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Discussion topics



Quicklinks update

  • 15 replies

  • After Jess’s testing, collections coming from NZ sandbox, don’t forget in further testing that the NZ and IZ are linked up.

  • Not a lot of ebooks. SpringerLinks got a lot of hits for ebooks.

  • Goal to cut down on support cases.

  • Could not find ebooks at all.

  • Live date: TBA

  • Track usage in Analytics? Jessica will ask.

  • Send permalinks.

Hybrid CDI collections

  • Do we want to test and report back to Tech Services in Open Forum?  Sort of like what the Monthly Release group does.

  • I haven’t looked at any of these new hybrid, in fact I haven’t seen the new hybrid indicator on the NZ collections yet.  Might need to do testing in IZ if they hybrid indicator has shown up. It was supposed to be there in the September 26th CDI weekly update.

  • The one I set up in September, ERIC, caused a lot of linking issues so I’m not sure if hybrid is working correctly in the NZ.

  • Supposed to be live.

  • Look at the list of collections that are hybrid, change yes to no “We subscribe to all of these titles”

  • ProQuest, need proquest ID.

  • If you see it working, want to show it in an open forum.

  • Change aggregators to “No” for hybrid CDI collections.

  • Is it going to be applied to the NZ?

  • Would ERIC work locally?

  • Label has not shown up.

  • List of CDI hybrid collections: https://knowledge.


EBSCO linking

  • Some users using ezproxy are seeing the attached error. The only way to get around it is to use VPN. Is this happening at everyone's campus? To what extent? Any workaround? We have now been getting 10-20 complaints per week. 

  • Proxy link is getting dropped.

  • EBSCO changes, authentication error.

  • If you see message: “We found a match

    Your institution does not have access rights to this item. Search EBSCO or sign in under a different institution.” Send to Jessica.

CDI course reserve lacking icon

  • I had mentioned this previously. I reached out to CSU SB and they decided not to implement a workaround. Our campus would like to try a workaround as the Librarians want Leganto reserves to match onesearch. For the ebooks I get just activating an IZ copy. But how can we get articles into our IZ to be able to link to reserves?

  • Using Leganto, wants OneSearch course reserve to match Leganto.

  • NZ ebooks, copy to catalog, have IZ copy. No way to do it with an article. Frances and Shaunt have this issue.

  • Issue unresolved.

Action items

