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Use Cases



Primo Back Office: Add "browse by series" to browse lists

The current "Browse by..." options in Primo back office include Author, Title, Subject, and different call number schemes. We would like there to be an option to Browse by Series as well, to match the functionality that is already available in Primo VE. It is very difficult, and in some cases impossible, to collocate different volumes of a series in Primo. For an academic research library this is a large functional gap. Example: a user wants to see all volumes in the series "Poesia." In Harvard's Primo, a browse by title for "Poesia" retrieves 2,906 records. Of these, only about 25% are volumes within the published series "Poesia." The Title browse is insufficient in this case because it retrieves quadruple the number of hits the user is trying to see. This is too imprecise. The browse by series should include: 800 subfields: abcdfgjkmnopqrstu, 810 subfields: abcdfgjkmnopqrstu, 811 subfields: abcdefgkmnopqrstu, 830 subfields: adfkmnoprst. The browse should also include cross-reference for series fields that are linked to authority records.

A user wants to see all volumes in the series "Poesia." In Harvard's Primo, a browse by title for "Poesia" retrieves 2,906 records. Of these, only about 25% are volumes within the published series "Poesia." The Title browse is insufficient in this case because it retrieves quadruple the number of hits the user is trying to see. This is too imprecise.

The Title browse is insufficient for series searching because there is too much recall, therefore it is too imprecise for researchers.


Add "save item" pin to "Share/Save" section in the full display of the record

Currently, when a patron is in the full record display, the pin for saving items to my favorites is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen in the English interface and in the upper left-hand corner of the screen in the Hebrew interface. It would be more accessible to the patron if the pin icon would be displayed in share/save section (Actions Menu) since it is an action related to saving and sharing.

From usability tests conducted by our staff, it took time to locate the pin to save an item (two students could not find it at all). Once found, they used it easily, just from the brief results list; None of the students could find the pin to add to my favorites from the full display of the record, they all looked for it under "Share / Save".



Display 3 items from the three dots menu in the My Favorites

Currently, a patron cannot know what actions are available through the hidden menu in the Favorites screen. Considering UI responsiveness, we are asking to display the actions as they are displayed for the Brief Results: 3 items shown and the rest hidden under 3 dots icon. This should be customizable.




Ability to search My Favorites

We need a way for a user to search their list of Favorites. PROBLEM: When a user has many Favorites and they need to find a single one they have in mind, there is no way to search their list. For example, a user may need to export one of their Favorites to EndNote. If they have a list of 150 Favorites, there is no way to do keyword searching to find that Favorite. Some users try to use Control+F to find the Favorite, but because the page loads 10 at a time, it will not find the favorite that is beyond the tenth in the list.

A user has 200 saved favorites. They remember they saved an item in the past with the word "dogs" in the title but they don't remember anything else about it. They go to their Favorites and use Control+F to search "dogs" and get zero hits and think the system is not working, or their memory is failing, when in fact the title is in their list but is number #197.

Users need to find items in their Favorite list to perform certain actions, such as send to EndNote, or navigate to Get It so they can place a request.


Display multi-lingual values in facets in a consistent order

Currently, same values in different languages in multi-lingual facets (topic, author) appear randomly. We suggest to create a consistent language order independent of the sort by_size configuration option, so that the values in these facets will be displayed by the determined order. For example, if the order will be: Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, Cyrillic - the values will always be displayed by this same language order. See example image provided for the following search:

We are suggesting that for the facets set by size in the View, the same value in all languages will be grouped together and displayed one after the other in a consistent order of languages, for example: * Hebrew heading 1 (100) * Arabic heading 1 (100) * Latin heading 1 (100) * Cyrillic heading 1 (100) * Hebrew heading 2 (100) * Arabic heading 2 (100) * Latin heading 2 (100) * Cyrillic heading 2 (100) * Hebrew heading 3 (95) * Arabic heading 3 (95) * Latin heading 3 (95) * Cyrillic heading 3 (95) * Hebrew heading 4 (87) * Arabic heading 4 (87) * Latin heading 4 (87) * Cyrillic heading 4 (87)




Allow libraries to configure the Brief Record Display with more flexibility

In the brief and full display pages, libraries can display information contained in data fields (such as the title, author, and creation date) from the source record. This information helps users to differentiate records quickly. In some cases, there can be a lot of information that is displayed. This is particularly the case when Contributor is added: all 7XX fields are added, and in their entirety (see for example the attached screenshot). We would like an option that would allow the library to either limit the number of fields to display (for example max. three 7XX fields) or to only display fields based on the content of some subfields (for example: only display 7XX where $$e equals 'editor', 'publishing director ', 'translator', 'Director', 'film director'...).


Too much or uncessary information does not make things clearer for users.


External name for Libraries

External name can be added for Locations, but not for Libraries, This means that Libraries will display the same name to end users, as it does to staff users in Alma. The same option as for Location should be available for Libraries too.

As an end user, I don't need to know the difference between two library codes, that are made for techical/processing reasons, but as a staff user I do.Primo has English and Non-English displays of library names, but Alma only uses the English one (in an English-interface Alma), which is confusing to staff users. (For smaller language groups, localized Alma interface is not an option)

The same reason why Locations can have external names also applies to Libraries


Primo Back Office: Automatic report on harvest pipe failures

We would like to have a harvest failures report to be sent automatically when records from the harvest pipe in Primo Back Office have errors. Even an email indicating that the Java log is populated on a specific harvesting pipe would be enough.


It is unfeasible to go through all error reports of all pipes (error logs are available through Primo BO) in order to locate a failed record.


Need for an option to Show All Items from a location

An option to show All items from a location should be available. Currently if you want to display all items from a location, you have to use the 'Show More Items' button several times which can be very excruciating while displaying newspaper's items. an example:,contains,sz000064977




Primo VE: Advanced search: add support for "exact only"

In Primo VE currently, "is (exact)" is not "exact only". "is (exact) returns results that contain phrases that exactly match the phrases specified in the query." We would like to have a true "is exact" search, where the results include the query term(s) and only the query term(s). [Note from Primo working group: Ex Libris have confirmed that due to infrastructure limitations with Primo back office, this enhancement is only possible for Primo VE]




Prevent Autocomplete suggestions from non-activated sources in CDI

In Primo you can activate autocomplete to get suggestions for search queries based on what the end user begins to type in the search box, which is a useful feature for the end user. However, the suggestions from the central index are currently from the entire index and not only the sources the institution has activated. This means that the end user will get suggestions that gives zero results. We would like that the suggestions are based only on activated sources in CDI for the given institution. Also added to Idea Exchange:




Add institution code to All co-instructors for Course Reserve

When using the Course Instructor facet in a consortia view, the same co-instructor appears twice in the Course Instructor facet, as if they are two separate professors. Please see attached screenshot. What is the cause: In order to prevent course instructors from different institutions from appearing in the "Course Instructor" facet, EXL appends the institute code (e.g., OSU) to instructor name with $$I in the PNX record during normalization. However, that solution also creates a new problem because the necessary normalization rule will split multiple instructors into individual lines. For example with Smith, John, if he is the single instructor or the last of co-instructor of a course, his facet record in PNX is lfc02 Smith, John $$IOSU lfc02; However, if he is a co-instructor but not the last in the list, his record in PNX is different lfc02 Smith, John lfc02 lfc02 Reed, Lura $$IOSU lfc02. You can there is no "$$IOSU" attached and that will cause Primo to display Smith John twice in the facet as different person. An workaround is to move Smith, John downward as the last co-instructor in Alma but that will probably mess up the display of other co-instructor(s). What is expected: We suggest Ex Libris to append institute code to every co-instructor (instead of append it to the co-instructor string). This process can probably happen during Primo normalization or in Alma during publishing to Primo.




Remove necessity for login to see loan status / loan policy of an item.

At the moment, in order to see the loan status and item policy of an item, users must login to Primo. We would like to see this configuration made optional, so that an institution can decide whether or not to use this feature. The complexity available in Alma is useful for many institutions, where an item's loan status depends on the user group, such as a book loanable for 1 week to students and 1 month to staff. However many sites choose to have streamlined models, where their rules do not vary depending on user group. Therefore there is no need for someone to login in order to see the loan status, nor the item policy which does not change dependent on the user group or fulfillment rules. Unfortunately, the current requirement to login generates complaints from users, who either don't wish to have to login to see this information or who fail to do so and travel to loan an item only to find it's not loanable, as well as not serving users who don't yet have accounts but will soon. It also causes problems with library catalogues where it is not permitted to login, to restrict computer use to only catalogue searches. Knowing if an item is loanable or not, and related item policies, is one of the most important pieces of information that a library catalogue can give, so this request will see this information available without the requirement to login, when a site chooses this configuration option. See also Idea Exchange entry with 602 votes at time of submission:


Poor customer service. Library users frequently complain. The function isn't required for all institutional set-ups so should be optional, rather than the default setting with no choice to change it.


