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Table of Contents

Project Management

  • Working through the top issues reported by each functional area in the Satisfaction Survey with ex Libris product management. Analytics just finished up, ERM will be next with the other committees going through in turn.

  • Primo VE evaluation continues through the spring. The configuration step will be largely completed by the end of March. Testing will then begin and is planned to last into May.



  • Working Group

    • Campuses are advised to note the VE evaluation schedule available at Primo VE Evaluation Schedule . We anticipate Ex Libris involvement and attention time to decrease significantly after March 23rd so everyone with Basecamp access should submit any questions they have related to the Go VE process on that platform a.s.a.p. 

    • Our normal cmte. meeting happened, the minutes for which are here: 2021-02-19 Functional Committee Meeting notes Out of that meeting arose 2 forms related to drools for Primo VE. 

      • First, courtesy of Mark Braden: a form where you may submit drools you have created in your library to work with Primo VE metadata. Use this to share your contributions, drools will be made public on the confluence/wiki. 

      • Second: a form where you may request drool creation in order to rectify full record display problems that are impeding your ability to judge VE. VE - drool Creation Request Use this to make the drool experts aware of issues – though be mindful that there is a relatively small group of people working on this.

    • We held two VE Forums, one on 2/26 and one on 3/5. The recordings and topic notes for these forums are available here: VE Forums

    • We had an authentication troubleshooting call on 3/9, the recording of which is linked from the VE Forums page on the wiki. 
