is to include a location subfield in the summary statement. Or, the summary statement can be retained in a local note in the bib record instead of in the holding record.


titleCO development completed

Not receiving report confirmation emails or emails sent to a printerEnsure that all email addresses that you expect to receive mail are included in the General Configuration | Configuration Menu | External Systems | Allowed Emails table.


No further resolution required

00208329Items on reserve at the time of migration migrate with the reserves location as the permanent locationScript developed for post-migration fix. Details on how to implement this are available here: Updating item locations for items that were on reserve at the time of migration


$9LOCAL protection did not lead to successful migration of local notes.Some III export tables add a '.' to the end of some of these MARC fields, resulting in '$9LOCAL.' at the end of the MARC field. Because of the additional '.', this field was not treated as a local field in the migration. In order to resolve this issue, submit a ticket with III asking for all full stops/trailing '.' characters to be removed from your export table.


00369334Items that were on loan at the time of migration were migrated with a Num of Loans + 1 instead of the correct total number of loans

For items that were included in the loans data extract during the migration, the total checkout (or number of loans) was incremented by 1 extra loan. This will inflate analytics by 1 for every item that was checked out at the time of migration. This issue is slated to be fixed for our final load, so that items will migrate over with the correct total number of loans instead of the total number of loans + 1.

In order to get correct stats for items that were on loan at the time of migration, you may want to subtract the total number of loans that are in your final loans file from your total circulation stat counts.


titleNot Fixed

Ex Libris decided not to fix this migration issue