Virtual browse - allow call number configuration

Add a configuration to virtual browse that would allow you to choose between 050 and 082 call numbers.

Physical resources on the virtual book shelf use Dewey 082 call numbers, but these cannot be displayed in Virtual Browse, which only shows LC.

Ex Libris noted that it was not possible to use Dewey numbers in the virtual browse feature and was advised that this would have to be an enhancement request. We tried turning on the Browse Bib Headings feature in order to have electronic holdings included but this would only display library of Congress call numbers,. Displaying 050 Library of Congress call numbers to clients for e-resources via the virtual browse feature is confusing for clients when physical resources on the virtual book shelf use Dewey 082 call numbers, and the LoC classification scheme is not used by your library.


Different identification system depending on the view

In our university we have a pending important problem to solve: - In order to solve some Primo cases in which the user has to be identified, Exlibris technicians ask us for credentials to be able to analyze and solve the cases but logically, for security reasons, we should not give our personal credentials to anyone. - Our user authentication is through SAML so all of our users are external in Alma. - The Systems Department of our university requires that in order to create a user in the system (external to Alma), the responsibility for that account must rest with a physic person. No one from Exlibris wants to be responsible for an account that will be used by different technicians over time. - Unfortunately, the authentication profile/profiles currently persist on all views, and you cannot create a view with a particular authentication method. We request that Exlibris provide the possibility of using a different authentication system depending on the view used. So we could configure a view that provides the option to identify with an internal user (i.e. Exlibris Testing) for use by Exlibris technicians.


Our user authentication is through SAML so all of our users are external in Alma and we haven't an user to provide to Exlibris Technicians.


Primo VE: Ability to customize the Subject and Genre facet configuration of the Ex Libris defined facets

Currently, the system does not allow for 655 headings to be split entirely from the other 6XX (subject) headings. 655s (genre) are included in the subject facets. Ex Libris views the 655s as both subject AND genre facets and makes it impossible to accurately use genre vs subject terms. A book ABOUT graphic novels should have a 650 field and show up in the subject facet list while a book that is a graphic novel should appear in the 655 genre facet list and not in the subject list).




Provide prefilter data for Advanced Search usage in Primo Analytics

We would like to be able to determine how the filters in Advanced Search are being used, to better understand the user experience. When a user searches with prefilters such as "Material Type", "Language", or "Publication Date" in Primo Advanced Search, the URL is augmented with a "pfilter" indicating how the search was filtered. For example, the URL for a completed search for Any Field contains mary and filtered for Material Type = books, the resulting URL is:,contains,mary,AND&pfilter=pfilter,exact,books,AND&tab=default_tab&search_scope=

... Adding an additional Language=French filter:,contains,mary,AND&pfilter=lang,exact,fre,AND&pfilter=pfilter,exact,books,AND&tab=default_tab&search_scope=

... Adding an additional Publication Date=Last 2 years:,contains,mary,AND&pfilter=lang,exact,fre,AND&pfilter=pfilter,exact,books,AND&pfilter=creationdate,exact,2-YEAR,AND&tab=default_tab&search_scope=

... The outcome of this request would be a new subject area of Advanced Search Usage in Primo Analytics, similar to Link Resolver Usage in Alma Analytics. This area would have fields including Query String for the full query, as well as the parsed out information in fields such as Language Prefilter, Publication Date Prefilter, Material Type Prefilter, Search Index, Search Term, etc.

Here are some examples of pfilter in search query: KEYWORD:,contains,information&displayField=all



ARTICLE TITLE:,exact,articles&query=title,contains,information&vid=HKU



Allow Users to View All Addresses in Primo's My Library Card Personal Details Tab

Libraries are looking to implement home delivery services to help provide access to materials during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they would like their users to be able to review the home address on file for them in Primo before submitting home delivery requests. Unfortunately, the only address that displays in the Personal Details tab of the My Library Card is the preferred address, which often isn't the home address. We would like to see all addresses in the user record display in the Personal Details tab.

Libraries are looking to implement home delivery services to help provide access to materials during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they would like their users to be able to review the home address on file for them in Primo before submitting home delivery requests.

If users are unable to review the home address listed in their Alma account before submitting home delivery requests, requested items may be sent to the wrong address, resulting in loss of the material and poor user service. In order to ensure this doesn't happen, libraries are likely to require users to verify that the address listed in the home delivery notification email is correct before they ship the item. This will create work for both users and library staff and slow the delivery of materials. Libraries may instead choose to manually edit their patron loads to ensure that home addresses are always the preferred address, which would also create additional work for library staff.


Support more user-friendly date display

We would like to see a separate format control for dates in Primo, separate from the date formatting available in Alma. A date format specific to Primo would allow for clear date displays in Primo. e.g. On loan until Jan. 8, 2021 instead of: On loan until 01/08/2021 16:00:00 EST Staff could continue to use the Alma date format (which lends itself to easy processing in Alma), while our Primo users would have available a more user-friendly date display for functions such as due dates.

A specific date format would allow for clear date displays e.g. On loan until Jan. 8, 2021 instead of: On loan until 01/08/2021 16:00:00 EST

Staff could continue to use the Alma date format (which lends itself to easy processing in Alma), yet our users would have available a more user-friendly date display for functions such as due dates.


Primo VE: Provide option to 'View All' authors in the author facet

After performing a search, users sometimes want to filter by an author that does not appear in the top 20 most frequently returned. We would like to provide users with the option to view and browse all authors returned in the search results. A 'View All' link at the base of the facet could be added to enable this. Our default search includes both CDI and institutional records




Sort by library in the Location facet when library name is configured to display

When the option to display the library name in the Location facet is configured, we would like the Location facet to be sorted alphabetically by library. Currently, the facet list is sorted by location, which means that results for the same library are scattered among the list. For a user it would make more sense to have all the locations from the same library listed together.




Enable users to send an enquiry about an existing resource sharing request from My Library Account to a tasklist in Alma

Currently if users have an enquiry about their resource sharing request they have to contact us separately via email or phone. Since they can see their current requests in My Library Account, it would be great if they could click on an option e.g. 'Send an enquiry about this request' in My Library Account, enter in their query, and Submit. This would then populate a tasklist in Alma (similar to Notes functionality in Leganto/Alma Course Reserves) that resource sharing staff could action and reply to. This would bring this communication workflow into Alma and improve efficiency and reduce email back and forth.




Collection Discovery usage in Primo Analytics

Currently, Analytics possibilities for "Collection Discovery" are rather limited. With action "Display a Collection", you can for example see how many times your collections (all together) have been displayed, added to favorites... in a period of time, but you cannot see which collections are the most and the less successful, what materials should maybe be more promoted, which collection should maybe be removed because its content is maybe of too little interest, which collections are added to favorites, etc. Therefore, we would like Collection IDs and Collection Names to be transferred to Primo Analytics. Additionally, if this could also be done for collection items (MMS ID and Title), this would be very useful too!




Add option to generate multiple Citations at once and export to txt file

The Citation feature is consistently very popular for our users, averaging 2400-2600 actions per day. Currently, it is only possible to generate Citations via the Send To Action options one record at a time, which is very manual and time-consuming. We would like to streamline this feature for our users, with the option to generate multiple citations at once and export to txt file. Outcome: The bulk selection feature also includes Citation, with all the styles available as configured by the site (CSL and EasyBib). The user may choose the style they'd like of the available configured styles, and generate a txt file of all of the selected records at once in that style. This Citation option is available in all places where Send To Actions export options are available, including Brief Results, with the current limit of 50 selections, in My Favorites for pinned Saved Records with no export limit, and in My Account Loans area. If there are performance issues and delays for the user associated with this described outcome, the file should be queued for sending by email rather than limiting the number of Citations able to be generated at once or making the user wait for an extended period. See Idea Exchange submission currently at 94 votes on 22.1.2021:




Enhance the database search to include keyword searching

Currently the Database Search in Primo is limited to searching for words from the title. This is unsatisfactory as many databases have vague and uninformative titles. We need broader search capabilities and would like the search to also include categories, subjects and descriptions.




Browse shelf only to display electronic material

Nowadays, browse Shelf Configuration dialog box, can be configurated with one of the following options: - Browse Bibliographic Headings if you want to display both physical and electronic material in Browse Shelf. - Browse Shelf Listing if you want to display physical items only in Browse Shelf. This is the default option. I ask for a new option to display only electronic material, this is useful for those libraries that not use a standard classification system being that the physical browse shelf is a disaster.

For libraries that not use a standard classification system

For libraries that not use a standard classification system, physical browse shelf is a disaster.


Primo VE: Authentication / authorisation for Search webhook

The Search Webhook (SW) is currently missing the functionality to authenticate and authorize users to search external resources. In Primo Back Office we can make a workaround for this (wrap the SW with another ThirdNode plugin that takes care of authorization and authentication of the user befor handing over control to the SW). This is not possible in Primo VE.

Example: the archive of an institution is made available via Search Webhook in Primo, together with the library collection in one view. Some archival records are freely available to the public, others can only be searched by users of this institution: login is needed to find the records. Some confidential records should only be searchable by a specific user group within the institution.

External resources are not always freely available to all users. It is essential that we can restrict access to these resources based on user groups, registration in Primo, and IP-ranges.


Primo VE: Blended results list for local & external resources (via Search webhook)

Our request is to make a blended results list with local and external resources (via Search webhook) possible in Primo VE. The strength of a system like Primo is that it can search different sources - local and remote - and bring the results together in one results list. However, this is no longer possible in Primo VE with the Search webhook plugin.


The strength of a system like Primo is that it can search different sources - local and remote - and bring the results together in one results list. However, this is no longer possible in Primo VE with the Search webhook plugin.


Search Alerts in a consortium with an NZ: Send Alerts for records when the inventory is added to the institution of the user

The Primo Search Alert functionality does not currently alert users at an institution if their institution is not the first institution to add the item to the NZ. Only the first institution on the bib record will alert as a new item for that specific institution. We would like for users to be alerted of new items from their institutions when they are added to the bib record no matter what order they are attached to the record. We would like this functionality for all items both print and electronic.




Correct citations for local Articles and Book chapters

Articles and Book Chapters from local sources (externals sources as well as Alma) don't have complete citations because data are missing in the mapping. Volume, issue and pages are not mapped. Our request is to provide a mapping for these data elements so that they can be added to the Addata section of the pnx record, or otherwise to allow us to normalize the data in this section so that we can provide correct citations and export functionality.




Make Primo main logo image and URL language-sensitive

Primo is currently using one language-independent main logo image library-logo.png in the user web interface and email HTML templates. One single URL can be defined for this clickable logo. We request 2 changes: 1. Library uses one clickable logo library-logo.png and Primo is configured for use in more than one interface languages: Add the ability to define different URLs, depending on the current user interface language. 2. Add the ability to use different library logo images depending on the current user interface language, such as library-logo-en_US.png, library-logo-de_DE.png, library-logo-fr_FR.png. These language-dependent logos would be linked to language specific URLs and should also be used accordingly in emails sent by Primo.

In Primo Explore user interface. In HTML emails.



Show library details in full record display

Library address and opening hours and a field for an external URL are all present in Alma. It should be possible to display them in Primo.

If this is not possible for some reason, allow an external URL for each library (or location) that opens when patrons click on the library's (or location's) name.

Every patron who wants to fetch what they found in the catalog.

This is a basic feature in a library catalog.


Facet 'Other libraries' should be customizable like the other facets

We're in a consortium. Our first search scope slots are: IZ & NZ plus CDI. It is possible to show a facet 'Other libraries', which shows the libraries outside our own IZ But 'Other libraries' can't be customized like a normal facet: it can't be displayed only in the search scope slot NZ/CDI without being displayed in the search scope slot IZ it can't be separated from the facet Libraries and for example put last in the list of facets it can't be collapsed if the facet Libraries is not collapsed Showing library facets from outside our IZ in the search scope slot "our IZ" is too confusing. So for the moment we are hiding 'Other libraries' altogether. But we would like to show it in the search scope slot "NZ/CDI".

See above

112 votes in 3 weeks


Allow patrons to disable FRBR

Our patrons run into a lot of problems caused by FRBR. Please: Add a checkmark to allow the patrons to disable FRBR per search, no matter if logged in or not. (like "Include articles without fulltext"); Make it a parameter in the patron settings; Disable FRBR as default in advanced search.

Everybody who tries to do a specific search.

The possibilities via suppress rules do not cover our needs.


Add very compact display option, 1 row per title

Add a very compact display option to allow an overview / quick scanning of long result lists. The option should have the following criteria: * One row per title. * No icons. * Default number of results should be 100 or more. * Allow the patron to save it as their default search results display via patron user account.

When I do a search on my laptop, I see two titles on the result list and maybe the start of a third. I can not get an overview of my search results like this.

Academic staff who can spot at a glance whether we have a relevant title. It is exhausting to have to keep loading more results. When a user gets several hundred search results ... taken from


Expand conditions allowed for a custom local data scope in consortial environments

We are a consortium with several institutions (IZs) and would like to group institutions by region to assist our patrons with being able to travel locally to a particular set of institutions for items. We want to do this by using the custom local data scope to create regional scopes. However, currently, the custom local data scope does not allow for more than 3 conditions in a scope. In order to do what we want we would need to combine the content of 2 IZs plus 2 libraries from a third IZ into one Custom local data scope. Additionally, the library facet needs to be built in sync with the custom local scope.

Our IZ would like to combine the content of 2 IZs plus 2 libraries from a third IZ into one Custom local data scope. This is not possible at the moment. Other libraries in our consortium have similar wishes.

3 conditions is too limiting.


Move the Display Language functionality

Currently, when a user interacts with a Primo instance where the default display language is different from their native and/or acquired languages, it is not evident where the user should go to change the display language from the default. Currently, a user must know to click on the "Menu" option in the upper right corner of the browser window before being presented with the option to change the display language. We would be able to provide a better user experience if the option to change the default language was more prominently available, for example next to the "Menu" in the user area, instead of within the "Menu." This idea has received nearly 200 votes in the idea exchange:

Attached is a screenshot (Language Outside Menu1.png) which shows both the current configuration and one possible configuration. The red box on this screenshot, shows the current configuration, where the user must first know to click on the Menu before being presented with the option to change language. This process takes three clicks. Moving the language option outside of the menu, for example where the green box appears in the screenshot, reduces the number of clicks by one and provides a visual cue that the option is available. Attached is another screenshot with an additional example (Language Outside Menu3.png) where there are buttons visible (circled n green) to the left of the menu that make language change visible and requires a single click.

We maintain our interface in 4 languages "" this should be more visible for the has a version of this, but their code interferes with the QR code function (SF 00904391)


Local fields should display and be searchable only in that local Primo instance

According to Ex Libris, when a local search field is created in one institution's Alma instance and published to Primo/OneSearch, such as local note 590 or local collection 973, this local search field will be searched across all institutions' Primo/OneSearch instances within a consortium. This current set up poses a problem because results that appear in one institution's Primo/OneSearch may be "false positives" or skew results due to a local field placed by another institution. The solutions Ex Libris proposes are to remove fields from Search normalization rules (which would remove fields from being search at all) or to remove rule sets like search/lsr32 (which would keep the field from being searched at any of the institutions). But these two solutions do not help solve the problem of wanting to display and search local fields. We can find no use case where the current configuration serves any member Library's students and faculty researchers, nor operations personnel. Because the current configuration creates real confusion in consortial systems, we seek a solution that will reduce confusion and frustration for consortium members, by keeping the local fields indexed and displayed in the member Library's instance. We can cite use cases where this has been expected, where the local data served only the member Instance. Please allow individual institutions, especially for the benefit of those within a consortium, to have the option to create and control local fields that are both displayed and searchable within that institution's Primo/OneSearch instance which will not interfere with another institution's Primo/OneSearch.

Fields are used for identifying record retention for shared print initiatives or for inclusion in donated collections and similar.



Primo VE: Add location to advanced search options

Make it possible to limit an Advanced Search to a specific location. There is currently no way to do a search by location in Primo VE that allows a user to search a specific location from a pre-populated drop-down menu. (Location is currently only available as a facet). Please add this to the Advanced Search options. Also, allow the institution to select and exclude which locations display in the drop down menu.

A patron or a librarian wants to do an advanced search by entering a keyword and limiting to a specific location (for example, ESL, Reference, Juvenile, Periodicals).

Voyager offered us this functionality and librarians and patrons used it to search within specific locations.


Consortium: home delivery shouldn't be hidden under pickup options

Consortium. Works that are held in another IZ than our own. Home delivery should be a separate option, on the same level as "Pickup Institution". As it is now, the patron has to leave "Pickup Institution" empty and then scroll almost all the way down under "Pickup Location". If the patron choses their usual IZ under "Pickup Institution", home delivery is not even an option. "Postal delivery" should be a second option on the same level as "Pickup". Home delivery is the opposite of pickup, not a subset of it.

Our patrons struggle to find the home delivery option, especially if they look at the list of libraries without first selecting an IZ See also SF 00923041

Fix bad UX.


Filter Resource Type by Magazines in Primo

Librarians would like the ability to distinguish between journal and magazine article/resource type when searching in Primo. We would like for our users to be able to easily identify or search for just magazine articles. Being able to search by magazine resource type would be advantageous to all of our students. This option is available in Ebsco searches, so it seems like this could feasibly be implemented in Primo.

Being able to filter resource type by magazine would users more easily identify and search directly for magazine articles. Currently, magazines are grouped in "articles" which can be confusing particularly if journal and peer reviewed articles appear at top of search results.

Our users are community college students with varying levels of information needs. Users could be completing advanced coursework, basic skills coursework, or students could be English language learners. In some of these cases, journals are not appropriate or relevant for the assignment or user's need. This feature would not just serve community college students, but students in 4-year universities, as well. I've seen this request in Idea Exchange, so I also know that other libraries would like to see this feature become a possibility.


After advanced search, show top of results list

After an advanced search, the top of the results list should be visible on the screen. As it is now, the screen keeps showing the advanced search options instead of scrolling down to the results. This means that on laptop and mobile phones it is not obvious that there are any search results displayed.

Patrons with laptops or mobile phones.

Better UX. There's also


Easily share records in Social Media

Sharing a record from Full Display or by Permalink in social media - Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, and MORE: we would like to display a preview with the Name, Description, Domain, and Thumbnail of the record that was shared. In the August 2020 release, Open Graph meta-tags were added to the Primo Full Display page ("Metadata Tags to Improve Visibility on the Web") but Facebook and other social networks were not included in the solution.

See the attached PDF file for a detailed example.

In the August 2020 release, Open Graph meta-tags were added to the Primo Full Display page ("Metadata Tags to Improve Visibility on the Web") but Facebook and other social networks were not included in the solution.


Ability to search barcode

Support the ability to search by barcode in the Primo Advanced Search, by using the Alma API to search the barcode and insert the result into the Advanced Search result screen.

Sometimes a patron comes to the Reference desk with a barcode instead of a call number (they don't always know the difference). Library staff show the patron how to search Primo by barcode so that they can find the call number.

It is not possible to search Primo by barcode. Some sites have customized their Alma publishing to enrich bibs with items so that they can then index these in Primo, but this is not feasible for all customers, such as those with large runs of serials. It would also significantly increase the size of the publishing and indexing jobs.


Enhance the export to Excel feature

There should be configuration options in the "Export to Excel" functionality. Options should include the removal of PNX fields as well as EXL permalinks.




Show more than 10 records in My Favorites

Currently, in My Favorites only 10 records are listed by default. Patrons should be allowed to define the number of records displayed. That would facilitate orientation and navigation within My Favorites.




Permalink as added Action to My Favourites action menu

Permalinks are currently only available for individual records. It would be useful to have a similar link option for a bulk selection of Saved Items in the My Favourites action menu. This would allow for users to select multiple items in My Favourites, such as many resources organised by label, and provide the permalink to this targeted set to another user. Clicking on the link would generate a basic search into Primo containing only those specific Saved Items.


It will certainly add value for a client to be able to have a permalink to all/selected items in his My Favorites to use as shortcut.


Primo VE: Advanced search: holding call number

According to the documentation Shelf listing Holdings Call number is indexed. However only the value from the 852 subfield $h is indexed. Primo Advanced Search is currently not designed to index Holding Call Numbers that are stored within the 852 tags subfield $i to $m from the holding record. Enhance the Holding Call Number search from Primo VE to retrieve values from 852 $h to $m from Holding record.




Primo VE: add custom mapping tables, that can be used in NR

Currently in Primo VE, it is not possible to create a custom mapping table (it is in Primo BO) that allow a mapping between local codes or labels on one hand, and corresponding display labels on other hand. This would also be helpful to easily call in display NR this mapping table by an action function "use mapping table" as in Primo BO. This would allow to easily transform a local code (ie. a code corresponding to a library or a given collection) or a code found in the record (ie. the "role code" - drawer, main author, illustrator - associated to the creator in french unimarc records) into a readable label for Display rules.

Easily transform a local collection code or label into an understandable label in a display field rule.

Currently, it is only possible to use Alma drools to make such transformations. This is not very practcal, and very limitative.


Allow tooltip creation for all patron-facing labels

In the code tables, you can add a tooltip (the little bubble made for explanation and tips, not the aria-labels) for some, but not all elements in the end user UI. There is no apparent reason to this distinction, and it would be helpful if all patron facing labels and icons allowed for (but did not require) a tooltip.

As librarians we just LOVE putting up extra signs and telling people what to do at a certain point in their user journey, so being able to assist the user where we see fit is integral to our work.

There is not really a reason why some labels are tooltippable, while others are not.


User email included in Send-to Action email

We request that the user's email address be included in the email that users send from the action-menu of Primo search results/Favorites. Preferably, it would be as a visible, but non-removable CC recipient. Obviously, this would only work for signed-in users, but that's fine, as only they have the option to add a message to the email body. This message is often directed at the library to report a problem, but without their email address we can rarely help them further.

Users will regularly use this form to contact the library, not realizing that the library often cannot identify them, based on, at best, a sign-off name.

The from-address is the instituion's email address (configurable), as it should be. A visible CC field, that cannot be removed, would alert users that they're identifiable (as long as they're logged in), and ensure that we are able to respond to them.


Add a Textbook/Course Reserve search interface

Searching for course related materials in Primo, such as textbooks and course reserves, currently requires students to know and understand the underlying data to search effectively, such as for course codes like ENGL, ENG, or ENGLISH. It would be useful to have a dedicated interface for these resources, such as Database Search or Journal Search. This interface would include browse options showing the resources available on course reserve, which would also have the benefit of indicating to users the data by which the system could also be searched (such as the course name or instructor names). The interface would include a search box, as well as sorting and filtering options. Configuration should include the ability for staff to surface only specific chosen collections. Examples have been developed locally by several sites to meet this need, such


A student needs to find a textbook. They don't know what their exact course code is (is it ENG? ENGL? ENGLISH? - every school varies). By creating a form with a drop down of options, you will make it easier for librarians everywhere to provide a good and simple solution to this very important search type.

Students will search for textbooks more than anything else in our system. It's important to facilitate ease of use for locating their texts from within the Primo experience.


Develop ability to customise logic of specific search result facets

Search filters in basic search apply OR logic when applied simultaneously via the search facet checkboxes. This works for some facets (such as RESOURCE TYPE and SUBJECT) but is not logical or useful to our user community for the 'Availability' facet (filters = full text online; peer reviewed journals; open access; available in the Library). Example: a basic search for EVOLUTION, - when filtered simultaneously by using the checkboxes on the AVAILABILITY facet - and filtering to ONLINE and PEER REVIEWED produces search results for historical in-house exam papers, which are not peer reviewed materials. This happens because the simultaneous facet application applies OR logic rather than AND logic. That makes sense for other facets, such as 'Resource Type; and 'Subject' but not for 'Availability'.

Example: a basic search for EVOLUTION, - when filtered simultaneously by using the checkboxes on the AVAILABILITY facet - and filtering to ONLINE and PEER REVIEWED produces search results for historical in-house exam papers, which are not peer reviewed materials. This happens because the simultaneous facet application applies OR logic rather than AND logic. That makes sense for other facets, such as 'Resource Type; and 'Subject' but not for 'Availability'.

Our users are highly likely to want search results that are online AND peer reviewed, but not to want online OR peer reviewed for example. Currently it is not possible to define the filtering logic for specific facets. The resulting search results confuse both staff and students.


Display both Link in Record and Link Resolver in View It for CDI records

When there are records in CDI that have Link in record, but also would return links from the Link Resolver, customers should be able to configure whether or not they want to display both types of links to the end user.

When Link Resolver fails, Link in record can be helpful to users. And vice versa. When a record is flagged as being in Open Access, Link in record can bring to the OA version (for example in while Link Resolver may bring to a subscribed content (having Link Resolver only is not always coherent with the Open Access label).



Allow user to exclude 'Full Text Online' from search results

A user can select and exclude facets from search results, such as for the Availability' statuses of Peer-reviewed Journals or Open Access. It is not possible to do it for the status of Full Text Online. Allow this status to be excluded.

Example: A search finds 40 full-text results, which the user peruses. The user then selects "Expand beyond library collections" and gets a full list of 58 results (an additional 18 no-full-text results are included). The user does not wish to look through the 40 results they have already seen to find the 18, and wants to see only the additional 18.



Primo VE: elements for Calculated Availability should be configurable

The Calculated Availability text is composed of Availability status + Library + location + call number . We want to be able to configure what elements should display based on their value. For instance, we only want to display call numbers for items that are on open shelves (as determined by library and/or location value). For items in closed stacks, the call number is irrelevant to the users and only serves to clutter up the interface.

E.g.: For items in closed stacks, the call number is irrelevant to the users and only serves to clutter up the interface.

This request is not covered by the roadmapped improvement of deciding a prioritized list of libraries for the Calculated Availability field. This request asks for option to remove elements conditionally.


Primo VE: Campus facet

For larger libraries, it would be helpful to have a Campus facet, as a superstructure to the Libraries facet (which can be very long). Unfortunately, this cannot currently be created as a local facet.

For users it would be helpful to filter to a campus, where several libraries are in relative proximity, rather than picking a range of libraries from the library facet



Syndetics ICE Integration

Syndetics Solutions Indexed Content Enrichment (ICE) should be integrated into Primo as it is in Summon to aid the discovery of monographs. Syndetics Unbound is insufficient as it is a JavaScript layer that does not aid in the discovery process - it simply adds load time to the user's experience, which is unhelpful and undesirable. Syndetics ICE has some great features to aid in book discovery that will enhance our institution's metadata: * Discovery access to tables of contents, annotations and fiction profiles, as well as supplemental options such as Title Link and Customized Fiction Connection * Works to give patrons an easier and more productive search experience in the library * Eases the visibility of a library's holdings and brings greater relevancy to search results by helping patrons find the items that they would have otherwise missed with traditional searches This request originally appeared on

Oftentimes when searching a title or chapter of a book, the book is not in the top results.

Syndetics Unbound is insufficient as it is a JavaScript layer that does not aid in the discovery process "" it simply adds load time to the user's experience, which is unhelpful and undesirable.


Primo VE: Discovery import profiles to support x-Path in record elements tag

In discovery import profiles for Primo VE, XPath should be supported within the record elements tag of the file splitter. This would allow XML source files which contain a multi-layered or nested structure to be accepted by Primo VE on import. Currently such XML files have to be manually transferred in order to remove the extra layer before importing. For example: root element: record element: path to most elements in record: tuple/atom some field have extra layer in following format: tuple/table/tuple/atom Primo VE will not accept the file in its original structure, as the file splitter does not accept XPath in the record elements tag field. It is only possible to specify a tag value e.g. tuple Originally posted on Ideas Exchange

When importing metadata into Primo VE, valid XML files can be imported in the same way they were in Primo BO, without requiring additional manual processing.

x-Path is accepted in other fields of the file splitter in Primo VE, such as identifier tag and location of the deleted status. Primo BO could also import XML files with such a multi-layered structure without prior transformation.


Generic FRBR record to display date if matches in all records of FRBR group

If all records in a FRBR group have the same publication/creation date, this should be included within the generic FRBR record for display in Primo and visible in the brief results. Currently users have to click to the list of versions to see date information for all records within the FRBR group. If the date is the same for all records within the group, displaying this information in the generic record would save the user an additional click to view information they are used to seeing in the initial results list.

When conducting a search, a user is easily able to assess relevance of results, of which date of publication is a key factor, from the brief results screen. A generic FRBR record displaying a date in the brief results more prominently indicates the library holds different formats of a title (e.g. print and electronic) rather than different editions.

All generic information consistent across all records within a FRBR group should be visible to the user at the earliest point in a search. If a user can see the date within the generic record of a FRBR group, it allows them to determine the FRBR group likely contains different formats of a text, as opposed to different editions. Whilst the preferred record display for FRBR groups does display more metadata in the brief results, the user experience is different for them to open the list of versions (clicking on the record title opens the preferred record, with the user having to actively click on the see all versions link to be presented with all records) and could lead to other formats or editions being missed.


Easily check which activation in Alma is causing a specific record to appear in CDI

We are requesting an Identifier be included in the record that will lead to the exact Alma activation for the primary merged CDI record source. Per this knowledge base article (

) the document ID in the URL can reflect the source of activation, but often does not. Additionally the source listed in the record may not match what you have activated in Alma due to CDI using both Primo/Summon as sources.,contains,"Principles of healthcare reimbursement"&tab=all&search_scope=all_scope&vid=VCUL&mfacet=rtype,include,books,1 When we search for this title is Alma, we don't see any activations. If we look for it in the CZ, we see that its is available within StatRef (which is where the URL indicate the record is coming from). However, if we look in StatRef, we a) don't have a portfolio for this title, and b) have the "Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma" selected, "We only subscribe to some," and "CDI Search Status" set to Not Active. As such, we would expect that we could get this resource to disappear from our index, but we can't. This then requires a ticket with Ex Libris, which takes an indeterminate amount of time to fulfill.

Sometimes, records will appear in Primo results as duplicates or from unknown sources. It can be hard to identify which CDI record(s) is being merged to form this record so that it can be corrected/deleted.


Report a problem for records in Primo

As patrons interact with Primo, they occasionally find themselves at a search result which may have errors in it, or where access to the resource(s) may be broken. Providing patrons with a quick and easy way to report issues at the point of need would improve the user experience. A user should see an option in the full record display to click to 'Report an issue'. This should open a brief in-page form asking the patron to describe the issue (required) and asks the user for their email address if they'd like a follow up, and finally the SEND button. All aspects should be configurable, customizable, and available for translations, including the placement on the record, text of the feature (Report an issue), the prompt to enter the details, the prompt for an email address if they'd like follow up, and the final SEND button. When the user clicks the SEND button, Primo should send an email containing the submitted details, as well as the permalink, to a configurable email address, which may also be optional to monitor via a task list.

a user performs a search within Primo and arrives at the list of brief results. They click on a brief result of interest. This opens the full result view. In the full result view, the user sees a 'Report an Issue' link beneath the SEND TO field, and before the "GET IT" section. Clicking the REPORT AN ISSUE link opens a brief in-page form asking the patron to describe the issue (required) and asks the user for their email address if they'd like followup, and finally the SEND button. The text of the link (report an issue), the prompt to enter the details, the prompt for an email address if they'd like followup, and the final SEND button should all be customizable and should be available for translations in the alma config as well. When the user clicks the SEND button, Primo should send an email to a configurable email address which the institution monitors. the email should also include the permalink for the referring page. Examples:

Several Primo partners have created various methods to introduce this functionality into Primo, These are on the knowledge centre (

), and several have been shared on various listservs as well. However, we're suggesting that this functionality should be natively built into the product. This would ensure that translations work properly, and that primo product updates wouldn't break this functionality.


More information link for collections in Collection Discovery

We would like Collections to provide an option for a "more information" link. When the field is filled in, the link would display in a reasonably prominent location in the Primo Collection Discovery interface. Use case: Users interested in accessing a finding aid from a collection's page in the collection discovery interface. Users don't have a way to access finding aids or other links related to a collection from the collection page without putting the URL in plain text in the description or without additional JavaScript customization on our end.

Users interested in accessing a finding aid from a collection's page in the collection discovery interface.

Users don't have a way to access finding aids or other links related to a collection from the collection page without putting the URL in plain text in the description or without additional JavaScript customization on our end.


Support conducting a blank search

Users should be able to search based on prefilters without needing to provide a search term. A user should be able to choose a combination of prefilters, initiate a search, and have all matching materials returned. An example of the need for this enhancement is a search that retrieves all of a library's materials in a foreign language. The current requirement to add a search term is needlessly limiting in cases when our users want to see all matching results, and the current option of using * or "*" does not work for all records and environments and requires the user to be aware of this unintuitive option.

One example: being able to find all of a library's materials in a foreign language.

Users that want to find all of our material that meets criteria specified in Advanced Search are occasionally stymied by the requirement that a search contain search terms (since they want everything that matches their query). Some other discovery layers (like Summon) do not require this. Workarounds like using * or "*" as the query are far from totally effective.


Support additional providers for Primo LinkTemplate CDI collections

Some providers require customer-specific parameters in the URL (not a proxy string), which is not possible for CDI records that are Link in Record. Currently, we can use Primo LinkTemplate CDI collections to add the customer-specific parameter for certain providers (Kanopy, Gale, and Naxos), but this does not cover all of the providers that require customer-specific parameters. We need support for additional providers in Primo LinkTemplate CDI collections, including Proquest, ProQuest Ebook Central, and EBSCO.

Proquest, ProQuest Ebook Central, and EBSCO link configuration.

Because we're not able to add our customer-specific parameters to Proquest, ProQuest Ebook Central, and EBSCO CDI records that are Link in Record, users experience broken links or links that don't provide full access to resources.


Primo VE: Limit Advanced Search Title indexes to Title fields - remove Subject Fields

Primo VE mapping for Display, Facets, and Search (

) clearly indicates the MARC title fields being used in these areas. In all cases, the Title field is mapping only MARC fields 245 and 130, and the Additional Title Fields are adding MARC title-oriented fields (including 24X, 4XX, and 7XX entries). Subject fields (MARC 6XX) are not included - and that's great! However, the Primo VE Advanced Search fields: Title (Contains) / Title Is (Exact) are not in fact limited to the title fields identified within the mapping documentation. Instead, MARC 6XX subject fields and their cross-references from authority records are being included in these searches, resulting in very confusing results for users. When users specifically select "Title" as an index to search within, they expect to find only results from within the title fields. Results from within subject fields and especially within unseen subject cross-references from authority records are not helpful to our users. The Primo VE "Title starts with" Advanced Search index appears to be using a more appropriate title-only index. The separate Browse by Title search in Primo VE uses the Alma title index, and produce more appropriate results. The errant subject fields and subject authority records should be removed from the Primo VE Advanced Search "Title (Contains)" and "Title is (Exact)" indexes to vastly improve the search experience and results satisfaction of our end users.




Primo VE: Course Information Display - Brief display and full details page

We would like to be able to modify the default elements of Course Information field displayed in the brief and details view of the full record in Primo VE. The default elements Course Code, Course Name and Course Instructor Name are all incorporated under Course Information field. See the screenshots attached. We would like to be able to add or delete the default elements or change their order. For example, we want to include only Course Code with the name and not the Instructor. This is not currently possible. I raised a case ((#00835289) and was referred to this idea below and suggested to explore via NERS. Currently this IDEA has 103 votes.




Local Data Search Scope Type made available for Reporting

We have setup a number of scopes based on Local Data and they are not available separately for reporting in Primo Analytics & Primo Action Usage. The Search Scope Type field only provides data for Blended, Local and PC. When you look in Alma, it displays all the scopes that are in use. It does not make sense that all separate scopes are together as Local Data in Analytics. Can Primo Analytics allow to report based on Code instead of the Search Type? Raised as a case (#00850165), then passed onto NERS.




Open URL records requiring import filter in EndNote

When importing records into Endnote via 'open url' records (e.g. from Databases, Google Scholar) in Primo, Endnote requires to select an import filter, whereas if the same resource is accessed directly in Primo and the RIS file downloaded, Endnote then does not require an import filter. Why does Endnote require an import filter for RIS download of records coming from 'open url' sources in Primo? Here are two examples: Example record coming from 'Open Url' - when you download 'Endnote RIS' file and open it in EndNote it requires an import filter to be selected

Example record directly in Primo. When you downloand 'Endnote RIS' file and open it in EndNote it does not require an import filter, the file is automatically added to EndNote library.

Case with Ex Libris (#00842992) confirmed this as expected behaviour which affects user experience.




Customisation of resource sharing status messages in the Primo My Library Requests tab

We request the option to customize patron-facing status messages during the interlibrary loan process. Client feedback clearly indicates that status messages that are meaningful for library staff can be misleading to the Primo end user. Note: The Borrowing RS Request Statuses Alma configuration page (Alma configuration / Fulfillment / Resource Sharing) does not include external description / customisation options like other mapping/code tables, e.g. Physical Locations or Discovery Interface Display Logic Labels. "The "Pick up" message gives the impression that the item is ready for pickup. UNSW patrons sometimes go to the library to pick up the item only to discover that the request is still in progress. Also, the message is not relevant to UNSW staff for digital copies as these are mailed to the requester. The ability to customise or optionally suppress this message is required per Resource Sharing type (physical or digital) and per request status (e.g. only display pickup details when the item is ready for pickup OR display "The digitised copy has been emailed to you") It must be possible to: a. Customise the patron facing status messages e.g. Change "ILL. Created borrowing request" to "Status: Your request is being processed" b. Optionally suppress the Pick up label and library name or to customise the message per request type (physical or digital) and request status.

As a University of New South Wales member of staff / post-graduate student, I want to clearly understand the current status of my interlibrary loan request so that I can track the progress of my item myself and know when it is ready for pickup / delivery. As a University of New South Wales Library staff admin I want the ability to customise the labels and messages presented to users at the different steps of the interlibrary loan process so that I can improve the user experience by clearly indicating to the user the status of their request and reduce the load on support staff having to answer user queries about the process.



Add "Request another item", "Check current requests" and "Close" options to the "Request placed" page that displays after a Primo Resource Sharing request has been placed

See the current Request placed page display attached. Add "Request another item", "Check current requests" and "Close" options to the "Request placed" page that displays after a Primo Resource Sharing request has been placed. Also, add the ability to customise the link text, add explanatory text and generally customise the page. Our clients sometimes need to create several requests at the same time. Currently the required navigation back to the request form is not obvious. The end user must know to close the current browser tab or select the original Primo tab to the left and then re-select the Interlibrary Loans link from the main menu. The ability to seamlessly access the request form would minimise confusion and save time. The ability to immediately access the myLibrary Requests tab to check which requests have been placed and their statuses is also desirable. Currently if the end user wishes to return to Primo s/he must either close the current browser tab or select the original Primo tab to the left. The ability to select a "Close" link on the page would provide a superior user experience. The current "Request placed" message that displays at the top of the page can be overlooked while the rest of the display is empty. The ability to customise the request placed text, links text, to add explanatory text and to make CSS changes would allow us to maximise the user experience.

As a University of New South Wales member of staff / post-graduate student, I want to be able to seamlessly create another request by not having to close and then reopen the request window, plus have the option to return to Primo so I can continue my other activities. This would make the process of submitting multiple requests more efficient



Provide the ability to view historic requests including Alma Resource Sharing requests

Provide the ability to view historic requests including Alma Resource Sharing requests: "¢ It is important for patrons to be able to see what they have already requested. If certain items are requested more than once copyright might be infringed. "¢ Cancelled requests (by both the requester and the library) should be included "¢ It should be possible to filter the list by request status and request type "¢ Alma Resource Sharing requests should be included. Our patrons previously used the Relais ILL system which permitted them to peruse historic requests. "¢ The option could be made accessible as for myLibrary LOANS Previous and historic loans

As a University of New South Wales student / member of staff, I want to be able to view my past requests, so that I have a central record of what I've requested and received and so that copyright is less likely to be infringed.



Add granular localization options for Collection Discovery

Currently, there is no way to control display of Collection Discovery in Primo environments for institutions in a consortium or for libraries by views in a single institution. This leads to all records displaying Collection Path links and Collection Lobby collections to all members in the consortia or to all libraries in the institution. An example of the undesirable display is materials for one library displaying in all other libraries when they are not owned nor accessible by any other library. As a result, many sites unfortunately cannot use Collection Discovery. This enhancement asks that configuration be added to allow for targeted localization of Collection Discovery by granular levels, for both individual libraries by view and institutions libraries in consortia. This will allow sites to choose to display Collection Discovery elements for only those selected views and libraries.


The reason this request is so important is that many libraries and consortiums are unable to use the Collection Discovery function due to the fact that the function is not localized. Currently is Library A activates a Collection in Alma/Primo then patrons from Library B see that collection in their Primo but it isn't for their own materials. It is very misleading and confusing to the patrons and the lack of localization for this feature means we are missing out on a piece of Alma/Primo functionality.


Create graphical user interface for Primo forms

Expanding on the extra form customisability developed in Alma last year, we would like there to be a GUI similar to Primo Studio (or built in to Primo Studio itself) where request forms could be altered rather than having to do this using CSS files or performing more complex work arounds in the current form sections in Alma. For example, we would like to be able to easily change the width and size of forms and fields, have the ability to add in stand-alone text or links in the place that you want it to go (so a moveable table structure). Essentially making it easier and less time consuming to make these more aesthetic changes as well as enabling more functionality to alter the form itself. At the moment, we are directed to Primo Studio to make design changes. This can work for aesthetics and some issues but not all. It also involves a big learning curve and a large amount of staff time for those who aren't developers when we need minor tweaks. A graphical user interface would make this easier for staff to learn.

Warning notice needed in the resource sharing request form to make users aware that physical resource sharing is not possible during the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the moment, we are directed to Primo Studio to make design changes. This can work for aesthetics and some issues but not all. It also involves a big learning curve and a large amount of staff time for those who aren't developers when we need minor tweaks. A graphical user interface would make this easier for staff to learn. With the form customisability voted for previously, this would enable us to communicate with users at point of need with warnings and embedded links.


Enable staff to see Primo from multiple User Group perspectives

Enable staff users to toggle between how users within different User Groups see the Primo user interface.

When making changes to any functionality that is conditional according to User Group.

When testing configuration changes to Alma and Primo, we often need to check how the Primo user interface appears to users in different User Groups. At the moment, this requires altering our own user groups in Alma multiple times and going back into Primo to check, or having multiple dummy patron records and using them to log in and out repeatedly.


Enable staff to toggle between Primo views

Give staff the ability to toggle between the different Primo views from inside Primo. This could also include a switch between Sandbox and Production environments.


Currently, the only way to move between different views is to create bookmarks for each one. This enhancement would enable a quick and easy switch between without relying on bookmarks or having to go back into Alma to navigate to the views from there, for sites who have added widget links.


Determine source for Autocomplete-suggestions in a blended scope

In Primo you can activate autocomplete to get suggestions for search-queries based on what the end-user begins to type in the search-box. We have tested the functionality and see that it could be useful for the end user to get these suggestions. However we see that the suggestions from the central index in some cases are a little strange and that you get suggestions from the entire index and not only the sources the institution has activated. This means that the end-user could get suggestions that gives 0 results. The local index suggestions seems to be a lot more accurate and useful. The source for suggestions are determined based on the scope. For local scopes you get the local suggestions, for a remote scope you get suggestions from the central index and in the blended scope you get suggestions from both local and central index. We would like an option in the scope-definitions in Primo to decide the source of suggestions for blended scopes. Meaning that we could decide that we would like to get only the suggestions from the local index and not from the central index in blended scopes.




Wrong holdings information for FRBR-grouped books outside of IZ

An institution owns a specific edition of a book, ex:

or look up Psykiatriboken : sinn - kropp samfunn in When extending the search scope to other libraries, they may find other editions of the book, which they don't own (

). The original/owned book's barcode is shown for the other edition(s) as well. This is unfortunate as it is quite confusing (contradictory messages, give the impression the library owns resources it doesn't), and can lead the user to order the wrong book. The availability status is correct but the holdings information is not. The ISBN should be used here to prevent tis from happening, instead of the holdings being based on the title only. According to Ex Libris (#00628723), this is by design: " this issue is indeed connected to the FRBR-grouping of the two records - because they are FRBR-grouped, you can see the items for both records in each of them". The only solution is to disable the FRBR-grouping. This is not an option for us to have it disabled in the local index, so we are hereby suggesting that another solution be found, preventing the problem described here, while having FRBR-grouping enabled. Submitted in Ideas Exchange:




Add integrated error reporting functionality to Primo

We would like functionality adding to Primo to make it possible for an end user to report problems they experience from within the platform. This could be accessed through a clickable button at the top of the screen, e.g. 'Report a problem'. Ideally, this would capture bibliographic details, screenshot/s, information about browser, browser version, and operating system, and user details if they are logged in. If they aren't logged in, they would be presented with a login prompt before going any further, although it should be possible to dismiss this and continue without logging in. The destination of the error reports would be configurable, such as into a task screen in Alma or to a designated email address. Fields related to error reporting would also be added to Analytics.

A new student who finds they are unable to log in can report the error message that they are seeing. A member of staff who can log into Primo finds they cannot get to the full text of any electronic resources that are authenticated through the proxy. They have a clear means for reporting this problem to the library. An associate member (external borrowers) is unable to place a patron physical item request to collect at the campus library that is closest to where they live. They let us know about this problem, including a screenshot of the pickup location options they are being asked to choose from.

Currently, error reports make their way to the library systems team through multiple channels, usually with inadequate information for diagnosing and fixing the problem. This means a great deal of staff time is taken up each time, often requiring them to ask the user for additional details or even arrange an phone call or a screen-sharing video conversation. Introducing an inbuilt, robust error reporting function into Primo would enable systems librarians to identify the underlying cause of any problems and implement solutions more quickly and easily.


Clearer messaging around simultaneous user restriction in Alma-D

We want to be able to configure a message that lets the user know they have been denied access to an item in Alma-D because of the simultaneous user restriction. Currently, we are only able to configure a generic access denied message.

Institutions that have multiple rules as a part of their access rights policies that include a simultaneous user restriction.

If there's more than one reason why the user can be denied access based on the access rights rule configuration, then the denied note has to awkwardly cover all those cases. That works very poorly in the simultaneous user case – i.e., maybe you can check back later for access, but maybe you actually don't have access at all. When the simultaneous user limit is reached, it's important to be able to definitively state that that's the reason the user can't access a given item in Alma-D so they know they can try again later.


Dedup or FRBR between local data and CDI data

Currently CDI does not support merging/Dedup/FRBR local records with CDI records. This is a recognised limitation to the system.

This is causing confusion to users when searching. We are aware that this is something Ex Libris is already aware of but are unsure if this has been fully picked up, so are submitting to add weight to any existing requests.


Allow the choice of master record in a dedupmrg group to be controlled / influenced via norm rules and source data.

Currently, it can be difficult, to control which record becomes the master record. Ideally, the primo admin should be able to set a weight for a particular pipe so that the highest weighted record becomes the master record of the dedup set.

For example, when catalog records overlay with OCLC WorldCat records, it is difficult to decide which record takes priority. frequently, local edits are not visible because another record has taken the role of 'master' record. It would be useful to pre-score certain pipes so their record takes priority in the dedup algorithm.



Support for universal IIIF viewer player (to support external DAMs).

The universal IIIF viewer (

) uses a json-based manifest to display zoomable images and multiple page documents.  We would like this functionality to create a new instance of the IIIF viewer within the fulldisplay area of a primo result if a URL exists in the PNX to a properly created IIIF manifest for a newly created value such as link:iiif.Please see:

 for IIIF-based example for video. Similar to player for images, a json-based manifest would be viewable if manifest link existed in item data within fullview display. Ideally, this could also be used for activated alexander street press and/or kanopy/digitalcampus collections and could be visible to patrons who are logged in to the system. The IIIF Viewer should also allow the display of multi-page books from DAMs that support that media with appropriate JSON metadata from their DAMs.

audiovideomulti-page books




We would like to have the option of moving the resource type facet group from the facets list to a new tab interface above the search results set. This would allow a similar user experience to Google, Bing and other mixed content-based search engines. We would ask that an 'All' tab be the default result set, but that highest to lowest or alphabetical faceting could be followed. Ideally, we would like news articles to be under a "news" tab. We would ask that facet counts be included to the side or under the title. The top 5 resource types could be included with a descending "more..." option with other resource types below.




Audio and Video Collection Discovery

As a library, I would like to offer a browsable search interface for videos and audio collections so that students have a familiar experience when searching for audio-visual materials. Ideally, the service would merge Alexander Street Press, Naxos, Kanopy, digital campus and other service provider holdings into a single browsable audio and video experience. Within this search interface I would like the following features: 1. An abbreviated clip should play on rollover of the item in collection discovery (this would require a new link in the link section of the PNX for preview) 2. The interface should track the 'played' status of a media clip, unless the patron deletes their media history 3. Videos should be played within an embedded IIIfviewer within the fulldisplay area of primo, with a directive in the pnx link section to the JSON manifest to play the video inside the IIIFviewer. Ideally, other external DAMs should be able to mimic the same JSON format to add videos to the collection pages. 4. I want analytics on how much of a video/audio that someone has viewed 5. If delivery is restricted, I want the user to be prompted to login to view the view. 6. Ideally, I would like the patron to have a history of what they watched/heard in their account section and a notification service when new videos are added. 7. if the user partially watched something, the interface should reflect that the item was partially watched or listened to.




Primo VE: Offsite Storage Availability Facet

Include offsite storage as a top-level availability facet. As a patron, I want to know what the library owns, but what is requestable.




Set Frequency of Saved Search

Users should be able to set the frequency of saved searches for each search, not the system as a whole, as different searches may have different levels of urgency for the patron




API to automate deploying view packages.

Provide an API to automate uploading and deploying of view packages so that web developers can incorporate Primo view-package changes into their 'continuous integration' frameworks.




Option to have a download link for search results emailed to me

As a scholar compiling comprehensive bibliographies. I woul like to be able to download/export search results beyond the current UI limits. For search result sets of up to about 2-3000 items, I would like to be emailed a download link so I can download all search results related to my work.




Improved ability to move all components of the Item Details Page, particularly 'Send to' actions

The Send to actions menu component is the only part of the full details page which currently can be reordered only by customization package. This request would add the Send To component to configuration options, so that all sections of a full record can be easily reordered.

As a user, I would like to see the Item Details Page ordered in the following way: (1) Where to get the resource (online/physical) (2) Metadata information (i.e. summary, etc.), (3) citation export options.



Primo My Account Loan Display Improvements

Currently, for patrons who belong to a consortia, the Primo My Account page displays all institutions that a library user has ever borrowed material from, regardless of whether or not they have active/historic loans or requests with that institution. We suggest a few changes to the Primo My Account loan and request pages for a better user experience. - The default My Account view will include all checked out materials / all requests / all historic loans in one page - The user will have the option to filter by any library where they have active loans / active requests / historic loans to see only the loans / requests from this specific library - The library filter on the My Account page shows the number of items checked out / requested in parentheses () next to the lending school - When a filter is applied, the view "snaps back" to the top of the page and the first loaned / requested item - "Renew all" applies to the currently displayed loans ("all" or "filtered by library") - Schools with no active loans, requests or fees are not displayed on the My Account page


Patron, particularly those in consortia, currently must hunt through a large list of institutions to find current loans and requests. These changes would provide all Primo patrons with an easy way of identifying all their loans, which schools they currently have loans with, and clean up the list of libraries they've interacted with when they are no current loans.


Add portfolio public note to the Brief Results page in Primo

When a user is looking at the brief results in Primo, the Alma portfolio public notes are not visible, and the user must take the extra step of opening the full record to see public notes. Users may not know to take this extra step and miss pertinent information about the resource, for example, when special instructions are given to access the resource (see screenshot). We would provide our users with a better experience if the portfolio public notes were also visible in the brief results. Users who currently don't access the full results often miss crucial information about the resource. This year, we will be able to see journal coverage on the brief results page as a direct result of a NERS enhancement. It would be wonderful to also see the public notes


Important details are not apparent unless the full record is displayed.Better user experience


Primo VE: Add more options to configure facets by prefilter and resource type

The configuration options for facets in Primo VE are currently very limited, and not at parity with Primo on Back Office. It is not currently possible in Primo VE for a single record to have multiple facets or prefilter resource type values, to better align with CDI in a blended search, it is not possible to configure the facet and prefilter resource type values separately and independently of the display resource type values, and these facets cannot be configured with sufficient granularity. As examples of this configuration issue to be made possible with this request: Example 1: Our display types are mostly based on physical format: print books, ebooks, microforms, audio CDs and so on. However, because we are able to apply multiple facet values to a record, those items above might also be able to facet as a dissertation or conference proceeding, etc. Our users are accustomed to being able to facet or limit by those multiple values. This difference in behavior can be seen in a search for "conference" in Primo Back Office (

) vs. our test instance of VE (

). In the Primo Back Office version, more records are identified as conference proceedings because we use more strategies to identify them as such. Also, if one limits to conference proceedings, they can then further limit by format, such as print book or audio CD. For prefilter, we also incorporate multiple resource types together into a single category (e.g., audio or video). This enables us to help users who are only interested in a specific format, such as streaming video, as well as users who wish to search for audio or video more generally. Example 2: As an example, we treat the audio and video resource types differently for facets and prefilter within Primo Back Office. For facets, we identify the specific resource type: e-audio/streaming audio, audio CD, audio cassette or LP. However, for prefilter, we incorporate these resource types together into a single audio category. Example 3: Applying the Local Resource Type "Microform" would replace the primary original resource type "Book," "Journal," "Map," etc. "" but in fact both the physical format "Microform" and the original resource type "Book" or "Journal" or "Map" would be needed.

1. Our users are accustomed to being able to facet or limit records by multiple resource type values within Primo NUI.The ability to assign multiple facet and prefilter resource types to a single record would allow us to continue to provide this service. 2. The ability to customize the granularity and independence of facet and prefilter resource types would enable us to help users who are only interested in a specific format, such as streaming video, as well as users who are interested in formats more generally, such as all audio or all video.

1. Information resources oftentimes have multiple aspects to them and users will search for those information resources according to whichever aspect makes the most sense to them. Providing users with access to all relevant aspects of an information resource ensures that they have the opportunity to refine their search in the best way possible. 2. We understand that information resources oftentimes have multiple aspects to them and that users will search for those information resources according to whichever aspect makes the most sense to them. Providing multiple modes of access to these resources is an inclusive approach that serves the greatest number of users.


Primo VE: Make it possible to add or exclude records from the OTB resource display types based on locally-defined conditions.

We would like to have more flexibility with Primo VE resource types and the related facet and prefilter values. There are situations in which we would like to be able to add records to an OTB resource display type that don't meet the OTB conditions. For example, for certain textual integrating resources that users are likely to think of as books, we use conditions based on the presence of form/genre headings to add them to the OTB "book" display type in Primo BO (e.g., open textbooks that are periodically updated:

). Conversely, we would sometimes like to be able to exclude records from a particular OTB display type. Here are two possible ways to accomplish this request: 1) Make the OTB resource display type rules locally editable. 2) Use a local field to override the OTB resource display type rule. For example, 999 $a could be defined as the local override field for resource types. Each OTB resource type could be associated with a code that could be added to 999 $a to force that record to have that OTB resource type. Conditions could be added to the OTB rules as follows in this example for conference proceedings: --If 999 is null, then execute the standard OTB rule for conference proceedings --If 999 is not null, then check if 999 = "conference_proceeding" -----If 999 = "conference_proceeding" then mark record as conference proceeding #force include -----If 999 != "conference_proceeding" then do nothing #force exclude

The ability to add or exclude records from the Primo VE OTB resource display types based on locally-defined conditions would provide us the flexibility to reassign records to different categories in order to meet the expectations of our users.

End users oftentimes have expectations of what Information resources are that does not necessarily match our coding of the metadata. Providing us the flexibility to reassign records to match user expectations helps us to serve the greatest number of users.


Improve the precision of CDI by allowing user to search Primo with or without "full text" active.

CDI searches full text of articles which creates situations where Primo displays search results have no apparent connection with the user's search string. In situations where the matching word is in full text, the matching word can be found only if the user steps through a few layers of interface and searches the full text of the article. Evaluating a source (whether it's brief record, full record, of full text) for relevance is an important task users do and librarians teach users to perform this as part of widely recognized information literacy standards. This user task takes considerably longer when CDI returns full-text of articles. For this reason, the current design degrades the usability of Primo. By adding the an option to "search full-text" in the search interface, the user can determine when they want to do this extra work or not, and the usability would be improved.




Add distinct display facet for author supplied keywords (aka identifiers) pulled from CDI metadata and currently displayed in full record display as "Subject" fields

Currently, when a user views or interacts with subjects displayed in records from CDI, controlled and uncontrolled vocabularies or keywords are not distinguishable, and the user is unable to ascertain which terms are actual subjects, and which are author or publisher supplied keywords or identifiers. We would like it to be clear when terminology is a subject (controlled vocabulary) and when terminology is an author or publisher supplied keyword or identifier.

A user searching Primo expects browseable subjects displayed in the full record or facets to be controlled vocabulary consistently applied across records. For CDI records, this is not the case, as author supplied keywords are included among displayed subjects, which results in an inconsistent user experience, and prevents libraries from configuring how and when author supplied keywords are displayed.

Author supplied keywords or identifiers can be a powerful tool for searching and browsing in Primo, but are not applied consistently, and may introduce search and display results that are undesired. The researcher has more control over their search experience when they are able to distinguish between controlled vocabularies and uncontrolled keywords--they can focus search use on terminology known to be from controlled vocabularies and use keyword/identifiers selectively as needed for a better search result. Additionally, by distinguishing these, the possibility is opened as a next step for libraries to control through configuration when and how uncontrolled vocabularies consisting of author or publisher supplied keywords or identifiers are displayed in their institution.


Primo VE: Customizing Subject Browse

Subject Browse in Primo VE is based on the Alma index for Browsing Bibliographic Subject headings. With a limited set of MARC fields available for that subject browse, it becomes a challenge to present subject browse in a way that takes advantage of this mode, particularly around names. The default setting does not include MARC21 600/610/611 in subject browse. This feature has been added to the new Alma metadata editor, but those settings do not carry over to Primo VE. Subject browse including names is a key pedagogical and research tool in many disciplines, particularly in the humanities, where the ability to browse subject headings related to a specific author is essential. However, this functionality is useful in any context where researchers are seeking information about prominent figures in their fields. Browse views allow for wayfinding and topic exploration useful for both the beginning stages of research and for a systematic approach to information seeking that allows for full use of the hierarchical structure of LCSH and MESH. Enhancing these would not only strengthen traditional catalog functions, but could allow for meshing with linked data or semantic searching such as Yewno provides. There are several possible technical approaches that would address this need. A first step would allow us to apply a setting to Primo VE that would include the MARC21 600/610/611 fields now available to Alma subject browsing. A second would be overall to be able to customize and tweak normalization rules about what 6xx fields and subfields are available to Primo VE, either by making these changes in the Alma Bibliographic Subject Headings browse, or being able to create new rules for Primo VE as was possible in Primo back office. Future enhancements in this direction could leverage other vocabularies, linked data, and CDI data to provide rich subject browsing.

Librarians teaching students need to be able to provide an overview of all work by a certain author. Researchers need to be able to have a thorough overview of subjects available in the catalog to effectively create a research plan.



Include print journals (without coverage specificity) when taking into account availability of CDI articles

In Primo, only the electronic holdings for e-books and e-journals are taken into consideration when determining the availability for a record/article from CDI. The libraries also have print/physical holdings of journals that can fulfill the needs of the end-user and that can fill gaps in electronic coverage. If the user searches for an article that the library only has as part of the physical journal holdings, and the library does not include the "Expand beyond collections" as the default search, the article will not show up in the search results. We would like CDI to read the ISSNs of the print journal holdings and calculate a new availability type, such that articles held in print in those journals, WILL be included in the search results, even when an institution does not default to "Expand beyond collections" in their search configuration. NOTE: this is a pared down version of a similar request from last year, which was rejected by ExL due to complexity. This less complex, and less functional request has been added to the ballot in its place. This enhancement may lead to false positives, because your print holding coverage DATES are not taken into consideration during CDI calculation, only the fact that you have print holdings in Alma for a given ISSN.

A Primo site by default includes CDI content that is available, and offers users the option to "Expand beyond collection" if they don't find what they are looking for. With this configuration, the library may have an article in print but not online, but the user would never discover that they can access this article at the library physically (and in some libraries, request it via Electronic Document Delivery), because it is excluded from the search results, and most users don't use the Expand option. If CDI can read the ISSNs from the print journal holdings and use them to calculate which journals are held in print, then CDI can include, without Expand Beyond, those articles in the default search results. A new availability type could be configured by the library to display as "Check holdings," for example.